Chapter 111: The Wu Clan's Second Junior

The thunder is the most ferocious and peerless force in the world.

Since ancient times, there has never been any cultivator who can control it.

Lu Heng accidentally cast the heavenly thunder to be his cultivation base.

Although he has set foot on a broad road that no one has ever walked, it also means that Lu Heng can only explore how far this road can go alone.

For Lu Heng, the past cultivation experience is only that of the reference value, and it is impossible to give him detailed guidance.

Now, after reading the secret collection of the Yun sect and the bamboo slips in his hand, Lu Heng suddenly woke up.

In the past, he fell into the error of empiricism and tried to deduce his own cultivation by using the cultivation methods of ordinary demons.

However, the heavenly thunder is particularly fierce, and Lu Heng's cultivation base is also unusual. If he wants to deduce his own cultivation by means of common demon cultivation methods, it is like cutting a mark on the side of one's boat to indicate the place where one's sword has dropped into the river.

Perhaps this is the real reason why he has been unable to break through and open the door to heaven.

In the courtyard, Lu Heng was stunned; he unconsciously flipped through the bamboo slips in his hands. It seemed that he was still reading and deducing the method of hiding spirit Qi recorded on the bamboo slips.

Only in the past two hours, Lu Heng had already confirmed that it couldn't apply to his own situation.

The heavenly thunder couldn't be hidden by using the spirit Qi hiding methods of human cultivators.

But Lu Heng was not depressed.

Because of this volume of bamboo slips, he saw the most profound secret technique.

Even though this secret technique could not be used by him, the exquisite method of concealing spirit Qi broadened his vision and greatly inspired Lu Heng, making him suddenly wake up and understand what he lacked.

His cultivation base is different from other people's, and he could only develop it by himself.

Trying to rely on other people's secret skills is too fantastic.

When he thinks about it carefully, since he woke up in this world, all the secret skills he holds now come from his own perception.

Whether it's the heavenly thunder or the punishment clouds, these are all magic powers that Lu Heng realized alone. There has never been any record of such magic powers in the past.

Perhaps, I should go to see the cultivation secrets of other cultivators.

If I can read all the books and broaden my horizons, I can learn from the strengths of all sects, and perhaps I can walk out of my own thoroughfare.

Of course, before that, I need to read this volume of bamboo slips thoroughly.

Lu Heng was greatly inspired by the mysterious skills recorded on the bamboo slips.

Now he was sitting quietly in the courtyard, holding a bamboo slip in his left hand, and pinching his right hand. There was a faint ray of thunder flowing between his fingers.

Although it was not a killing move, it released a horrible breath.

However, the power of thunder and lightning surging in Lu Heng's hands was not fierce. Even if the lightning flashed, it didn't have the slightest ferocity. Its power was even inferior to ordinary wind and thunder.

If people who didn't know the situation saw it, they would never think that the flashing light was the fierce and powerful heavenly thunder.

Lu Heng was in a good mood when his fingertips were shining.

Although he could only hide a trace of it now, he had found the secret. If he continued to study in this direction, maybe one day he would not only be able to perfectly hide his spirit Qi, but also hide the lightning blot that he threw out.

Of course, that may be a long time later…



In the secluded courtyard behind the Fire God Temple, Lu Heng devoted himself to cultivation.

In the bustling Fushan City, Huo Feng, with a bamboo basket on his back and a small Gu eagle squatting on his shoulder, had arrived near the wharf outside the city.

The hustle and bustle of Fushan city are more prosperous than he imagined.

So he was in a good mood after spending nearly a day in the city.

Not to mention the little Gu eagle named Gu Yan.

Although this little guy has lived for more than 60 years, he had been as naive as a child. Even when the river god was busy and unable to accompany him, she would certainly arrange for two maids to follow him day and night.

So Gu Yan was more like a pet than to be her son.

Because this little Gu eagle's mind was too simple that it was no different from a pet.

Although Gu Zhou, the river god, is his mother, the little Gu eagle was more close to the two maids who were responsible for feeding and protecting him.

Now that Lu Heng led him to cultivate, the little Gu Eagle is gradually obtaining wisdom and would soon understand who is his most important family member.

But for now, the little Gu eagle is only a slightly clever beast, full of curiosity about everything in the world.

Although Huo Feng was also amazed at the bustle of Fushan City, he had traveled far and wide for many years, so he wasn't too surprised to see new things here.

The Little Gu eagle was different.

It was his first-time setting foot in a human city, and it was such a prosperous human city too. Gu Yan was so excited that he could not help fluttering his wings.

If it hadn't been for Huo Feng who tied one of Gu Yan's claws with a rope before going out, the excited little Gu Eagle might have flown away.

"Wow! WOW!"

On the crowded dock, the excited cry of the little Gu eagle, like a baby crying, attracted many people's attention.

Most of the traveling merchants would look at him curiously, and some people with sharp eyes even recognize Gu Yan's identity.

However, they are often strong people who can enslave strong animals.

Compared with those ferocious beasts, the little Gu eagle on Huo Feng's shoulder is not very special.

Although it was eye-catching, it was only to the extent that people would take a glance.

In the crowd, Huo Feng looked around and stopped in front of one of the vendors from time to time to ask about the price and select raw fish.

This crowded dock is completely different from the deserted appearance that they saw last night.

The traveling merchants, the porters who were busy loading and unloading, and the various vendors made the place very lively.

Huo Feng was now located in a fish market on the edge of the wharf.

He and Gu Yan had been walking around the city for almost a day. Now it's getting late. He should prepare dinner for the Wolf God.

Due to those limiting conditions, Huo Feng's cooking skills could not be fully displayed before.

Now that he has finally moved into the human city, he has been eager to cook for a long time. He only needs to purchase ingredients and then show his skills tonight to let Xiao Ai and the Wolf God taste his real cooking skills.

Huo Feng was eager to try, while Gu Yan, squatting on his shoulder, poked his head and looked curiously at the fish displayed by the vendors.

In the fish market, the fishy smell was very strong.

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