Chapter 52: Exposing Zhang Yi’s Wealth

Zhou Ke’er extended her hand to Wang Min.

Naturally, she wouldn’t help for free.

Wang Min understood and handed her a pack of biscuits.

Although not much, it was enough for Zhou Ke’er to eat for two days if rationed. Zhou Ke’er was satisfied and left.

After she left, the room's atmosphere became extremely oppressive.

The pain from the wounds was still intense, making the three men lie on the sofa, wrapped in blankets, unwilling to move.

Zhou Peng looked at Fang Yuqing on the floor, his eyes filled with sorrow.

As for the others, their gazes towards her were hostile.

Sun Zhichao took a deep breath, “We can’t just wait to die. We must get medicine from Zhang Yi! Otherwise, if the wounds get infected, we’ll die horribly!”

He looked at Wang Min and Lin Cainin, saying seriously, “You must understand that without men to protect you, it’s hard to survive in this apocalypse.”

Wang Min and Lin Cainin's faces looked grim.

They knew Sun Zhichao was right; otherwise, Wang Min wouldn’t have chosen to team up with them from the start.

“But... we have no way to deal with Zhang Yi.”

Wang Min sighed deeply, filled with helplessness.

Their forced assault had failed, costing them dearly. What other options did they have?

Sun Zhichao, gritting his teeth against the pain, said, “I have an idea. It’s worth a try!”

Everyone’s eyes lit up, looking at Sun Zhichao.

“What idea?”

“If there’s hope, we must try it!”

“Yes, waiting here is just waiting to die. We might as well take a risk!”

Sun Zhichao said, “Zhang Yi has a fireplace, which means he has a lot of fuel. And judging by his videos, he has plenty of food.”

“Only a few of us know this. But clearly, we can’t break into Zhang Yi’s house on our own.”

“Let’s spread the news to the entire building!”

Sun Zhichao’s eyes gleamed maliciously like a cobra’s.

“If we can’t deal with him, a few hundred people can!”

“And there’s that mad dog Chen Zhenghao with a gun! His gang are ruthless killers; they’ll definitely go after Zhang Yi!”

“Once they deal with Zhang Yi, we should easily get some medicine and food.”

As soon as he finished, Ge Jialiang exclaimed excitedly, “That’s a great idea! I agree!”

The others quickly nodded in agreement.

Given their current situation, they had no better options.

Fang Yuqing suddenly started cursing at everyone, “You’re despicable! How can you do this?”

“If you ruin Zhang Yi, what will happen to me when I go live with him?”

Wang Min, face cold, walked over and slapped Fang Yuqing hard. Her face was already swollen like a pig’s head.

Wang Min grabbed Fang Yuqing’s hair, dragging her to the bedroom amid her screams.

Then Wang Min called out, “Zhou Peng, come here and deal with her!”

Zhou Peng’s arm was injured, but not too severely.

Zhang Yi hadn’t aimed for vital spots; he intended for them to die slowly from infection.

So, Zhou Peng was still capable of physical activity.

Hearing Wang Min’s command, Zhou Peng hesitated, “Cousin, isn’t this wrong? I really like her. How can I hurt her?”

Fang Yuqing trembled on the bed, pleading for mercy.

“No, you can’t do this to me! Zhou Peng, didn’t you say you love me?”

Wang Min spat, “You little vixen, causing us so much pain. Letting you sleep with my cousin is a favor!”

She said to Zhou Peng, “Don’t be foolish! This woman is cheap and has probably slept with many men.”

“Isn’t your goal to sleep with her? Here’s your chance. Afterward, let’s see if she can still fool you!”

Wang Min knew how to deal with Fang Yuqing.

Once Zhou Peng slept with her, his infatuation would fade.

Zhou Peng shouted and rushed into the bedroom, pushing Wang Min aside.

“Don’t talk about her like that! I truly love Yuqing, and I won’t force her!”

He stood with his neck stiff.

Wang Min, furious, pointed at Zhou Peng, unable to speak.

“You useless simp!”

She underestimated the loyalty of a simp.

Zhou Peng said, “No, I’m not a simp! Yuqing is genuinely good to me. I believe if I win her over with time, she’ll love me!”

He turned and gave Fang Yuqing what he thought was a charming smile.

“Don’t be afraid. I’m here.”

He remembered when he first came to the city, young and alone, with just a middle school education. People looked down on him.

Only Fang Yuqing had been kind, even letting him help her move things.

During his lonely times, she gave him a chance to treat her to meals.

That trust warmed his heart.

He’d rather hurt himself than Fang Yuqing. Even after her harsh words, he blamed Zhang Yi, thinking Fang Yuqing was just deceived.

He believed that if he waited patiently, she would realize he was the best man for her.

Seeing Zhou Peng’s silly smile, Fang Yuqing felt relieved.

Though letting him have his way wouldn’t be a big deal, she still found him disgusting.

The others, seeing Zhou Peng’s simping, were speechless.

But now, their focus was on uniting the others to against Zhang Yi.

So they ignored Zhou Peng.


Wang Min and the others decided to expose Zhang Yi’s stockpile to everyone.

Using collective strength, they planned to break into Zhang Yi’s house.

Only by doing so could they get the medicine and save Sun Zhichao and the others.

Wang Min posted Zhang Yi’s videos and photos in the chat group.

She wanted Chen Zhenghao to see them too.

Wang Min: “Guys, did you know someone is living so comfortably? This selfish behavior is utterly shameless!”

“These videos were taken at Zhang Yi’s place recently. Think about how we’ve been living, and look at his life! Is this fair?”

“Let’s discuss how to handle this.”

Usually, this group was silent, with only Chen Zhenghao occasionally threatening the neighbors.

Wang Min’s posts quickly grabbed everyone’s attention.

Neighbors eagerly watched the videos.

Seeing the luxurious life in the videos, everyone was almost driven mad with excitement!

“He’s wearing pajamas inside? It’s over minus seventy degrees in our place. How does he stay warm?”

“They have lights on at night! Where’s the electricity coming from?”

“Are these recent videos? Aren’t they from before?”

Some doubted.

Everyone was starving and freezing; it was unimaginable that someone could eat hot meals and live in a warm house.

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