Chapter 699: I Have a Friend

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Actually, it was not a spontaneous idea, but something Su Yang had planned.

Coins are generated based on the number of people affected, while the system’s definition of people being affected was that they needed to be guided to go through a positive change.

Apart from that, the person who had contacted Su Yang was a famous streamer who had quite a few fans. The streamer’s category was on gaming, so amongst his viewers, there would have been some who would play games for too long hours and even some who would charge money into the game even though they were not financially capable.

As long as Su Yang used [Verbal Cannon] to guide them to not be overly addicted to gaming during the live broadcast, it was highly possible for them to change for the better. In other words, Su Yang might be able to obtain some coins.

Hence, Su Yang pondered over his idea and felt that it made sense and had a high chance of it being able to work.

With that thought, he accepted the streamer’s friend request.

As a professional entertainment streamer, Liu Dabai would pay more attention to his daily live-streams. So, of course he was going to pay extra attention to this “guest” whom he had invited.

Hence, he had asked his assistant to help him keep the game online so that he would be able to debrief his “guest” about the details after the friend request had been accepted.

Therefore, after Su Yang accepted his friend request, his assistant saw it immediately. Then, after reporting to Liu Dabai, he sent a private message to Su Yang to explain the situation before suggesting that they have a more in-depth discussion on WeChat.

Since Su Yang’s plan required this streamer as well, he agreed to it and they added each other on WeChat to start chatting.

Thus, the assistant told Su Yang about how the entire thing started, as well as the fee and what Su Yang needed to do. In the assistant’s impression, this was supposed to be a simple matter. After all, he had negotiated with such guests many times and most of the questions would be about the price and the amount of time they would have to show up for. Of course, there were also those who did not want to participate in the live-stream, so Liu Dabai’s assistant had all the experience required to deal with the various situations.

However, this time, he was surprised because after he was done talking, Su Yang neither agreed nor disagreed. Instead, he had made his own request, whereby he did not want to be paid, but wanted to have a public service advertisement broadcasted during the live-stream.

Hence, due to the fact that he had never received such a request before, his assistant did not dare to make a decision and could ask Liu Dabai to deal with Su Yang personally.

After Liu Dabai took his phone and chatted with Su Yang for a while, he decided to initiate a voice chat to save time.

Hence, after the call went through, Su Yang started to explain his thoughts.

Initially, when he heard Su Yang say that he was going to make a public service announcement, Liu Dabai did not mind. However, when he heard Su Yang say that his public service announcement was to prevent players from indulging in games and to spend more time with their families, he slowly frowned.

He was an entertainment streamer and a streamer who played Honor Of Kings. So, his main bread and butter would be to sit and play games and as long as his gameplay became popular, his audience would increase as well.

Furthermore, live-streaming was mainly about receiving tips, which relied heavily on the audience’s “irrational” spending. So, if the audience were to be brainwashed into spending rationally, the amount of tips they received might be affected.

At that thought, Liu Dabai wanted to reject Su Yang’s suggestion.

However, at that moment, his assistant passed him a note.

Liu Dabai lowered his head to take a look. ‘Couldn’t this also have some kind of a kind of effect during your live-stream?’

Liu Dabai carefully ruminated over these words. After thinking about it for a while, his eyes lit up. ‘This might actually be doable.’

Therefore, he talked to Su Yang about the public service announcement in the voice chat and gave some suggestions.

For example, he hoped that Su Yang could come up with a persona, maybe a gaming fan who was a little slow-witted. Then, he would speak in a cold tone and without reason. Instead, he would come up with some jokes or vice versa.

On the other hand, Liu Dabai would laugh at his jokes by the side.

That way, one of them would seem passionate while the other would be cold, thus creating a contrast, which would consequently become an effect for the stream, making it easier to attract audiences.

Actually, Su Yang was quite reluctant to play along. However, since he was in Liu Dabai’s territory, he was willing to accept it.

However, he had also made his own request, whereby the stream must not turn into pure comedy. Hence, Liu Dabai would have to sublimate the theme. As a host, he would have to reiterate the viewpoint of “moderate gameplay time and rational spending”, which Liu Dabai agreed to do.

After the two of them came up with a plan, Liu Dabai contacted the live-streaming platform urgently, hoping that they could give him a recommendation tonight as he shared his plan.

After learning about this new and interesting live-stream method, as well as positive publicity, Huya had also given some support and promised to give Liu Dabai the biggest recommendation on the front page during the two hours that Su Yang and Liu Dabai were playing together.

Thus, the preparations were set and all that was left to do was to wait for the right timing.

Because Su Yang was concerned about this matter, he was not in the mood to continue accompanying Chu Xia as she wrote her novels. Hence, after informing Chu Xia, he returned to the villa.

Upon his return, Su Yang asked Little Deeny to collect some videos of the persona he was going to play as reference. At the same time, he called Li Runze to pick his brains.

This was because in his heart, Li Runze was exactly the kind of person he was going to imitate that night... A serious, expressionless person as he cracked some jokes.

After Li Runze answered the phone, he said that he was born that way. Plus, he never told any jokes before.

Su Yang laughed out loud when he heard his friend’s casual tone. ‘I’ve definitely got to learn from him.’

After chatting with Li Runze for a while and was done with picking his brains, Su Yang found a book on language skills and started reading, never forgetting to accumulate more virtual servers for himself.

Soon, a day passed... At 8 pm, Liu Dabai’s assistant called Su Yang and told him that it was his turn to do the live-stream.

Hence, Su Yang logged into the game as promised.

Sure enough, in less than two minutes, Liu Dabai’s game invitation was sent over, so Su Yang activated [Verbal Cannon] and accepted the invitation. Then, he entered the group chat interface. After opening up the voice chat, Liu Dabai’s voice came through the earpiece. “Hey, bro. I’m Liu Dabai. How should I address you?”

Su Yang imitated Li Runze and said coldly, “Just call me by my ID.”

Liu Dabai took a look at Su Yang’s nickname and said, “Your ID isn’t that easy to call out, so I’ll just call you Tencent... Wait, I don’t want to get banned, so I’ll call you 50-50... Ahem, I might get banned because of this as well...”

Su Yang said coldly, “In that case, call me Ten50 then.”

Liu Dabai burst out laughing and said, “Haha, you’re such a humorous person, bro.”

And with that, the two then formed a team and started to play games.

In the game, as usual, Su Yang played Lao Fu Zi as a jungler, while Liu Dabai would initiate a casual chat with him. “Bro, you’re quite skillful as a jungler, your main account must have a very high rank, doesn’t it?”

Su Yang replied dully, “Really? I don’t know about that. I don’t have a main account, this is my only account.”

Su Yang’s words caused Liu Dabai to be stunned for a moment before he tried to smooth things over. “In that case, you’re probably extremely talented.”

As the two live-streamed, Liu Dabai’s live-stream also became more and more lively. Actually, the netizens in the live-stream were quite used to seeing these kinds of passerby guests. However, generally speaking, such guests would either not speak and focus on their games, or they would chat endlessly with the streamer.

In the end, when the audience is suddenly met with such a serious and reserved person, they actually felt that... Su Yang was quite cute.

While they were gaming, Liu Dabai also talked about himself according to their plan, going on about how he was a famous streamer and had a lot of fans. Then, he asked Su Yang if the latter had anything to say and if he wanted to greet the fans.

Hence, Su Yang was silent for a while before he said, “Are there many fans here? Then, I want to tell them that they should play games moderately and not become obsessed with it. I have a friend who’s already been playing games since he was young. Then...”

Liu Dabai asked in concern, “Then... What happened?”

Su Yang’s voice had no tone at all, which made him sound dull and wooden as he said, “... No girlfriend.”

Liu Dabai let out a “Pfft”.

Actually, Su Yang’s joke wasn’t very interesting. However, because he had [Verval Cannon] activated and even said those words in a serious tone, it made him inexplicably hilarious.

On the screen, there were waves of ‘666’, ‘Nice one’ and ‘That’s reasonable’ flying past the bullet comments section.

Su Yang continued in a calm tone, “If any of you don’t believe me, I have another friend who has been obsessed with playing games as well.”

Liu Dabai then asked curiously, “He can’t find a girlfriend as well?”

Su Yang said calmly, “No, he found one.”

Liu Dabai said, “Huh...”

Su Yang replied, “But he broke up with his girlfriend because he found that games were more interesting than her.”

Liu Dabai and the fans were all speechless.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Su Yang even used a wooden tone to summarize, “So... Games are the natural enemies of girlfriends.”

The fans started commenting again. ‘You’re right.’ “I’m convinced.” “Is it possible that you’re one of those friends mentioned?”

Following that, Su Yang spun a dozen stories with girlfriends and gaming as the topic. Coupled with his [Verbal Cannon] and Liu Dabai’s collaboration, he narrated all of these stories in a spectacular manner.

On top of that, with his slow and calm tone that was practically asking for a beating and the plot twist, the live-stream was in an uproar.

Actually, if that was just the case, the fans would at most find the live-stream interesting but would not learn anything from it. However, Su Yang still had other tricks up his sleeve.

Therefore, following his agreement with Su Yang, after Su Yang was done telling stories of his “girlfriends”, Liu Dabai used a serious tone and expression to persuade the fans in the live-stream.

The gist of it was that even though Su Yang’s explanation was funny, there was a lot of logic behind it. Hence, he hoped that everyone would play games in moderation and not neglect the people around them or affect their lives.

Su Yang and Liu Dabai had used an ingenious method to instill the concept of “gaming in moderation” into the audience. The most direct feedback that could be seen was the number of coins that Su Yang received as he looked up to check his system, which was soaring

Before the broadcast, Su Yang had already turned on the system and had the interface fixed in front of his eyes. From time to time, he would glance at it. In the end, he realized that in just a short hour, the number of coins had increased by 25,000 coins. This meant that over 20,000 fans had reflected on themselves upon seeing the “gaming in moderation” concept.

Su Yang could tell from the rapid increase in his coins that live-streaming was indeed affecting people’s lives.

At that moment, he could not help but think of the rocket that he had not launched yet. Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration. ‘I think it wouldn’t take long before all live-streamers would be able to sell rockets during their streams.’

After getting rid of these idle thoughts, Su Yang continued to talk about rational spending. “Dabai, I actually have a friend...”

Liu Dabai then said, “You have so many friends. I think there should be more than 20 of them already.”

Without any changes in Su Yang’s tone as if he was an emotionless machine. “Yeah, I have good people skills, there’s nothing I can do about it.”

Liu Dabai was speechless.

The fans then typed. ‘That does make sense.’

Liu Dabai asked, “So, what’s happened to this friend then?”

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