Chapter 51: The Supervision Institute Returns to the Scene

Cai Xianggao joined the group, driven by his strong curiosity.

He was certain he had heard the names “Wei Wentong” and “Niu Jinxi” before, but couldn’t recall the context.

The more he struggled to remember, the more determined he became.

This stubborn pursuit of knowledge was a typical trait among scholars, and it was a quality that helped him become the top scholar in the imperial exams.

The officials of the Supervision Institute followed Ye Ning’s lead.

Unlike other governmental offices, the Supervision Institute had distinctive attire, a requirement set by the Founding Ancestor.

The Supervision Institute, envisioned by the Founding Ancestor as the most impartial and noble judicial body, held many overlapping powers with other offices but stood distinctly above them.

For instance, if multiple offices were handling a case, once the Supervision Institute stepped in, all other offices had to yield unconditionally.

This level of authority was unparalleled and necessitated a unique appearance.

All officials of the Supervision Institute wore dark black uniforms adorned with designs of mythical black birds, exuding an aura of sternness and austerity.

In the officialdom, standing out was dangerous.

The many “privileges” and differences of the Supervision Institute naturally made it an object of envy and resentment among other offices.

This was precisely the Founding Ancestor’s intention: if the Supervision Institute didn’t provoke hostility, how could it be trusted to remain impartial?

An office like the Supervision Institute was destined to have no allies, constantly offending peers rather than fostering camaraderie.

Despite its enormous power, the Supervision Institute was effectively bound by an invisible shackle, a dichotomy reflected in its reputation.

To officials, the Supervision Institute was ominous, a top enemy, always bringing trouble.

To the common people, it represented justice, the most trustworthy office in the realm.

The Supervision Institute had branches throughout Great Zhou, and seeking their help was often a last resort in times of need.

However, this was a memory of the past.

People had long forgotten the Supervision Institute’s presence.

Even the well-informed citizens of the capital were momentarily bewildered upon seeing officials in dark uniforms, armed with swords and iron chains, parading through the streets.

“What office is this?”

“Why have I never seen them before? Their attire is strange, and they look odd.”

“Yes, especially the leader, who’s only wearing an official hat, not even in uniform.”

People murmured among themselves.

Such a procession was indeed jarring in the current times, particularly with Ye Ning, disheveled and not fitting the image of a proper official. f𝚛e𝐞𝐰𝚎b𝚗o𝚟𝚎l.c𝗼m

“Black uniforms with mythical bird designs, are they from the Supervision Institute?” someone finally remembered, speaking in disbelief.

“Supervision Institute? What Supervision Institute?”

“Wasn’t the Supervision Institute abolished long ago? Does it still exist?”

“The Founding Ancestor decreed that the Supervision Institute could never be abolished, so it always existed, though we’ve heard nothing from them for years.”

A group of scholars stepped forward, knowing more than the average person.

This revelation sparked even more discussions.

The Supervision Institute had reemerged! What could their reappearance mean?

Especially for the influential figures in the capital, the news was shocking.

What did the Supervision Institute intend to do?

Could they still do anything?

An office long forgotten, with uncertain personnel, was now parading openly—what was their plan?

Countless eyes turned to this unusual group, but none of it mattered to Ye Ning.

Holding the little mute girl’s hand, he spoke gently, “Stay a bit farther from me later, don’t get too close.”

Her hand felt cold.

Ye Ning squeezed it reassuringly and smiled.

It was a farewell smile.

He was going to court death.

Once he became the Heavenly Emperor, he’d come back for her.

But to the mute girl, the smile meant a final parting.

“Actually, you don’t need to serve me. In a few days, I might die, and then all this property will be left to you and Lao Huang,” Ye Ning’s casual words from that morning echoed in her mind. She understood now.

He had decided to sacrifice his life for fairness and justice.

“Other offices might not challenge the Mighty Marquis for a cart of charcoal and a charcoal seller, but the Supervision Institute will,” he intended to use his life to demonstrate true fairness and justice.

Tears welled up in her eyes.

Though she had known Ye Ning for only a few days, she was already deeply moved by him.

What kind of person was he?

Despite his unparalleled talent, he was so approachable.

Though young, he held a high position and had a bright future, yet he was willing to risk his life for a commoner.

There had never been such a good official before, and there would be none like him in the future.

“If someone like him had stood up for my family when we were in trouble, maybe everything would have been different,” she thought.

She nodded, looking obedient but with tears streaming inside.

She resolved that today, Ye Ning would not be harmed.

She would protect him with her life, just as he was risking his life for justice.

Just as the mute girl made her decision, Cai Xianggao slapped his forehead in realization. “I remember now! Wei Wentong, Niu Jinxi… They are legendary figures!”

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