Chapter 39: Stink Bomb

Chapter 39: Stink Bomb

Fang Yuqing, upset about her sofa, was disgusted by the urine-soaked Zhou Peng.

He had been doused the most while standing at the door. She yelled at him to get off the couch immediately.

Zhou Peng felt deeply wronged. He had only followed Fang Yuqing's orders to trouble Zhang Yi, and now, covered in urine, freezing, and injured, Fang Yuqing was treating him this way!

However, being the simp that he was, he quickly rationalized that Fang Yuqing had every right to scold him.

After all, he hadn't done his job well and was now dirtying her sofa. He felt even more that he deserved the reprimand.

He promptly stood up and apologized, "I'm sorry, Yuqing. It's my fault. Please don't be disappointed."

Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining, eager to change out of their urine-soaked clothes, waved him off. "Get out, we need to change."

Zhou Peng quickly left Fang Yuqing's home. The two women rushed to change out of their soiled clothes, but even after changing, the pungent smell lingered. It wasn't just on their clothes; their hair and skin were also contaminated, and some had even flowed inside their collars.

Given the freezing weather, bathing was out of the question, so they had to endure the stench.

Their failed attempt and the humiliating shower only fueled their hatred for Zhang Yi. "What do we do now? Zhang Yi is too cunning to handle easily!"

"Whatever it takes, we have to get his apartment!"

"We'll come up with a plan. He must have a weak spot!"

While the two women were scheming, Zhang Yi sent Fang Yuqing a message: "This time it was urine. Next time, I'll pour feces on you! "

He hadn't prepared much this time, but he would have drenched them in filth if he had the time.

Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining turned green at the thought. If they were covered in feces, they'd rather die.

Zhang Yi turned off the chat without reading Fang Yuqing's replies. Although he had muted the notifications, the number of unread messages quickly climbed, indicating they were unpleasant.

He checked the neighborhood group chat and was amused by what he saw. Ever since Chen Zhenghao took over her home, Aunt Lin seemed mentally unstable, constantly sending voice messages demanding everyone's supplies.

"I'm the community committee staff! If you don't listen to me, I'll have you all arrested once the snow melts!"

"Did you hear me? Bring all your food to my place today!"

This time, few people paid her any mind. After over ten days, everyone had realized the true state of the world.

The authorities couldn't help everyone, and Aunt Lin's community title was meaningless now. Instead, people ridiculed her.

"Crazy old woman, why don't you just die already?"

"Remember when you scammed us out of a box of instant noodles? I haven't forgotten!"

Others brought up the start of the snow disaster. "Remember when you said everything would be fine and discouraged us from stockpiling? Look where we are now!"

This reminder ignited everyone's anger.

Early on, some wanted to stock up despite the cold, but Aunt Lin assured them it wasn't necessary and threatened those who did.

Days later, when snow sealed all exits, it was too late. Without her interference, they could have had enough supplies for an extra two weeks.

"Curse you, you troublemaker!"

"It's all your fault we're suffering!"

The neighbors bombarded Aunt Lin with curses. Wealthy heir Xu Hao then chimed in, offering exorbitant amounts of food: "I'm buying food at high prices, any kind. I'll pay 10,000 for a pack of instant noodles and 5,000 for a water bottle!"

Instant noodles now cost 10,000 each, showing Xu Hao's desperation. His money, unused, was becoming worthless.

Zhang Yi shook his head. "At this time, he still thinks money can buy things."

As soon as Zhang Yi spoke, someone replied, "I have some food to sell."

Zhang Yi was speechless. Even in dire times, some people were willing to risk everything for money, betting the snow disaster wouldn't last long. But Zhang Yi knew better; this snowstorm would drag on, and the world would take a long time to recover, rendering money useless.

Recalling a mischievous thought, Zhang Yi remembered he had plenty of toilet paper, unlike his neighbors. If their toilet paper ran out, what would they use?

He chuckled but then dismissed the thought. "They're barely eating; they probably don't need much toilet paper."

This foreshadowed the impending breakdown of the fragile peace. Once food ran out completely, people would become terrifying beasts.

The next day, Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining were back at Zhang Yi's door, pleading to be let in, claiming they were freezing to death. Zhang Yi ignored them. Freezing to death was exactly what he hoped for.

When he didn't respond, they begged for food, invoking their past connection. Zhang Yi, watching through his monitor, saw they had come with umbrellas, clearly traumatized by yesterday's urine shower.

He wasn't foolish enough to open the door. He suspected they were armed, ready to kill him and steal his home and supplies. Zhang Yi thought for a moment, then opened his interdimensional space.

There were many miscellaneous items he had collected, knowing they might be useful someday. Now was that day.

He retrieved two stink bombs from the toy section. These prank toys released an incredibly foul odor when ignited, which was hard to wash off, even with soap and water.

Hearing Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining's voices outside, Zhang Yi grinned and approached with the stink bombs.

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