Chapter 63: Infection

Zhang Yi's ostentatious display of wealth made the entire apartment building's residents feel like their hearts were bleeding. Even the leftover food scraps from Zhang Yi's meals were considered delicacies by them. Yet, Zhang Yi wouldn't share even that with them.

In Sun Zhichao's home, the aftermath of the failed assault on Zhang Yi’s house was becoming apparent. Their hopes of acquiring antibiotics had been dashed. Only two days had passed, and the consequences were already evident.

The three injured men felt unbearable itching around their wounds. The bandages were starting to show unusual yellowish stains.

Unable to bear it any longer, Sun Zhichao tore off his bandage to inspect his wound, only to find it festering and pus-filled, emitting a nauseating stench akin to that of a rotting animal carcass.

“No, no, no! I don’t want to die!” Sun Zhichao cried out, tears and snot streaming down his face.

Zhou Peng and Ge Jialiang, seeing this, were even more terrified. They unwrapped their own bandages, praying they weren’t infected. Unfortunately, the reality was harsh; they found their wounds similarly infected.

They might have had a chance at healing if they had only sustained minor cuts. However, their injuries were deep, caused by rusty crossbow bolts embedded in their flesh. The combination of the injuries, bacterial infection, and lack of adequate nutrition and medication made wound deterioration inevitable.

The three men screamed in agony, driven nearly insane by the pain and fear.

In the room, Fang Yuqing trembled, clutching her phone. She sent a message to Zhang Yi.

“Yi, they’ve gone mad. I’m so scared. Can you come and save me? I’ll do anything you ask if you come.”

After a while, Zhang Yi replied.

“Yuqing, it pains me to see you like this. But I can’t leave; Chen Zhenghao is right next door. If you come to me, be careful not to get caught by them. Yesterday, they killed my neighbors next door. If they see you, they might target you too.”

Hearing that Chen Zhenghao was next door, Fang Yuqing hesitated, her face full of dread.

Chen Zhenghao had killed many people, and she didn’t dare to take the risk.

“Yi, I’m too scared. Can you come and get me? You have weapons, right?”

Zhang Yi cursed her in his heart. This shameless bitch expected him to go get her?

“I’d like to, but after what happened the other day, I’m feeling unwell. Let’s talk later; I’m a bit tired. Bye-bye!”

Hearing the screams outside, Fang Yuqing’s face turned pale. She sent another message to Zhang Yi, but he ignored her.

In the following days, Zhang Yi’s life was affluent and leisurely.

With no need to work, he could sleep whenever he wanted and wake up whenever he liked. There was no need to worry about survival or to pander to anyone.

If anyone dared to upset him, he could just curse them back. His life was utterly satisfying.

Next door, Chen Zhenghao constantly schemed to kill Zhang Yi and take over his house. But he hadn’t seen Zhang Yi leave his home for days. Without Zhang Yi stepping out, Chen Zhenghao had no chance to deal with him.

Ironically, because Zhang Yi had placed a bounty on him, Chen Zhenghao lived in constant fear, unable to trust even his closest men. He slept with his gun in hand, his nerves fraying.

Chen Zhenghao eventually came up with a plan.

Zhang Yi monitored the entire building through his surveillance. He noticed that Chen Zhenghao seemed to be plotting something.

Gradually, more young, strong men started entering Chen Zhenghao’s home. Some came willingly, others were forced at gunpoint.

Chen Zhenghao's group expanded to ten people, more than before.

Zhang Yi realized what was happening.

“He’s scared, so he’s recruiting people to protect himself from being killed and having the bounty claimed.”

But Zhang Yi saw this as a futile effort.

The building’s residents, now reduced to about seventy people after Zhang Yi had killed dozens, were running out of supplies. Soon, their food would run out, leading to inevitable cannibalism.

Chen Zhenghao’s recruitment meant he now had to provide food for ten people, which was unsustainable. His gun could only maintain his power for so long, and it likely had few bullets left.

Zhang Yi messaged Zhou Ke'er, asking about the situation with Chen Zhenghao.

After a long wait, Zhou Ke'er replied.

“Chen Zhenghao and his men have gone mad. They’ve run out of food and started eating people! I haven’t eaten in two days and feel like I’m starving to death.”

Zhang Yi wasn’t surprised. He might also choose death over eating human flesh, but he wasn’t in that desperate situation yet.

Zhou Ke'er continued, “They go out every day looking for people. If they find anyone, they attack and kill them. It’s ironic; the people you killed allowed some to survive a bit longer.”

“They’ve faced resistance and have casualties too.”

After a long pause, Zhou Ke'er sent another message.

“Zhang Yi, can you still save me?”

Zhang Yi sensed her desperation. The once proud doctor had been reduced to begging for survival.

After thinking for a long time, Zhang Yi decided he couldn’t let Zhou Ke'er die. A top-tier surgeon was invaluable and hard to find.

“I need you to do something for me. If you succeed, I’ll save you.”

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