I'll Quit Being a God

Chapter 94: Old Monster Lu Heng

Chapter 94: Old Monster Lu Heng

Lu Heng's commitment made the Requiem Seal extremely happy.

Lu Heng said with a smile, "Well, it's time for us to return to the world."

"My relatives and friends are all waiting for me."

After that, Lu Heng directly took the Requiem Seal back into his soul.

And the seal, which has the power to suppress souls, didn't resist, and obediently let Lu Heng accept it into his soul.

Lu Heng was the only one left in the dark ghost world.

He took a deep look at the desolate and dead world and left directly.

Although it is difficult to build a netherworld, it is a good thing for the people.

Moreover, with this Requiem Seal, he also has a little more self-defense means.

If he encounters an enemy, he can directly throw the seal out and pull the other party into the dark and desolate ghost world, which is enough to make all the enemies feel desperate.

Today's netherworld has no access to the world. Unless Lu Heng is willing to let his enemies leave, they will be trapped after entering.

The Yellow Spring Road can only enter but not exit. Although there is a whirlpool of reincarnation on the dead river that reaches the human world, no one can leap through the dark and weird weak water.

Now the Naihe bridge has not been built, except Lu Heng, who is in charge of the nether world, can fly over the weak water. If others step into the nether world, no matter how high their cultivation base are, they cannot fly above the weak water.

As for crossing the weak water, it is even more absurd.

The weak water is cold and anyone who falls into it will sink straight. Until the moment when the soul is melted by the cold and weak water, he cannot touch the bottom of the river.

Unless Lu Heng uses his power to save people, there will be no life if they fall into this river. It is a first-class dangerous place.

In this way, if Lu Heng encounters some enemies that are inconvenient to kill with heavenly thunder, he can use Requiem Seal to pull them into the nether world and take care of them slowly.

Thinking of this, Lu Heng's mind turned. The desolate ghost world, the blooming flowers on the other bank, and the silent surging dead River… All these quickly faded in Lu Heng's vision.

The dark world sped by rapidly in front of him, and his soul seemed to travel quickly in the dark.

After several breaths, Lu Heng felt down-to-earth again.

He opened his eyes and found himself standing on the island in the Youtian valley. Surrounded by the body of the White Wolf, and Xiao Ai and Huo Feng guarding the side of the white wolf.

"Lord Wolf God!"

The moment Lu Heng appeared, the little girl breathed a sigh of relief, "You are finally back!"

Lu Heng's sudden disappearance scared Huo Feng to death, thinking that Lu Heng was secretly murdered by the strange black yellow seal.

But Xiao Ai was much calmer.

After she was rescued by Lu Heng, her existing state was actually similar to the so-called enslaved ghost. Her soul was vaguely connected with Lu Heng, and she could feel that the Wolf God had not been injured but had just left here.

So although she was worried, she could calmly stay by the body of the White Wolf and wait for the return of the Wolf God.

Now, seeing Lu Heng return to the world, although the little girl was forced to make a calm expression, her mood was not as calm as her face suggested.

Lu Heng clearly felt the emotions in the little girl's heart. He couldn't help smiling and pat the little girl's head, saying, "I’m back, don’t worry."

With that, Lu Heng looked at the strange human-faced owl not far away.

At this time, the strange bird was squatting on the thatched cottage, was secretly staring at Lu Heng with a strange look.

When Lu Heng saw it, the human-faced owl screamed sharply, "What's the origin of you, white wolf? You can control the thunder, and now you make all the water in the secluded spring disappear… You! Where on earth did you come from? How come I've never heard your name before?"

What the human-faced owl saw today has completely scared it silly.

For evil creatures with evil spirit Qi, thunder was the most terrible thing in the world.

But now someone can control the thunder of heaven?

Even the water of the secluded spring that has existed in the secluded valley since ancient times has been lost by the other party by unknown means… It is the water of the secluded spring!

No matter the level of cultivation, when the flesh touched the water it will melt.

Even Wu Gu could only use special methods to collect some, and also treated them carefully for fear of touching it.

But now the whole pool of dark spring water has been completely removed by the White Wolf… How did it do it?

And this guy can also control the heavenly thunder… Such an existence has never been heard of in the past!

Even among those famous ancient gods and beasts, the white wolf is probably the most ferocious.

But this is also what human-faced owls cannot understand.

If such a ferocious and terrifying ancient divine animal really existed, it would have heard Gu Wu mention it.

But now it's weird that such a terrible existence does exist, and it has never heard of his reputation… It's impossible!

The Spirit mountain recorded many vicious animals in the world. If there really is a divine beast that can control the sky thunder, it is impossible that the ten Witches of the Spirit mountain don't know about it.

It can't be that he just appeared recently…

The human-faced owl stared at Lu Heng and said, "Where on earth did you come from?! What is your reason for coming to this world? What is the origin of the dark yellow seal in the deep spring? Why did it fly out as soon as you appeared? Was the seal one you left here before?"

"But this secluded spring existed here long ago, and this Valley has existed since the beginning of the human era in the world."

"But you threw the seal in here before the human era started… You old monster, what era are you from?"

The human-faced owl was afraid and frightened, and its feathers trembled all over. "Birth, old age, illness, and death are the order of heaven and earth. No one has ever been able to disobey it. But you can live so long without dying… You old monster! You are going to be punished by heaven. Do you know that?"

"If you disobey the order of life and death, you will be punished by heaven!"

The human-faced owl was scared silly, and screamed in horror. The exaggerated cry made Lu Heng quite speechless.

Because he found that after the human-faced owl's nonsense was finished, even Huo Feng looked at him with strange eyes.

Lu Heng had a headache and said, "You strange bird have a strong imagination ability… Unfortunately, although you are logical, you guessed it all wrong. I'm not the old monster you think I am, so don't worry about me being punished by heaven. I'm still young."

Lu Heng's words are of course true. Even if you add the age of the wolf demon, he is only more than 200 years old. He is really young compared to other "Monsters" in this world.

"And you don't have to pretend to talk to me," Lu Heng said. "I'm not as terrible as you think, I won't do anything to you, and I don't have any conspiracy. So you can stop a little bit and stop barking."

Lu Heng said helplessly, "Your cry is too unpleasant to hear. It is simply mental pollution."

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