I'll Quit Being a God

Chapter 471: The Agonizing Torment of Flesh and Blood

Chapter 471: The Agonizing Torment of Flesh and Blood

We purchased

Inside the peach grove on the back mountain, a towering and flourishing colossal peach tree stands silently.

As the enormous white wolf steps into the courtyard, a gentle breeze sweeps by, causing the leaves of the peach tree to rustle and seemingly emit joyful cheers.

And upon that branch, arranged in the celestial number of thirty-six, the divine fruits descend one after another, tracing graceful arcs as they fly towards Lu Heng. They seem eager to be plucked.

Upon witnessing such a spectacle, Lu Heng momentarily startled, and then with a smile, revealed his human form, and accepted the gradually approaching thirty-six divine fruits.

Standing under the peach tree, Lu Heng gazes at this accidentally nurtured All Souls Ancestral Root, sighing and saying, "You have waited patiently."

Although the All Souls Ancestral Root lacks sentience, it still exhibits simple emotions. From a certain perspective, it is the most pure and innocent disciple on Hanyu Mountain.

Even if billions of years were to pass, as long as it remains indestructible, it will still retain its original appearance.

Placing his palm gently upon the trunk, Lu Heng feels the exuberant joy and excitement of the spiritual root, causing a smile to unintentionally grace his face.

"Fret not, I understand your concerns," Lu Heng said with a smile, "As long as that monkey has not truly succumbed to the path of evil and is irredeemable, even if he is despised by the world and his reputation is utterly tarnished, I would not truly take his life."

Lu Heng's commitment made the lush branches and leaves of the peach tree tremble with joy once again.

Meanwhile, within the vast distance from Hanyu Mountain, inside the Arctic Skyark Palace, a pool of sanguineous blood violently erupted, seething with intensity.

The dense aura of blood curse surged within the grand hall.

Outside the blood pool, stood two figures. One was an enchanting and beautiful woman, draped in a magnificent divine robe, while the other was a young man in a white robe, cold and stern in expression, with a slender figure.

The two individuals stood outside the blood pool, silently observing the surging, turbulent aura of blood curse within, unaffected and indifferent.

Ultimately, amidst a terrifying roar, a grotesque creature, entirely covered in blood-red, emerged from the struggle within the blood pool.

This creature lacked facial features, yet possessed a slender waist, sharp claws, robust limbs, and several writhing tails.

Upon seeing the man and woman by the edge of the blood pool, it immediately cowered in fear and let out a hoarse roar.

"Demon King"

The young man dressed in white gazed coldly at it and said, "I merely wish to inquire, how much does the Heavenly Court know?"

The modus operandi of the Demon Lord, always so forthright and efficient, inspires awe.

The blood-red creature trembled and said, "To the Demon King, the Heavenly Court The Heavenly Court is probably fully aware We failed to eliminate the sacrifices in time The leading deity is the Heavenly Lord Gu Yan"

The blood-red creature trembled and uttered words of self-destruction.

Aware that it had messed up this matter and would undoubtedly not escape punishment from the current Demon King, it dreaded lying to the Demon King more than the prospect of a gruesome death due to the failure of its mission.

Countless demons and monsters have already proven that it is a fate more terrifying than death itself.

As expected, after the creature's words fell silent, the hall plunged into a deathly silence.

The young man in white attire gazed coldly at the monster in the pool of blood, remaining silent.

A stunning woman adorned in a magnificent robe watched the developments with keen interest, without any intention of speaking in favor of the blood-colored monster, even if it happened to be her former subordinate.

In the end, this unsettling and eerie silence endured for several moments.

The young man in white attire uttered coldly and mercilessly, "Considering your long years of service, I grant you a swift and satisfying end."

After speaking, the young man in white attire raised his hand directly, and with a tremendous force of attraction, he instantly captured the monster within the pool of blood.

Amidst the monster's piercing and agonizing screams, this recently rescued demon was torn apart into countless shreds of blood-red malevolence, all of which merged completely into the palm of the young man in white attire.

A terrifying demon, who had commanded the winds and rains for many years, was extinguished and devoured in such an understated manner.

However, the enchanting woman remained completely unsurprised by this.

She let out a soft laugh and said, "So it was your junior martial brother who personally took action It seems that even Superme God Lu has sensed something amiss. Truly, a worthy disciple of the Wolf God, silent and motionless for several decades, striking directly at the vital point with ruthless determination, truly astonishing."

"Now that our grand plan has been discovered by this Superme God Lu, how should we proceed?" Nine Phoenix asked with a smile. "That Heavenly Thunder Sword of hers is like a looming guillotine hanging over our heads, ready to fall at any moment Your Majesty, I am nearly frightened to the depths of my soul."

Amidst Nine Phoenix's light laughter, the young man in white attire cast a cold glance at her and said, "I see that you're quite pleased"

The young man's indifferent words instantly triggered another burst of laughter from the woman.

"Dislike~~ How could one find joy when one is constantly worried for Your Majesty," Nine Phoenix chimed, "Perhaps Your Majesty should venture to Hanyu Mountain and request the assistance of that legendary swordsman? It was recently rumored that the swordsman has comprehended the unparalleled art of 'Demon Heart Cuts the Sacred,' attaining invincibility. Even in a face-off against Supreme God Lu armed with the Heavenly Thunder Sword, they would not falter. If Your Majesty is able to persuade this formidable cultivator to lend a hand, we can rest assured."

Nine Phoenix actively strategized and devised plans.

The young man dressed in white shook his head indifferently and said, "Uncle Huo will not make a move, and there is still doubt about whether 'Demon Heart Cuts the Sacred' can truly rival the power of the Heavenly Thunder Sword. Although that sword technique is indeed supreme and enough to dominate the World of Eight Desolations, to claim it can stand against the Heavenly Thunder Sword"

The young man in white attire shook his head and said, "You cannot comprehend it unless you have truly witnessed the majesty of the Heavenly Thunder Sword. This sword left by our master has long surpassed the realm of ordinary imagination; it is not something that belongs in the mortal world."

"Demon Heart Cuts the Sacred, though it may be the pinnacle of the mortal realm, stands lower than the Heavenly Thunder Sword, which reigns supreme over all beings in the heavens and the earth"

Frowning and pondering for a moment, the young man in white said, "In any case, since the matter has already been exposed, there is no need to continue hiding. Let us release the news directly and announce that on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Sun Yan will be hosting the All Souls Blood Pool at the Arctic Skyark Palace. It will be a transcendence ceremony where flesh and blood ascend, and all cultivators of the demonic path are welcome to attend and witness."

"If the Heavenly Court wants to join in the fun, let them come."

"The struggle between righteousness and evil has lasted for over two thousand years; it is also time to determine who stands above the other."

The young man in white casually uttered words filled with an intense aura of killing.

The enchanting woman understood, that once these words were spoken, the northern realms would once again be thrown into turmoil, with blood flowing like rivers.

However, the horrifying sight of suffering souls didn't manage to frighten her.

She joyfully held the young man's hand, delightfully pressing his icy cold hand against her own face, displaying a fond attachment and infatuation.

"What I truly adore is your majestic and extraordinary aura, Your Majesty. It truly leaves one in awe," she expressed with heartfelt admiration.

However, the deep attachment of the Lord of the Nine Phoenix Palace was incapable of softening the cold, indifferent expression on the young man's face.

He lowered his head with an indifferent demeanor, gazing at the alluring woman by his feet, his icy gaze fixated upon her as if observing a mere instrument in motion.

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