Chapter 73: The Scheming Mother

After a while, Zhang Yi heard a knock on the door.

Following that, Uncle You's voice came through. "Zhang Yi, it's You Jiguang. Are you home?"

Zhang Yi habitually checked the surveillance monitor.

However, his brow quickly furrowed because standing at the door wasn’t just Uncle You; there was also a woman holding a child. Despite being wrapped in a thick down jacket, Zhang Yi knew she was Xie Limei, the child's mother.

"What is she doing here?" Zhang Yi thought. He had a good impression of Uncle You, but he had no particular relationship with Xie Limei. Based on his experience from his previous life, he knew this woman was not simple.

Zhang Yi got up from his chair and walked to the door. Zhou Ke'er took a glance but didn’t act, understanding that Zhang Yi was the master of this house.

Zhang Yi approached the door but didn't open it. "Is it Uncle You?" he asked, pretending not to know.

Uncle You replied, "Yes, it’s me."

At that moment, Xie Limei interjected, her voice filled with a sobbing tone, "Zhang Yi, my daughter Tang Bao has a high fever that won't subside. Please help her!"

Zhang Yi took out a prepared box of acetaminophen suspension drops and a box of Little Sunflower Cold Medicine, then threw them out through the shooting hole above the door.

"Take the medicine and give it to the child quickly. Being sick at a time like this is no small matter," Zhang Yi said.

Uncle You quickly picked up the medicine, his eyes full of gratitude. "Zhang Yi, thank you, thank you so much!"

Xie Limei took the medicine, and while Uncle You was about to leave with her, a strange light flashed in her eyes. She said, "Zhang Yi, I have a request. Can we let the baby stay at your place for a while?"

"I know you have a heater and it’s warm inside, but our place is freezing!"

"With the baby being sick, I worry she’ll get worse. Can you do us this favor?"

Uncle You looked startled. Xie Limei hadn’t mentioned this to him on the way here. He felt awkward, realizing he hadn’t discussed this with Zhang Yi beforehand. Now, Xie Limei’s sudden request put him in an uncomfortable position. Seeing her pleading eyes, he didn't know what to say.

Inside, Zhang Yi smirked at her boldness.

"Is this Xie Limei? Sorry, but in these times, I can’t let people into my home. Besides, we’re running low on coal too, and it’s not much warmer here than outside," Zhang Yi replied, not intending to be swayed.

Xie Limei’s plea sounded noble, but Zhang Yi and Zhou Ke'er had no experience taking care of a child, nor did they want the hassle. Letting the child in would inevitably mean letting Xie Limei in too. It would be hard to get rid of her once she was inside, especially if she had bad intentions. Zhang Yi didn’t want the trouble of constant vigilance.

Uncle You, sensing Zhang Yi’s firm stance, gently said to Xie Limei, "Zhang Yi has already done us a great favor by giving us the medicine. Let's go back and bundle up more clothes; the child won’t freeze."

Xie Limei wiped her tears, speaking pitifully, "You’re a man; you don’t understand. The baby is so small and fragile."

She then turned back to Zhang Yi, "Zhang Yi, I know this request is a bit much, but I have no other option!"

"Sister knows you have a kind heart, which is why I'm shamelessly making this request."

"Please, for the baby’s sake and for Uncle You’s sake, let her stay at your place for a while!"

Her plea was designed to tug at heartstrings and included Uncle You in her request, making it hard for anyone not to relent unless they were truly hard-hearted.

But Zhang Yi wasn’t easily moved.

"Sister Xie, in times like these, I can't let anyone into my home. You know everyone in this building wants to take over my house and kill me."

"I’m scared, really scared. I can’t let strangers in."

"I believe you understand, don’t you, Uncle You?"

Uncle You nodded repeatedly, feeling embarrassed but also understanding Zhang Yi’s concerns.

"Yes, Zhang Yi has already been very good to us. Who else would give us medicine? You know how hard it is to get medicine now," Uncle You said to Xie Limei.

Xie Limei bit her lip, not refuting Uncle You but looking tearful and pitiful.

"But didn't you let Zhou Ke'er stay in your house?" she asked.

Zhang Yi laughed dismissively, "Zhou Ke'er is my girlfriend. Is there a problem with that?"

Though Zhou Ke'er knew Zhang Yi was just making an excuse, she couldn’t help but smile slightly. Women often value sweet words from men more than the truth. Even knowing it was a lie, she found comfort in it.

Xie Limei frowned, seeming to think of another argument. But Uncle You, feeling ashamed and not as thick-skinned, pulled her back firmly.

"Let's go. Don’t bother him anymore. Zhang Yi has been kind enough. Don’t be too demanding!" Uncle You said, a bit sternly.

Seeing Uncle You was genuinely angry, Xie Limei immediately switched to a more aggrieved expression.

"I know, I don’t want to push it. It's all for the child."

Uncle You turned back to the house and apologized, "Sorry, Zhang Yi. Don’t mind her. Thank you so much for your help!"

Zhang Yi replied, "No worries. It’s understandable. Let’s support each other through these times."

Watching through the surveillance, Zhang Yi saw Uncle You take Xie Limei and the child downstairs.

Returning to the dining table, Zhang Yi told Zhou Ke'er, "This woman is a bit tricky."

Zhou Ke'er shrugged indifferently, "There are plenty like her."

Zhang Yi nodded, "True, but Uncle You and I get along well. I’m worried she might disrupt our relationship."

Uncle You was Zhang Yi’s ideal helper. Zhang Yi didn’t want Xie Limei to influence him negatively.

He decided to stay wary of Xie Limei. At the very least, she had her eyes on his house and supplies.

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