I'll Add Points To All Things

Chapter 196: Special Item: Brick That Doesn’t Follow Orders

Chapter 196: Special Item: Brick That Doesn’t Follow Orders

Su Yang arrived at the lecture hall with the milk tea.

Chu Xia, the role model of all students, was already in the lecture hall. She was sitting beside the window, writing and drawing in her notebook.

Su Yang walked over and placed a cup of milk tea on her table. Chu Xia looked up and saw him. Slightly shocked, she said in a soft voice, “You...bought this for me?”

Su Yang rolled his eyes at her. “What else? Should I rob the shop instead?”

Even though he replied in a lousy tone, Chu Xia giggled and said sweetly, “Thank you, Mr. President!”

Su Yang waved at her. “It’s nothing.”

As Chu Xia smiled brightly at his tsundere side, her eyes curled into two thin lines and she said, “Mr. President, I thought you don’t like people asking you out for milk tea.”

Su Yang looked at her. He felt like the girl was poking his weak spots. He rolled his eyes at her again and said, “Yes, I don’t want others asking me out for milk tea but...you are different.”

Chu Xia’s heart skipped a beat when she heard his words, and her fair cheeks instantly flushed, making her look even more charming. “I-Is that so?”

Su Yang said, “Yeah. You are rich anyway, so you should be able to afford supplements. Drink more milk tea. It will help you grow...”

He took a big turn just to make fun of Chu Xia, but she did not even know what he was talking about at first. She was stunned on the spot for more than 10 seconds before she finally realized she was being ridiculed.

However, Su Yang had already escaped the lecture hall. Chu Xia stomped her feet angrily and chased after him. “Su Yang! Don’t you dare run from me!”

Anyway, one’s youth should always be filled with fun and laughter.

Su Yang had the fewest classes on Friday. He quickly returned home after the last class because he had something important to do: exchange for Random Points from the system shop!

In the past week, he managed to accumulate up to 1,531 Point Coins.

‘That’s worth three Random Points! And I can buy them all!’

If Su Yang wanted to be stupid, he could also buy 15 [Protection Charms], but of course, he was still sane, so he spent all the Point Coins on Random Points. With that, he emptied the Random Points for the week.

‘This is the first time I’ve felt this way! This feels...great! I emptied the Random Points! Hahaha! I’m awesome!’

The Point Coins that he had earned in the past week were just for a few seconds of pleasure.

After buying Random Points, Su Yang started to think about what to add.

‘The brick is useful. I must add a second point to it. Out of all the little monsters, only Pool didn’t get the second point, so one point for him. As for one more point left...I should save it for a rainy day. Great! It’s all done, everything is settled, which is faster than I thought...’

Pool was working, so Su Yang decided to add the point to the brick first.

He went to his bedroom and took the lucky brick out from the drawer beside his bed. The brick had followed him for three months and done him countless meritorious deeds.

Since he had used the brick recently, the glow on it had faded and it looked no different than a normal brick.

If he threw the brick into a construction site, he might never find it again, but he would never throw it away because it was one of his treasures.

Su Yang took the leftover [Protection Charm] and wrapped it around the brick. The charm then slowly faded and fused into the brick. Two seconds later, the brick glowed red and somehow matched its maroon color.

After sticking the charm on it, Su Yang called up the system and everything in the room had a translucent [+] above them.

Su Yang tapped on the [+] on the brick, and a window popped up right away.

[Add a second point? Second point-addition will have an increased rate of failure. If you fail, the item will be destroyed.]

Su Yang tapped [Yes.].

The brick in his hand shone brightly and it started to emit a cracking noise as if it was breaking to pieces. As the cracks grew louder, the brick transformed into a ball of light and floated up from Su Yang’s hand.

Su Yang had never added a second point to a special item, so his eyes were glued to the ball of light in the air and his heart was pounding.

‘Is it going to be fine? What will it become?’

A while later, after the transformation ended, and the brick fell back onto Su Yang’s hand, almost breaking his wrist.

The brick did not look any different as though it was still a normal brick from the street.

If the brick were a living being, Su Yang would have believed the brick would be the most handsome of its kind because even after adding a second point to it, the brick did not change physically. It was a sign of having confidence in its looks.

‘If this isn’t confidence, I don’t know what is...Hehe.’

Su Yang waited patiently for the brick’s new description to pop up. A while later, a new description window popped up.

[Brick +2: New special ability acquired. No conflict detected. New ability can coexist. Appraise?]

Su Yang got something useful from this particular notification.

Firstly, it was possible for the special item to acquire a second special ability with the second point.

Secondly, the new ability might be conflicted with the existing ability and might not coexist if the abilities countered each other.

Su Yang taped on [Appraise], and two seconds later, a new window popped up,

[Brick That Doesn’t Follow Orders]

[Ability: Announce the part that you want to hit and throw the brick. You will hit the target but not the part you mentioned.]

[Limit 1: Target must be within 100 meters and visible.]

[Limit 2: No matter which part you hit, you cannot harm or kill the target.]

[Remark: Pointing is also an art.]

‘What? Is this brick for real? But why do I feel like this brick’s new ability suits me? Why? I’m a straight and honest person!’

With that in mind, Su Yang tossed the brick and tested its weight. It felt just nice. He put the brick back to the drawer and went downstairs.

It was then that Pool and Sanque came back from the milk tea shop.

Su Yang smiled and said, “Another busy day, I see.” He added, “Pool, I’ve got another Random Point, so I can give you your second point tonight.”

Pool did not answer.

Su Yang noticed the heavy expression on everyone’s face. It seemed like they had run into some problems today. He asked, “What’s wrong?”

Pool bitterly smiled and said, “Lord Su Yang, before we closed shop today, the landlord came to us.”

“What for?”

Pool looked helpless. “He saw the video on TikTok and went to check on us for a whole day. He said our business is great, so he wants to increase the rent.”

“Increase the rent?” Su Yang unconsciously raised his volume. “We’ve only been operating for half a month and the landlord wants to raise the rent? Is he out of his mind?”

Pool put his hands out and shrugged, “We thought so ourselves, but the landlord said that if we don’t agree to the increased rent, he will report you for hiring child labor and me for not having a health certificate.”

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