I'll Add Points To All Things

Chapter 203: Special Talent: The Squid Who Doesn’t Like to Dive

Chapter 203: Special Talent: The Squid Who Doesn’t Like to Dive

Su Yang looked at Little Hus, who was looking at him with an excited face.


It was true that Little Hus never had a record of failure.

If it had led him to Janet to give her additional points, it would be highly suspicious and made one wonder if it was providing fake intel.

However, by bringing him to the squid and advising him to add points to the squid, Su Yong wondered whether the two had done any under-table secret trades.

Su Yang nodded. “Alright. Get out of the way. I’ll give it some extra points.”

Opening the point addition system, a translucent [+] sign appeared above the squid’s head, and Su Yang attempted to click it.

In the end, he realized that it could not be clicked at all. It was too far away.

The squid also kept moving, drifting left and right in the water while spinning and jumping around. It seemed as if it did not want anyone to touch them.

Su Yang had a feeling that the squid was mocking him. ‘What utter scum.’

Little Hus was watching by the side. It initially stared at the squid for a moment before looking at Su Yang to flash him a husky gaze. “Are you okay?”

The veins on Su Yang’s forehead popped. “You do it then! Go ahead, have at it! This squid is amazing! I suspect it’s a sperm cell!”

Little Hus glared at Su Yang. “Excuses.” Then, it turned its head and walked away.

Su Yang’s gaslighting tactic would not work on it. After all, it couldn’t hold anything else but Janet with its little edges.

In any case, neither of them could catch the squid so they could only wait patiently for Pool’s return.

After running around for the past few days, he finally had some time to rest. Su Yang headed over to lie on the couch.

As the saying went, if one wanted to get comfortable, one should just lie down. If one felt bored, one should just check out one’s circle of friends. So Su Yang turned to his social media to check out his circle of friends and see what they were doing.

After turning it on, the first one was from Qu Xuan who posted a picture of himself in a hospital bed with the caption — [Diarrhea to the point of acute gastroenteritis, what more can I say?]

‘Really? No way. Gastroenteritis?

‘Are the negative symptoms so bad this time?’

Su Yang immediately sent a message to Qu Xuan — [Are you okay? Did you contract acute gastroenteritis?]

Qu Xuan did not reply. Instead, he called immediately.

After all, Qu Xuan was sick because of his specialty item, so Su Yang felt really guilty about it.

Then he heard the voice at the other end. “Chairman, don’t misunderstand, I was faking it.”

Su Yang was flabbergasted. “Faking it?”

Qu Xuan replied, “Yeah. You’re so inexperienced when it comes to matters of love and relationships. Think about it, if you just had diarrhea, who would care about you? It’s only when you’re seriously ill that a girl would take the initiative to care for and serve you.”

Su Yang was rendered speechless once more.

‘What a beast!’

Just as Su Yang was about to teach Qu Xuan a lesson, the call was suddenly disconnected with a beep.

Su Yang looked at the interface that said — [Your call was hung up by the person on the other end of the line.]

Hung up by the person on the other end of the line? What happened to Qu Xuan?

A minute later, Qu Xuan’s voice was heard again.

Su Yang picked it up and Qu Xuan’s grief-stricken voice was heard from the other end of the phone. “Chairman, I’ve been hurt.”

Su Yang asked, “What now? Where are you hurt?”

Qu Xuan replied, “The heart! There was a phone call just now that came in out of the blue from my ex-ex-girlfriend.”

Su Yang thought, ‘Oh... So it was disconnected by another phone call.’

Qu Xuan explained, “After I picked it up, she yelled at me and told me how I’ve always asked her why she wanted to break up with me. Then, she told me that it was because I always kept in touch in my ex, called me a scum before proceeding to demean me with words like ‘Yuck’ and saying how it serves me right to contract acute gastroenteritis!”

Su Yang was speechless.

This is a fucking fishing technique, right? Absolutely, right?

Suffering a wave of mockery while being sick always felt like a one was receiving double critical hits!

Qui Xuan continued sadly, “Chairman! Is she even human? How can she bully the sick this way!”

Su Yang silently hung up the phone before saying to himself, “Yuck, what scum! I despise you on behalf of the bachelors!”

Ignoring Qu Xuan, that impossible “living treasure”, Su Yang got up and went for a walk in the courtyard. However, it turned out to be just in time to find that the second batch of Little Monster Beans had already matured.

Su Yang brought up the interface of the virtual space and began harvesting the beans in just one click. 14 Little Monster Beans were harvested, bringing Su Yang to 21’Super Tiny Monster Beans’.

Su Yang stored the super Tiny Monster Beans temporarily and planted another batch of little Monster beans. However, there were less this time around — only 4 beans. It was not because Su Yang did not want to plant more. It was because... the others had all been blown up.

At this moment back home, there were only 21 left from the first batch of Little Monster Beans. It was a tragedy.

However, number 17 was still alive and well, much to the disappointment of Su Yang who had been waiting to see some action.

Furthermore, this guy is actually lazy to the extent that it would usually direct the other Little Monster Beans to work. It frequently walks around the house with its hands behind its back, as if it was inspecting the work.

Su Yang wanted to catch it in action a few times, but this guy actually runs quite fast for having such short legs actually, making it quite difficult to catch.

After a few times, Su Yang also gave up on it.

In any case... It does not consume food so it was fine.

After harvesting the Monster Beans, Su Yang’s WeChat prompted him again.

Su Yang opened it and saw a message sent by Chu Xia. There was no other content in that message aside from a single photo.

Su Yang opened it to have a look and found that it was a photo of himself working in the milk tea shop. It looked like it was taken some distance away but it was very clear, with a P30p logo in the lower right corner.

‘Oh-huh, the committee secretary has changed his phone. Or was it done by a photo filter app?’

Su Yang asked, “What’s wrong?”

Chu Xia replied, “I didn’t expect Mr. Su to enter the restaurant industry again~ You’re really young and promising.”

Su Yang replied with a ‘bowing’ emoji. “No... no, it’s not even worth mentioning. I’ll start building an aircraft carrier the day after tomorrow.”

After saying that, Su Yang sent an expression. [Congratulations to a certain director for acquiring an aircraft carrier].

Chu Xia was speechless.

Half-heartedly, Chu Xia replied, [If I didn’t reply to your WeChat message, then you should have consciously read the last sentence of our chat: Is! That! Something! Someone should say?]

Su Yang chuckled, laughing all by himself while ignoring her reply.


In the evening, Pool returned and brought with him news that the landlord had went ahead to mess with him again.

Su Yang frowned and asked, “Again? What’s this landlord up to? I went to look for him, but he was nowhere to be found. On the other hand, he comes here every day to cause trouble! He’s crazy!”

Looks like this ‘dish’ had to be eaten right away or he would not be able to concentrate on Junqing!

With that in mind, Su Yang put the landlord’s business aside for the time being and brought Pool to the door where the squid was, explaining to him what he needed to do.

It was undoubtedly a ‘pool deity’. Pool waved its hand, and the cute little squid was wrapped in a bubble made of water as it floated out of the pool.

Su Yang took the water bubble to the living room and activated the point addition system. A translucent[+]appeared on the squid’s head. He then tapped on the translucent[+]that he was not able to activate during the entire whole afternoon.

A flicker of light was seen, and the addition of points was complete.

That’s right, the addition of a single point was such an unglamorous event.

Looking at the squid in his hand, Su Yang found that the squid had changed its appearance, becoming much more cartoonish. Although it was still that skinny and flat, the general feeling... was like it was made of lifeless rubber.

Su Yang did not act rashly, the [Book of Negative Symptoms] had already made him suffer, so he patiently waited for the system prompt to pop up.

A moment later, the system prompt finally came.

[Squid +1: Life form changed. Gained talent. Gained a special ability.]

Hah! Another superb one!

Su Yang especially wanted to exaggerate by saying, “The Golden Legend!”

However, now that the gold color was there, legend or no legend, it still depended on what its ability and talent was!

After all, it was possible to point something out and still get trash talents and abilities.

Su Yang clicked on that talent, and the talent menu popped up.

[Talent: The Squid Who Doesn’t Like to Dive]

Keep this squid in your home and you’ll be bursting with inspiration to write 10 chapters a day, +10 fan cohesion effect, +10 chance of becoming a god, +10 quality of storyline, +10 characterization, +10 writing skills, +10 brain.

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