I'll Quit Being a God

Chapter 459: The Heavenly Court

Chapter 459: The Heavenly Court

We purchased

The majestic and magnificent structure of the Fire God Temple, in no significant difference from Lu Heng's memories of the Fire God Temple, shares similarities in its scale, architectural style, attire of the wizards, and devout followers All Fire God Temples in the Fire Pass Country, with the exception of the one in the capital city, achieve a basic level of resemblance.

Even after four thousand years have passed, it remains unchanged.

The striking yet familiar Fire God Temple evoked an immensely nostalgic feeling in Lu Heng.

As he walked through the courtyard of the Fire God Temple, he was suddenly overcome with an illusion that he had never actually left.

However, the lively girl by his side, brimming with excitement, curiosity, and interest in everything, never failed to shatter Lu Heng's nostalgic sighs.

The White Dragon girl exclaimed joyfully, "Wow! Master, there are so many people here!"

Having only heard about the existence of other people in her master's stories, the girl was astounded to witness a multitude of diverse human beings today, broadening her horizons in an astonishing manner.

In response, Lu Heng smiled helplessly and said, "There are two wizards who have been watching you. You have caught their attention We came here to read books in secret, so let's not be too arrogant."

Upon finishing his words, Lu Heng waved his sleeve and led the White Dragon girl directly towards the depths of the Fire God Temple.

He never expected the wizards of Sanchi City to be so vigilant, as the White Dragon girl's mere liveliness immediately attracted the attention of the wizards It appears that the current situation in the Fire Pass Country is not as peaceful as it seems on the surface, does it?

Otherwise, during times of peace, the wizards of the Fire God Temple wouldn't be so tense.

Lu Heng realized this and restrained the girl's excitement, preventing her from drawing any further questioning gazes.

And he swiftly led the girl towards the depths of the Fire God Temple.

However, in the eyes of the two accompanying wizards, this lively girl still appeared joyfully energetic, with the demeanor of someone who had yet to experience the world and was visiting a human city for the first time. Moreover, she headed in the opposite direction of Lu Heng.

Lu Heng, accompanied by the astonished White Dragon girl, made their way through the crowd, brushing past the two wizards who were tracking certain individuals, unaware that the very person they were following was right beside them.

After watching the two wizards depart, the girl stuck out her tongue and exclaimed, "Are the Fire God wizards always so serious? Can't they allow someone to be happy for even a moment?"

Lu Heng shook his head and said, "Your behavior, resembling that of a rustic bumpkin entering the city, getting all excited over potted plants, is not a normal form of merriment. It's as if you're a monster that has just transformed for the first time and entered the city. Therefore, it's natural for wizards to regard you with a different perspective."

However, the degree of scrutiny and wariness with which they regard me is somewhat abnormal.

Of course, Lu Heng didn't reveal this to the girl.

He led the girl directly towards the depths of the Fire God Temple, seeking to find the library of the Fire God Temple.

As they ventured further inside, the number of pilgrims and devotees dwindled, while the presence of solemn wizards grew increasingly prominent. Eventually, everyone passing by them were solely those serious-faced wizards.

Everyone wore tense expressions, as if something significant had occurred. The entire atmosphere of the Fire God Temple seemed slightly rigid and chilled.

In response, the girl couldn't help but mutter, "Has something happened? Why do these wizards not appear as amiable and approachable as you described, Master?"

Even the innocent and lively girl sensed something amiss at this moment.

Lu Heng shook his head, indicating his lack of knowledge. Leading the girl through one courtyard after another, they failed to find the library, but instead encountered numerous busy figures of wizards.

Just as Lu Heng contemplated the risk of being discovered and using a small spell, two green figures appeared in their field of vision.

They were the two youths, Qingyu and Qingye, whom they had previously encountered.

These two young men in green robes had just entered from outside, and as soon as they did, they hurriedly made their way towards the depths, their purpose evident.

Upon witnessing this scene, the girl couldn't help but exclaim, "Master! These two boys are trying to deceive us!"

The girl stared wide-eyed and said, "Didn't they claim to be sent by the elder to investigate the situation? Why have they ended up in the Fire God Temple? Could it be that this place is, indeed, the fabled Linmu Mountain?"

Lu Heng smiled and said, "Perhaps their elder is right inside the house?"

Saying so, Lu Heng, accompanied by the girl, followed the footsteps of those two young men in green robes, wanting to see why these two youths, who claimed to be from the Linmu Mountain, had returned to a place that was the Fire God Temple.

The four of them walked in a single file through the Fire God Temple, yet neither the passing wizards nor the two young men in green robes had noticed Lu Heng, who had been following them all along.

They were arguing about something.

"That senior definitely knows the Sword King! When I mentioned the name Sword King, his expression immediately changed! This is definitely not the reaction of someone who hasn't heard of the name Sword King!" Qingye said like this.

Next to him, Qingyu said, "I noticed that his reaction to the name 'Sword King' wasn't significant, but when it comes to the name 'the Yun sect,' his reaction is much stronger. The ancient 'the Yun sect' When you mentioned this title, his surprise was genuine, without any pretense. It is evident that in his era, 'the Yun sect' was not a mystery I suspect that he is not actually a senior of 'the Yun sect'! He is using the name of 'the Yun sect' for disguise, after all, as the elder said, during ancient times, disciples from 'the Yun sect' were everywhere, completely different from now, and it would be the easiest to conceal one's identity by using the most common and ordinary sect."

The girl listened to the argument between the two young men and giggled, saying, "Master, you were exposed right from the start"

Lu Heng smiled and said, "It was intentional on my part, my apprentice."

Saying so, he continued to listen to the two young men's explanations.

However, the two of them stopped talking and even their demeanor and gestures became respectful.

The atmosphere in the air also underwent slight changes.

The curious White Dragon maiden asked, "Master, why have they stopped talking?"

Lu Heng smiled warmly and glanced towards a nearby location, saying, "Because their elder is just ahead. It is only natural to avoid making noise in front of one's seniors."

Behind the barrier that isolates divine perception, beyond three walls, two individuals were engaged in a conversation.

However, the isolation imposed by the prohibition renders the outside completely unaware of everything transpiring within.

Following closely behind two young men in green robes, Lu Heng and the White Dragon maiden crossed three checkpoints guarded by wizards, finally arriving within the confines of the barrier that separated the inside from the outside. There, they beheld two cultivators engaged in conversation.

One of them is a middle-aged man dressed in green robes, carrying a gigantic gourd by his side. His attire resembles that of the two young men in green, suggesting that they belong to the same sect.

The other person, draped in a black robe and with a small snake dangling from his ear, is none other than the Wuzhu from Sanchi City.

After the two young men in green robes appeared, the black-robed Wuzhu ceased his speech and looked towards the duo, asking, "Have you two discovered anything on your journey?"

In this regard, the two individuals didn't dare to be neglectful. They immediately respectfully recounted the incident of encountering an ancient senior during their assigned investigation.

After listening, both Wuzhu in the black robe and the young man in green robes furrowed their brows ever so slightly.

The young man in green robes exclaimed in surprise, "An ancient senior from the Yun sect? Possibly acquainted with the Sword King? If that's truly the case, then this elder's seniority is quite remarkable."

Qingye respectfully said, "To the sect leader, that elder's strength is extraordinary. Just his aura alone left the two of us in awe. Even the young maiden in white beside him, her cultivation surpasses ours by far, and she is truly unfathomable"

Wuzhu in the black robe frowned and said, "However, I have never heard of a name like this before, even though this ancient elder possesses such profound cultivation. They seem to be completely unaware of the current situation Could it be an ancient being who has been in seclusion for many years?"

The Wuzhu in the black robe and the young man in green robes exchanged a glance, and the young man said, "If it truly is an ancient being who has been in seclusion for many years, then this matter carries tremendous implications. I, of the Linmu Mountain, must report it to the Heavenly Court for their knowledge Wuzhu, please excuse me, I must return now, but we shall meet again another day."

Saying this, the young man in green robes stood up directly, indicating his intention to leave no longer wishing to stay.

Regarding this, the Wuzhu in the black robe was not surprised at all. He stood up to see off the guest and said, "Sect leader Lin, travel safely. I shall visit you another day."

A black-robed Wuzhu and a sect leader bid farewell to each other and departed in their respective directions.

Meanwhile, in the courtyard, the young girl who had been observing all the developments was somewhat bewildered.

"Ah? They're leaving already? So abruptly?" The perplexed young girl gazed at those who were departing, then turned to Lu Heng and questioned, "Master, what is this 'Heavenly Court' they mentioned? Why have I never heard you mention it before? Why must we report the discovery of an ancient predecessor to the Heavenly Court? This 'Heavenly Court' seems quite esteemed"

The young girl was filled with questions and doubts.

Beside her, Lu Heng was also quite helpless.

"You ask me, but who shall I ask?" Lu Heng followed the footsteps of the three individuals towards the Linmu Mountain, saying, "In my era, I had never heard of the name 'the Heavenly Court' It must have been an organization established after my departure."

And this organization actually has the audacity to call itself the Heavenly Court? Quite an arrogant tone they have

Seemingly possessing an immense amount of power

What about the Human Emperor Palace?

Is it not the Human Emperor Palace that rules over the four seas? With the Human Emperor Palace in existence, how dare anyone establish an organization called the Heavenly Court

Or perhaps, this so-called Heavenly Court is actually an evolved version of the Human Emperor Palace?

Following behind the trio at Linmu Mountain, Lu Heng's curiosity about the current state of the Celestial Desolation Realm grew even stronger.

It appears that everything here has undergone significant changes in the four thousand years since his departure.

Moreover, these changes are likely to be unprecedented in tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, of years past

After all, in the information Lu Heng had encountered before, the Celestial Desolation Realm had maintained a wild and untamed appearance, unchanged for hundreds of thousands of years.

The Heavenly Court, the sects, none of these exist before.

Little did he expect that just after his departure of four thousand years, concepts such as the Heavenly Court and sects would suddenly emerge

Curious Lu Heng, accompanied by the equally curious young White Dragon maiden, departed from the Fire God Temple, following the three individuals from the Linmu Mountain.

With the personal farewell of Wuzhu in black robes, the three individuals from the Linmu Mountain directly soared away on streaks of light, heading towards the distance, their disposition imposing.

Lu Heng, accompanied closely by the young White Dragon maiden, trailed behind unnoticed and undetected.

In the high skies, the young White Dragon giggled and said, "Master, what if we were to follow them to the so-called Heavenly Court? Would the prominent figures of the Heavenly Court notice us? And, Master, considering your former fame, if any familiar old friends were serving in the Heavenly Court, and they were to catch a glimpse of you, would their astonishment be so great that their eyes would pop out?"

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