I'll Add Points To All Things

Chapter 190: Special Item: Negative Condition Book

Chapter 190: Special Item: Negative Condition Book

Su Yang arrived at Little Hus’ den.

The husky bolster was sleeping with the giant book on top of his body, and as his body heaved, the book moved along.

‘This doggy b*stard! He’s snoring and it sounds so rhythmic!’

Even at this point, Su Yang had no idea how Little Hus talked or made noise given how his body was. He looked at the book and then glanced at Little Hus. A quick thought later, Su Yang returned to his room and washed his hands with the [Naughty Soap].

Then, he returned to Little Hus’ den. He touched the husky bolster with one hand and grabbed the book with the other hand.

Right after he got a tight grip of the book, Su Yang turned around and made a run for it.

The little commotion woke Little Hus up, and from the expression on the husky on the bolster, he was confused. He then saw Su Yang running away like a thief besides noticing that the book on him was missing.

Little Hus screamed, “Su Yang! How can you take back what you gave me!?”

Little Hus was determined to take Su Yang down even if it would cost him his life. He wanted to chase Su Yang, but he suddenly realized he could not move!

“What the? Su Yang! You! How could you?! How could you use your special item to rob me?! Can you be any more shameless?!” Little Hus shouted like a crazy husky. ‘I’ll gather the other little monsters to condemn you, Su Yang! Mark my words! Monsters have monsters’ rights as well!’

At the same time, Su Yang smirked as he ran with the book that was half his size. ‘This is so exciting!’

After he ran to the kitchen, he placed the giant book on the stove with a bam. He opened the system shop and tapped on the third listed item: the book with unknown ability.

A window popped up.

[Exchange for the Book with Unknown Ability?]

‘Yes, yes, yes! Can you skip the confirmation the next time? It’s getting annoying!’

A moment later, the tutorial window appeared.

[Please prepare the prescription as instructed and exchange the item.]

Then, a round brazier with burning coal appeared from thin air, followed by a grill.

Su Yang set up the tutorial video in front of him. He then put the burning charcoal into the grill and put the +1 open textbook on top of it as instructed.

The fire then blazed fiercely and engulfed the giant book, but astonishingly, not a single page or edge of the book was harmed.

Su Yang did not have the time to be astonished. He quickly followed the tutorial video and put 500 grams of pork belly on top of it. The moment the meat was placed on top, it started to sizzle and the aromatic meaty fragrance spread from the kitchen.

Su Yang gulped. ‘This smells so freaking good...’

However, he was in the middle of making the prescription, so he held his cravings back and sprinkled cumin powder on top, further enhancing its fragrance.

‘Sh*t...I suddenly want it even more...’

Su Yang hypnotized himself into a lifeless robot and told himself that the meat before his eyes was poisonous and that he could not eat it. He then continued putting the ingredients on the grill stiffly.

The fragrance got stronger with every ingredient that he put on it, and all the ingredients, including the giant book, started to melt into a puddle of silvery-white liquid. The way the liquid floated on the fiery grill defied all laws of physics.

Following a tap on the [Submit] button, the silvery-white liquid and all the tools disappeared. Then, a normal size booked appeared from thin air.

Su Yang caught it from the air and looked at the familiar title: Modern History Essentials of Huaxia.

‘What the hell? The book came back? After all that I’ve done, the book somehow shrunk?’

Confused, he opened the book and flipped through the pages. The content was still about Huaxia’s history, but the book looked brand new as if he had just bought it off the rack. Su Yang closed the book. He did not know what just happened.

‘Did the system know that I’m missing this book so it gave it back?’

Su Yang believed that things were not as simple as it looked. He habitually opened the system and checked the book’s ability.

However, the moment he opened up the system, he felt an itch in his nose, so he sneezed.


Su Yang rubbed his nose and started to feel sick. On top of that, the moment the thought popped into his head, he sneezed again and again. He sneezed five times, and his nose was clogged by the mucus. His head started to feel dizzy and his eyes felt heavy.

He was baffled by the situation. ‘Am I getting a cold?’

With the book in his hand, he poured himself a glass of warm water to ease the condition before he looked at the system description.

[Book+1: Special ability acquired. Ability name: Negative Condition Book.]

‘What the heck? Negative Condition Book?’

Su Yang tapped on the ability and the description popped up.

[Negative Condition Book.]

[Ability: Whomsoever opens this book will randomly get a negative condition such as the flu, diarrhea, cramp, nosebleed, acne outbreak, etc.]

[Limit 1: A single target can only be affected by the conditions once a week]

[Limit 2: The negative conditions can be cured using normal methods.]

[Remark 1: Love a person? Make her open the book and you will get the chance to take care of her.]

[Remark 2: Hate a person? Make him open the book and he will get a few days of ‘fun’.]

[Remark 3: Please do not use the book on targets with immunity deficient as it might cause an irreversible result.]

After the description, Su Yang looked at the cover of the book and then his body. He shouted immediately, “Sanque! I need your roots! I’m sick!”

Unfortunately, Sanque was working at the milk tea shop, so his shout was answered by his own sneezes. The repeated sneezes caused him to feel dizzy and his body ached.

“I feel like sh*t...” Su Yang’s eyes started to feel heavy. He told the little monster beans around him, “Get me a cup of warm water.”

He then put down his empty cup and slowly returned to his room to rest.


At night, Sanque finally came back from work.

Deeny cut 1 mm of root from Sanque’s beard and made a cup of ginseng water for Su Yang.

After draining the ginseng water to its last drop, Su Yang felt like his body was cleansed. The dizziness, the clogged nose, the headache, the runny nose...everything was gone!

With the cup in his hand, Su Yang exclaimed, “I’m alive!”

Deeny cleared her throat beside him and said, “Master, Little Hus is holding a condemnation conference downstairs. Since you are feeling better, come to join us.”

‘What? That doggy b*stard is trying to condemn me? He must be asking for a beating! Since I’m feeling better, I shall go have a look at what you are trying to do!’

Su Yang headed downstairs with Deeny, and when he arrived in the living room, he was shocked.

There was a banner for ‘Su Yang’s Condemnation Conference’ on the wall and beside it were pictures of Su Yang with several big words: Take Su Yang Down!

The little monsters were sitting on the stool around the couch, and they were looking at Su Yang like hungry tigers.

‘My, my, what a scene.’

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