Chapter 238: Guiding Inspection

As expected, once Xie Huanhuan and Liu Ziyang introduced themselves, the villagers of Xu’s Town immediately became much more welcoming. Even in the post-apocalyptic world, the ingrained respect for authority was still deeply rooted in their bones.

The newly appointed village head, Xu Dongtang, stepped forward to closely examine Xie Huanhuan’s credentials. Seeing their official uniforms and bearing, he was convinced they were who they claimed to be. His demeanor changed instantly from stern to obsequious, with a broad smile spreading across his face.

"So, it’s the leadership visiting us! Welcome, welcome!" Xu Dongtang said enthusiastically, and the villagers quickly lowered their weapons. They curiously eyed Xie Huanhuan and Liu Ziyang, brimming with questions. Communication networks were no longer as reliable as before the apocalypse, so they had little information about the outside world. They were unsure about the state of the world, whether the government was still functioning, and how it planned to handle the snow disaster. However, none of this dulled Xu Dongtang’s eagerness to curry favor with the two officials.

He invited them into the village, ordering the villagers to prepare food for their guests. "Prepare a feast! Today, we have higher-ups visiting for an inspection. We must treat them well!" Xu Dongtang commanded, instructing the villagers to bring out some stored food.

Someone questioned, "Sixth Uncle, we don’t know what they’re here for. Why are we treating them so warmly?"

Xu Dongtang responded with a knowing smile, "As long as they represent the government, that’s all that matters. In these troubled times, when the world is in chaos, it’s our chance as farmers to rise. If we can establish a connection with the government, who knows? The Xu family might just ascend to great heights! And besides, it’s just some food—we can afford it."

The villagers, convinced by Xu Dongtang’s reasoning, returned to their homes to gather their best provisions to offer Xie Huanhuan and Liu Ziyang.

For their part, Xie Huanhuan and Liu Ziyang were surprised to find such a lively and well-organized village. It seemed almost untouched by the snow disaster, which they found remarkable. As they strolled through the village, accompanied by Xu Dongtang and several elder members of the Xu family, they observed everything with keen interest.

Xie Huanhuan asked, "Old sir, despite this heavy snow, it seems your village hasn’t been affected much. How have you managed that?"

Xu Dongtang puffed out his chest, eager to impress the officials. "First and foremost, we in Xu’s Town are resilient and self-reliant. We didn’t let the snow disaster defeat us! Secondly, as village head, I played a role in guiding the people. You see, I’ve always advised them to stockpile food in emergencies. So when the snow disaster hit, our villagers didn’t have to worry about food. Not to brag, but not everyone in Xu’s Town has starved!"

Xie Huanhuan and Liu Ziyang exchanged a meaningful glance. Meanwhile, the older villagers were internally rolling their eyes at Xu Dongtang’s self-congratulatory speech. He’d only been village head for a few days, and the previous head, Xu Dongsheng, had led the real efforts. Moreover, Xu’s Town had always been an agricultural and fishing community with a longstanding tradition of stockpiling food. But now, Xu Dongtang was taking all the credit.

Casually, Xie Huanhuan asked, "So, your village has plenty of food stored up, then?"

Proudly, Xu Dongtang replied, "Leader, it seems you’re unfamiliar with Tianhai City’s agricultural market. To put it bluntly, Xu’s Town supplies a third of Tianhai City’s vegetables!"

Realizing he might have said too much, Xu Dongtang quickly tried to backtrack. "But, of course, the heavy snowfall over the past month has ruined much of our food. Right now, we’re just managing to get by."

Xie Huanhuan smiled gently. "Even so, for a village with over a thousand households, being able to get by is quite impressive."

Xu Dongtang chuckled, "In all of Xu’s Town, our village is in the best shape. Just look at these ice houses we’ve built—they solve our housing problem perfectly! Other villages weren’t so clever; many homes were buried under the snow, and a lot of people died."

He pointed to the ice houses with a smug expression, claiming all the credit for the idea, while the other villagers, though exasperated, refrained from contradicting him due to his position.

Xie Huanhuan and Liu Ziyang were genuinely impressed. They thought, "This old man has some serious talent!"

Liu Ziyang gazed at the massive snow fortress in the village and remarked, "These ice houses were all built by hand? That’s incredible—your village has some skilled craftsmen!"

Xu Dongtang shamelessly claimed, "We’re farmers. We need skills to make some extra money and support our families!"

Xie Huanhuan and Liu Ziyang nodded, not questioning his explanation. Xu Dongtang’s self-aggrandizing had the unintended effect of keeping the existence of Xu Chunlei, the real skilled craftsman behind the ice houses, a secret.

After touring the village, Xie Huanhuan and Liu Ziyang didn’t find anything particularly noteworthy. The villagers had prepared lunch, and Xu Dongtang enthusiastically invited them to join.

Having been on the road eating only compressed food, Xie Huanhuan and Liu Ziyang were eager for a hot meal, so they gladly accepted.

They were taken to Xu Dongtang’s home, where several senior members of the Xu family joined them. The ice houses, surprisingly good at retaining heat, were also wind-resistant. Once a fire was lit, and with many people inside, the cold became more bearable. The meal was cooked over a makeshift stove, with everyone gathering to enjoy a hotpot—a rare luxury in these times.

To host their esteemed guests, the villagers brought out the best of what they had: preserved meats, dried chicken, and the locally popular frozen fish, all tossed into the pot to create a hearty dish.

"Please, help yourselves! Don’t be shy—eat as much as you like!" Xu Dongtang and the Xu family elders warmly urged Xie Huanhuan and Liu Ziyang to dig in.

Looking at the steaming pot filled with delicacies, Xie Huanhuan couldn’t help but think, "This village is certainly prosperous."

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