I'll Add Points To All Things

Chapter 317 First Bronze Ability and Intermediate Additional Effects!

Chapter 317 First Bronze Ability and Intermediate Additional Effects!

Su Yang wasn’t in a hurry and finished the game at his own pace.

Fortunately, he won the game. There was a player who hard-carried his team with a score of 15-0-11, which was a ridiculous score. Still, if that player didn’t play that well, he wouldn’t be able to carry a burden like Su Yang to victory.

By the end of the game, Su Yang had been reduced to an applauding spectator. “Go, go, go! Woo! You’re the best! Hahaha!”

While shouting, Su Yang felt that the player was probably rather happy as well. After all, a High-King ranked player was cheering him on. ‘What an honour!’

After finishing the game and putting down the phone, Su Yang took a look at Little Deeny who was still at full capacity. He found the materials he prepared this morning in a pile of junk in the living room and began crafting the item from his recipe.

His plan today was rather simple. He would first prepare the item for the recipe. Then, he’d hit himself with the Lucky Disfiguring Brick the moment he was done so he’d become lucky before he submitted the ingredients to craft the item.

Then, as he waited for the special item interface to appear, he would draw his three bronze abilities in a row!

That was the only way he’d be able to add 4 points in 30 minutes!

After thinking the plan through, Su Yang opened the system store and took a look at an instructional video on making lipstick.

Since the process involved a series of steps, Su Yang carefully rewatched the video. He only clicked (Create) after making sure there were no issues.

The moment he tapped on (Create), a loud bank was heard in the living room and a small table appeared in front of Su Yang.

There were beakers, glass rods, alcohol lamps, and ice cubes on the table. If you didn’t know what he was doing before, you’d think he was conducting some kind of experiment with chemicals. Still, if we were being specific, making lipstick did involve some experimentation with certain chemicals.

Su Yang put on the plastic gloves provided by the system and got ready for the first step which was to pour the coloured powder into the beaker. After he looked at the system interface on the surface of the green tick, Su Yang poured in the almond oil and began grinding along the beaker’s wall with a glass rod.

After 8 minutes of grinding, he added beeswax, and vitamin E among other things once the paste he made was smooth from the grinding.

At that moment, Su Yang brought out a little monster bean carcass that he had prepared earlier. This is the small demon bean that I blew up yesterday.’

Although he knew that the longer the remains of the little monster beans remain unused, the less effective they would be, he couldn’t help it. He had been keeping an eye on the 10 little monster beans today and none of them seemed like they had any intention of exploding.

Left without a choice, Su Yang could only use yesterday’s exploded monster bean remains for the recipe.

After all, the little monster beans who seemed like they just loved to explode were slowly becoming like his family. If he had to sacrifice them just for special items, Su Yang wouldn’t have been able to bear the thought.

Since they could possibly be reborn in the (Reincarnation Circus) after being sacrificed by Su Yang, it seemed like there was still a glimmer of hope despite Su Yang not knowing how he’d accomplish such a feat yet.

As he threw the remains of the exploded little monster bean into the mould, it immediately melted and merged with the liquid in the beaker. The device provided to him by the system seemed to have the special power of melting anything added to it.

Then, Su Yang put the beaker into a bowl with boiling water and heated it with an alcohol lamp under the bowl until the beeswax had melted completely. Once the liquid had a sticky consistency, he poured it into the mould.

Finally, he followed the instructions to the T and put the entire mould into a bucket of ice cubes.

After completing this task, Su Yang breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at the notification on the system interface that prompted him to wait patiently. He took out his phone but didn’t dare to play with his games since he was afraid he’d affect the crafting. So, he began swiping on his phone to have a look at what his friends were up to.

When he swiped to the school bully, Li Runze’s page, he saw a post. [I didn’t expect that our domestic AI has been developed to such a degree! I really want to get into the company and conduct some research.]

‘Huh? Is he interested in Little Deeny’s program?’

Su Yang wondered if he could wait for Little Deeny to arrive in the real world and set up an AI lab so he could invite him to participate.

‘He does seem to have a lot of potential, doesn’t he?

Su Yang secretly hid this matter in his heart as he continued swiping downward until he saw Chu Xia’s page. (I heard that if you tell your friends that you’re poor and you really want to drink milk tea, then they’ll buy you a cup of milk tea. Dear friends, is this true?]

Su Yang was speechless.

‘Is Chu Xia having money issues?’

He didn’t know for sure, but he felt like that wasn’t the case.

Still... who could say what’s on a girl’s mind...’

However, since he saw it, Su Yang wanted to fulfil this girl’s wish so he placed an order for a cup of milk tea with Hungry Man and scheduled it to be delivered to his office at Qidian E-Commerce tomorrow morning. ‘When she arrives at the office, she’ll be able to drink it.

‘She’s been in my office for the past few days to take advantage of the squid’s aura.

‘Is that why she’s stuck in the office?

‘Or could it be that she’s waiting for me?’

However, Su Yang still felt like she’d be exhausted pretty soon if she continued going on like this. He intended to use the (Three Days Without Sleep Halo] on Chu Xia so she wouldn’t have any inspiration for three days and could only rest.

‘Hehehehe, I feel so thoughtful.’

He didn’t place an order at Pool’s milk tea store because the store hadn’t begun selling takeaway milk tea so he could only capitalize on his ‘enemies’.

After placing the order, Su Yang stopped scrolling on his phone and opened the microblogging site.

The site was full of news regarding the Find Me app where many people discussed the 10 million bonus campaign while reporting results of their test.

However, not a single person found any form of offensive content.

This was a blinding experience for everyone. They questioned themselves for not being able to find anything but at the same time, they doubted that the Find Me app didn’t contain any illegal content?

“How exactly does this work?”

“Is it really artificial intelligence?”

“Let’s all discuss it.”

Looking at the discussion on the microblogging site, Su Yang almost laughed his mouth off.

‘Look, look! The Find Me app is well-known all over the internet. I guess the number of downloads is going to explode, right? I don’t know how much it is now.’

Since Little Deeny was going against an entire nation, he had no way to check so Su Yang could only restrain his curiosity as he continued browsing the microblogging site.

Soon, half an hour passed and a prompt from the system finally arrived.

[Item production complete. Please remove lipstick and submit formula item]

Su Yang put his phone down without the slightest hesitation, put one of Sanque’s arms into a cup of water, opened the system store, and picked up the Lucky Disfiguring Brick beside him.

“BANG!” He hit the slab as hard as he could on his face.

Although he had used it several times, the pain when he did this still hurts him to no end!

His tears flowed as uncontrollably as the nosebleeds that came shortly after.

Su Yang quickly took the water infused with Sanque’s arms and drank it, causing him to feel refreshed as the pain and soreness disappeared from his face.

He picked up the towel he had prepared, wiped his face haphazardly, threw it aside, and looked at the countdown on the brick. [29:43). Then, he clicked (Submit) on the system interface before him.

Suddenly, three prompts popped up in front of him in succession.

(Use of defective materials detected.]

(The use of valuable materials detected.]

(Special items will give birth to additional abilities, talents or more unknown changes.]

[Please confirm your submission.]

Already familiar with these hints, Su Yang didn’t even bother looking and clicked [Confirm).

The moment he did so, the small table disappeared into thin air along with all the instruments and the lipstick.

Shortly after, a golden rectangular stick of lipstick fell to the ground from the air.

When Su Yang took a look, it had the YSL logo on it. ‘What does it mean? Yang Shulin?

‘Won’t they sue you for copyright infringement if you infringe on them like that?!’

Those thoughts merely passed through Su Yang’s mind since he was too pressed for time to think about them.

He was too busy calling out to the system. ‘Prepare to extract the bronze ability’

The system interface had three gleaming task completion prompts that looked incredibly beautiful.

[Bronze Assignment: Get a passing grade or higher on the English final exam.] 240

(Bronze Mission: Help Chu Xia solve the difficulties she encounters]. (Completed in Chapter 288)

[Bronze Mission: Helping Pan Zhaodi through a difficult situation.] 290

‘I’ve been saving these for half a month! Boy, are they full of rewards!

With that in mind, Su Yang clicked on the task. (Get a passing grade or higher on the English final exam.]

A prompt appeared from the system.

[View Reward?]


A moment later, the system’s prompt sounded in his ears. (Completed Bronze Mission. Bronze Point obtained. Please add a point to any of the three random abilities.]

When the prompt ended, an option box appeared in front of Su Yang with three options.

Film & Television Post Production Ability 2. Film & Television Post Production Ability

Film & Television Post Production Ability

Su Yang was speechless.

‘Eh? Has the system finally become a little more human? It knows I need post-production abilities so it gave me three similar random abilities...

‘I wonder what happens if I pick one. Will the abilities gain a level or would there be another sub-ability?’

Su Yang still recalled getting the (Color Master] ability for his Film & Television Post Production Ability.

It allowed him to be more sensitive to colour while he’s working on post-production work by making the colours of the final product more colourful and vivid.

In post-production, this was a miracle.

‘Will I get a sub-ability this time?

‘I wonder if I’ll get any special rewards for picking the same ability twice in a row...’

Just as Su Yang was confused about the matter, the system confirmed his choice and a prompt sounded in his mind. [Obtained the same ability. Primary ability automatically upgraded +1.]

After the prompt, the option before him disappeared and the words [Primary Film & Video Post-Production Capability] appeared before him with a +1.

Then, the words disappeared after turning into black ash. Shortly after, they reappeared in the form of silver ashes that condensed into a new line of words. (Intermediate Film & Video Post-Production Capability).

‘Did it just automatically add points to itself to become an intermediate ability? ‘What’s going to change?’ As Su Yang thought about this, Su Yang felt various experiences in film and television post-production enter his brain with this ability upgrade. Information regarding special effects, colour, editing, and other related profound knowledge rushed into him.

Absorbing those experiences and knowledge, he felt he had become a senior staff member who had been in post-production for more than a decade. He was also at maximum proficiency!

Not only could he do it himself, but he could also lead the post-production team to perform the task. He had become a total jack-of-all-trades in the field of video post-production.

He closed his eyes for a full ten minutes before he was able to grasp all the knowledge. The one thing that was similar to his (Intermediate Verbal Cannon) was that this intermediate ability not only increased his ability level but also added an intermediate additional effect...

Su Yang went along with what he recalled and tapped on the [Intermediate Film & Television Post Production Ability) option.

Suddenly, a bunch of information appeared below the option he selected.

Intermediate Film & Television Post Production Ability additional effect: Your team’s film and television post-production time will be greatly reduced without affecting the quality. Improves post-production time up to 50%.

Note: This add-on effect can be turned on or off at your discretion.

Consumption: 5,000 yuan per hour. Note: Kryptonite! The more you have, the stronger you are?!

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