Chapter 81: The Police Station's Armory

The once bustling Tianhai City lay silent and desolate. Snow blanketed everything, and from high above, only the silhouettes of tall buildings could be seen amidst the vast expanse of white.

Zhang Yi raced across the snowy landscape on his snowmobile. Having isolated himself at home for nearly a month, he felt exhilarated to be speeding through the snow. The wind howled past his ears, and the thrill was indescribable, making him let out a few joyful howls.

The snowmobile’s noise was particularly attention-grabbing. Zhang Yi saw fleeting shadows behind the glass of high-rise buildings. Despite the apocalypse, resilient humans managed to survive, much like tenacious locusts. This extreme cold was akin to pesticide; those who survived would gradually adapt.

Feeling the gun in his pocket gave Zhang Yi a sense of security. In this city, every survivor was a potential threat. In the apocalypse, one should never trust human nature.

Zhang Yi's first target wasn’t the nearby supermarket. Instead, he headed straight for the Tianhai City Police Station, knowing it would have weapons. He remembered the saying, "All fear comes from insufficient firepower." Therefore, he aimed to acquire as many weapons, especially firearms, as possible.

After half an hour, Zhang Yi arrived at the Tianhai City Police Station. Most of it was buried in snow, and the six-story building's bottom three floors were completely covered. Luckily, the police station was an independent structure with higher ceilings than residential buildings. Otherwise, Zhang Yi would have found nothing if he had arrived a few days later.

He parked the snowmobile in front of the western window, turned off the engine, removed the key, and grabbed his crowbar. With a loud crash, he shattered the tempered glass and climbed inside.

The interior was pitch black, but Zhang Yi was prepared. He took out a miner's lamp from his space, a small yet highly bright device used by underground miners. Once turned on, it illuminated the surroundings like a miniature sun.

Unfamiliar with the police station's layout, Zhang Yi had to search room by room. On the snow-covered second floor, he pried open a locked room and was slightly moved by the sight inside.

In the corner, seven or eight police officers were huddled together, wrapped in thin blankets. Their bodies were as pale as the snow. Zhang Yi sighed deeply, feeling a twinge of sadness. These officers were likely on night duty when the blizzard struck, lacking proper winter clothing. They appeared to have frozen to death.

Zhang Yi considered burying them but decided that leaving them in the building where they had dedicated their lives was a fitting end. He bowed his head in respect, mourning those who had once protected the city, and then continued his search.

The police station was cluttered, making the search time-consuming. When he got tired, Zhang Yi took a piece of pure cocoa butter chocolate from his space and ate it to replenish his energy before resuming his search.

After nearly two hours, Zhang Yi found the armory, but it was locked. He spent a long time trying to pry it open before realizing he needed the key. Knowing it would be in the duty room, he went to retrieve it.

With the key, Zhang Yi opened the armory and was amazed. It contained numerous firearms, including pistols and rifles, amounting to dozens of guns. He even found a sniper rifle, though he didn’t recognize its make or model. Zhang Yi didn’t care; he collected everything, planning to study them later.

The sniper rifle excited him the most. Even if his marksmanship wasn’t perfect, it could still intimidate people. Zhang Yi considered himself talented with guns, especially handguns, and his rebirth had made his shooting more decisive. He had hit almost every target during his previous encounter with the Tianhe Gang.

Feeling like a sharpshooting genius, Zhang Yi laughed at himself. He also found over a thousand rounds of ammunition, old confiscated guns, and other equipment like bulletproof vests, riot helmets, shields, and batons.

"These are enough to form a formidable combat team!" Zhang Yi thought happily, collecting everything. Just these finds made the trip worthwhile.

Leaving the police station, Zhang Yi found his snowmobile covered in a thick layer of snow, realizing he had been out for most of the day.

"I should find some food for those bastards," he muttered, thinking of his neighbors.

After circling the area, he found a supermarket that wasn’t completely buried. Breaking a window to enter, he discovered it had been thoroughly looted, with shelves as clean as if freshly bought. Only a few frozen vegetable scraps remained.

"This place is too close to the residential area, no wonder it’s empty," Zhang Yi mused, noting it was a convenience store. "Larger malls further from residential areas should still have supplies."

Having worked in warehousing, Zhang Yi knew Tianhai City’s layout well. He decided to head to the Economic Development Zone, where a Wanda Plaza mall had been built two years ago. It was far from residential buildings and less likely to have been looted.

Climbing back on his snowmobile, Zhang Yi drove towards the Economic Development Zone, anticipating another successful haul.

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