I'll Quit Being a God

Chapter 73: Huo Feng of the Yun Sect (2)

Chapter 73: Huo Feng of the Yun Sect (2)


"Who’s there? Show yourself!"

The sudden upheaval startled everyone in the caravan.

The moment Huo Feng flew backward, all the men jumped up and stretched out their hands to draw their swords.

While shouting loudly, everyone looked around nervously, trying to find out the enemy who plotted against Huo Feng, and at the same time, they also took precautions against sneak attacks in the dark.

However, the empty post house was silent, and only the crackling sound of firewood burning sounded from time to time.

The little girl in the corner just glanced coldly at them, then looked away and continued to roast the rabbit meat.

Everyone was on alert for a while, but no enemy was found, and no one was attacked again. It seemed that Huo Feng flew out by himself.

Such a strange situation made the people confused.

But the caravan people have traveled far and wide for many years, and they have seen many strange things. Even though they didn't see the enemy, they were still nervous and didn't dare to lower their vigilance.

Only leader who guessed a little of the truth squatted beside Huo Feng and anxiously checked his partner's injury.

At this time, Huo Feng, pale as paper, breathed intermittently.

Clearly, he is a cultivator who can fight lions and tigers and is not afraid of demons, but now he is breathing heavily, and even the injury is so unclear

The leader looked at the girl and the wolf in the corner in horror, and didn't know what to do.

Just took a look… Old Huo just took a look…

The leader repented.

He knew that he had hurt Old Huo. If it weren't for Old Huo's magic eyes, the White Wolf wouldn't have suddenly attacked him.

But what happened just now happened too fast. Everything was between lightning and flint. Old Huo just opened his eyes and took a look, and then flew out in an instant.

The team leader didn't know what happened at all. He didn't even see how Old Huo was injured.

The only thing he is sure of is the existence of one girl and one wolf in that corner, which they can't offend…

In a dignified atmosphere, the leader swallowed his saliva and forced himself to stand up, ready to walk towards the white wolf.

But at this time, the White Wolf, who had been lying by the fire and sleeping with his eyes closed, opened his eyes.

Seeing the situation of the caravan, the White Wolf sighed and said, "Xiao Ai, go and pour a cup of wine for Mr. Huo. Since we have seen it, we can't just let him die like this…"

The White Wolf sighed softly and suddenly opened his mouth, which startled everyone in the caravan.

Strange animals and fierce birds are not terrible, but the animals that can speak human words must be demons!

Most of these monsters are evil and terrifying. If you meet one in the wilderness, you will be doomed!

Is it the white wolf who secretly murdered Old Huo?

Everyone in the caravan looked frightened and thought of this possibility.

But even Huo Feng, who had a strong cultivation base, fell instantly. These 23 people… Are they all going to become the food of this demon tonight?

Everyone in the caravan was pale, and the impact of the White Wolf's words was so great that most people didn't notice the content of the White Wolf's words.

The little girl stood up respectfully beside the White Wolf, nodded and said, "Yes."

With that, she gently pricked the stick with roast rabbit meat in her hand to the ground, and the stick directly pierced into the compacted hard soil. The use of strength made all the men worried - this girl was indeed not simple!

However, Xiao Ai didn't care about the fear of these strong men. After putting down the roast rabbit, she took out a pot of wine from her bag and walked towards the crowd.

"This peach blossom wine is a holy healing medicine. Uncles, you can take a bowl, and fill some wine for Mr. Huo. It can save his life."

The girl with silver hair and ears stood a foot away from the crowd and didn't get close.

But even so, everyone in the caravan was still nervous. However, when they looked at the leader and saw that the leader nodded, they silently put down their swords.

Someone leaned over carefully with a bowl, but the little girl didn't directly kill him as they feared.

She opened the cork of the wine pot and poured some wine out.

The moment the plug was pulled open, a faint and elegant fragrance of peach blossoms filled the room.

All the people who smelled the fragrance subconsciously took a deep breath and inhaled the faint fragrance of flowers into their hearts. At that moment, everyone in the caravan felt refreshed and light, and the fatigue of traveling in the daytime was completely eliminated.

At this moment, how can these men not know that the peach blossom in the pot is an amazing thing? They all put down their guard and looked forward to seeing the clear liquor in the porcelain bowl fed to the mouth of the unconscious Huo Feng.

Amazingly, after the wine slipped into Huo Feng's throat, the man who was pale and breathed intermittently soon regained color on his face.

After dozens of breaths, Huo Feng, who was dying, opened his eyes again.

Although he was still weak, he could barely sit up and look at the people present.

Huo Feng was stunned for a moment and quickly saluted the white wolf in the corner.

"Thank you for saving my life, elder!"

When he opened his magic eyes, he saw a fiery and terrifying scene. Like the terrible scene of thousands of thunder surging, a mass of white light exploded in his vision.

At that moment, he seemed to be submerged by endless terrifying thunder, and the fear he had never experienced flooded his mind.

He felt death.

Now he woke up and looked around the room. How could he not understand that the White Wolf saved him? So he bowed down and thanked the white wolf immediately.

This bow was respectful and sincere, coming from the bottom of his heart.

Although in the eyes of the public, he was just unconscious and woke up. But for Huo Feng, he knew that he has been wandering between life and death.

Without the help of the White Wolf, he would soon be out of breath.

And the great terror between life and death still made his heart feel chilly. The terrifying experience of the Heavenly Thunder drowning himself has broken his Tao heart and made him almost unable to maintain the operation of spirit Qi in his body.

His smile was a little bitter, knowing that after this night, he would be unable to continue cultivating…

The White Wolf beside the fire looked at the bitter face of the man who bowed and saluted. After thinking for a while, he said, "Come here and talk to me. I still have a good impression of your Yun sect."

Lu Heng's words stunned Huo Feng, and then he was ecstatic. He hurried over and stood beside the White Wolf, "Thank you, elder, please ask anything you want to know."

Lu Heng glanced at him, shook his head and said, "You haven't recovered from your injury. Sit down and rest first. Don't be too formal in front of me."

Huo Feng nodded, cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Senior."

With that, he sat directly on the ground.

In front of such masters, if they are blindly modest and restrained, they will be disliked.

Huo Feng's nature is not that kind of literate person. He naturally listens to Lu Heng's words.

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