Chapter 43: I’ve Visited Three Times and You Still Won’t Open the Door?

The story of the ugly duckling turning into a beautiful swan was something Ye Ning had heard since he was young, but seeing it happen in reality was a first.

Who would have thought that once this girl was cleaned up, she would turn out to be so beautiful?

“This little girl is smart. She deliberately made herself look dirty. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have made it to the capital,” Lao Huang sighed.

Ye Ning nodded.

In these troubled times, a beautiful, defenseless girl was far too likely to encounter danger.

“What a pity,” Ye Ning sighed.

This girl was born in the wrong era.

If she were in his previous life, with her looks, she would undoubtedly be a campus goddess, attracting plenty of admirers.

“Master, I’ll go rest now,” Lao Huang said, leaving Xuanxuan behind and turning to go.

“Wait!” Ye Ning called out, but when he looked outside, Lao Huang was already gone, disappearing quickly.

Only Xuanxuan remained, standing timidly, staring at her shoes.

“I said I didn’t need a maid, but it seems no one took me seriously,” Ye Ning muttered, exasperated.

He understood Lao Huang’s intentions–seeing the girl’s beauty, he had brought her to Ye Ning’s room.

In Lao Huang’s simple worldview, if Ye Ning accepted Xuanxuan, it would be a blessing for her.

But how could Ye Ning even think of doing such a thing?

They had just met, and she was so young.

When she was her age, Ye Ning was still in junior high.

If he acted on any impulses, he would be no better than an animal.

“Go rest,” Ye Ning said, pointing to the bed.

Xuanxuan trembled, a look of reluctance in her eyes. But she seemed to resign herself to her fate, biting her lip and slowly climbing onto the bed.

She laid down, and Ye Ning approached.

As he bent down, Xuanxuan closed her eyes, her breathing quickening. But Ye Ning did nothing more than grab an extra pillow before getting up.

When Xuanxuan opened her eyes, Ye Ning had already made a bed on the floor and yawned. “Good night.”

The lights went out, and Ye Ning quickly fell asleep.

For him, this was a straightforward decision.

The poor mute girl needed care, and as a man, it was his duty to protect her.

Showing some gentlemanly behavior was hardly a big deal–it was a standard value in his previous life.

But for Xuanxuan, the impact was significant.

She laid there, unable to sleep.

If someone could see her eyes in the dark, they would notice that the fear, confusion, and inferiority had turned into a cold, machine-like emptiness, devoid of any emotion, with just a hint of confusion deep within.

“This man truly is a gentleman,” she murmured.

Before coming, her superior in the Secret Spy Division had detailed Ye Ning’s information to her.

In summary, he was described as a sage-like figure, a true gentleman of the times.

She had been skeptical, knowing that many people who appeared decent were actually beasts in disguise.

Given her vulnerability, she was a prime target for men’s worst instincts.

She knew her looks were incredibly tempting to men and assumed Ye Ning would be no different. The meat was practically on his plate, who could resist?

She had been prepared to sacrifice herself because her superior had made it clear that Ye Ning’s life was crucial, and her mission was to stay by his side and protect him at all costs.

Given the circumstances, what choice did she have?

She resigned herself to her fate.

But Ye Ning’s reaction was unexpected, altering her perspective on humanity.

“So, there really are good people in this world,” she whispered.

In the room, Ye Ning’s breathing was steady.

Outside, the cold wind occasionally blew, but mostly it was quiet.

She had forgotten how long it had been since she lived a normal life, making it hard for her to adapt.

The next day, Ye Ning woke up, stretched, and saw the mute girl holding his clothes, waiting for him.

He was stunned.

Looking around, he noticed a basin filled with water and a prepared towel.

“I told you, you don’t have to act like a maid,” Ye Ning said, exasperated.

But the mute girl looked so pitiful when he spoke, as if he had bullied her.

“Alright, I give up. You can help me,” Ye Ning sighed, resigned, opening his arms.

The mute girl began dressing him, a faint smile appearing on her face unseen by Ye Ning.

“This man is interesting,” she thought.

It was the first time she had seen a man uncomfortable with a beautiful girl serving him.

“Sigh, this damn feudal society is corrupting me,” Ye Ning muttered as she dressed him, helped him wash, and served him breakfast.

After all that, he felt numb.

It wasn’t his lack of willpower. The temptations of this feudal society were just too strong.

The experience was quite pleasant, although he wasn’t used to it.

“You stay at home. I have errands to run,” Ye Ning said, leaving the mute girl at home as he went out again, heading for the Supervision Institute.

From a distance, he saw that the gates were still closed.

“These bastards really don’t plan on working?” he muttered through gritted teeth.

He had visited three times without even getting inside.

How was he supposed to handle this?

However, today was different.

A familiar face was at the gate, surprised to see Ye Ning approaching.

The man greeted him with a respectful bow, “Greetings, Lord Ye.”

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