Chapter 69: A Good Night's Sleep

This night was destined to be exceptionally long.

Zhou Ke'er finally got the warm room she desired. Now, she could sleep comfortably for the first time since the apocalypse began.

Zhang Yi locked the door from the outside, keeping the only key with him.

Business was business, and basic principles had to be maintained. Even though Zhang Yi knew Zhou Ke'er was a kind person, letting her in and allowing her to survive was already a great act of kindness.

He couldn’t completely let his guard down around her in the short term.

After showering, Zhang Yi returned to his bedroom to rest.

He slept for half a day, waking up feeling refreshed, his eyes brighter than usual. Having a woman around added some fun to life; living alone, he worried he might eventually go insane. Humans are, after all, social animals.

However, Zhou Ke'er had to be obedient and absolutely harmless.

Zhang Yi checked the surveillance and saw that Zhou Ke'er was still sleeping soundly in bed. She hadn’t had a proper rest for a long time, so she was sleeping very deeply, not having woken up yet.

Raising an eyebrow, Zhang Yi got dressed, washed up, and went to the living room to prepare breakfast. He took some food out of his storage space and placed it on the coffee table.

Then he went to Zhou Ke'er's door, unlocked it, and knocked.

"Come out and eat something!"

It was amusing. Zhang Yi could see everything in the house clearly, but he still lacked politeness. Basic respect was necessary if they were to live together long-term.

Zhou Ke'er's soft, tired voice came from inside. "Okay, I'll be right out."

Zhang Yi went to the dining table, picked up a cheese burger, and walked to the window while eating.

Overnight, the large block of ice on the neighboring balcony had grown bigger. Snow had fallen on it, turning it pure white, and the twisted shapes of ten corpses could be faintly seen inside.

Zhou Ke'er came out of her room, blushing slightly at the sight of Zhang Yi. As a well-educated doctor from a prestigious university, she had always been proud and aloof, maintaining her chastity until now. People from high society valued these things greatly.

However, she hadn’t given herself to her husband or lover but exchanged her chastity for survival with a relatively unfamiliar man during the apocalypse.

Yet, looking at Zhang Yi’s tall figure and his cold, rational, handsome face made her feel strangely secure.

Women often have special feelings for their first man.

Zhang Yi liked Zhou Ke'er because she was beautiful. What man wouldn’t love a woman with a great figure and a pretty face? However, love was out of the question for now. Perhaps, once he completely trusted her, he might develop feelings.

Living alone in the apocalypse was exhausting; emotional support was needed.

Zhang Yi pointed to the food on the table. Zhou Ke'er saw the hot burgers, fried chicken, and fries.

Zhang Yi had ordered these items in large quantities from KFC and McDonald’s before the apocalypse. Thanks to the space's preservation ability, they were still hot when taken out.

Zhou Ke'er swallowed hard and couldn’t resist picking up a burger and taking a big bite. Fast food she used to disdain now tasted so delicious it made her want to cry.

Within ten minutes, she finished all the food on the table.

Lying back in her chair, she let out a satisfied burp. Seeing Zhang Yi’s amused expression, she covered her mouth in embarrassment.

Zhang Yi didn’t mind.

"Finished?" he asked.

Zhou Ke'er tilted her head, "Not quite. But I shouldn’t eat too much at once; it can cause stomach issues."

"Then get to work."

Zhang Yi pointed outside.

Zhou Ke'er obediently walked over. Zhang Yi took two sets of cold-resistant suits from his space, making her eyes widen in amazement, even though she had seen it before.

Her resolve to follow Zhang Yi strengthened. In the apocalypse, survival chances increased by following powerful individuals.

Zhang Yi threw her one set, and they both put them on.

"What are we doing?" Zhou Ke'er asked curiously.

"Breaking that block of ice," Zhang Yi replied, pointing to the neighboring balcony.

Zhou Ke'er shuddered. The bodies were merged with the ice; breaking it would shatter the corpses.

"Why do this if they’re already dead?" she asked.

Zhang Yi shrugged, "Maybe I just really hate them."

Seeing her surprised expression, Zhang Yi added, "Everyone in this building wants to kill me and take my supplies. I need to show them I’m not to be messed with."

"In the past, they thought I was a coward hiding at home. I don’t mind their opinions, but it gets annoying over time. They need a reminder."

There was another reason Zhang Yi didn’t mention: vengeance.

Chen Zhenghao had repeatedly tried to kill him, which infuriated Zhang Yi. Simply freezing them to death was too lenient.

Realizing something, Zhou Ke'er pointed at herself, "You’re not making me do it, are you?"

She was exasperated. She had eliminated Chen Zhenghao and his men, and now Zhang Yi was still cautious.

"This is called being cautious!" Zhang Yi replied seriously.

If he went over and she closed the window, what would he do? Though he wouldn’t starve, living comfortably was preferable.

Zhou Ke'er rolled her eyes, finding Zhang Yi’s extreme caution amusing.

He gestured for her to proceed, handing her a baseball bat.

She noticed his defensive stance and felt even more exasperated by his caution. Despite her reluctance, she took the bat, climbed over the railing, and onto the neighboring balcony.

Zhang Yi took out his phone and began recording.

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