Chapter 218: Mind Your Own Business

"Run!" Lu Keran screamed in terror.

The black monster had silently appeared outside the gymnasium, unnoticed until it was seen. They couldn't fathom how such a massive creature could move so stealthily.

Run? But where to?

Realizing the danger, the students screamed and tried to flee in all directions. The monster’s claw easily shattered the reinforced window, reaching inside. The five- to six-meter-long arm, with sharp claws like gleaming steel blades and hair like sharp spikes, raked through the gym.

It seemed almost playful, like a giant cat playing with mice, though the sight would appear absurdly comical from an outsider's perspective.

But this enormous cat was not cute as it clawed at a group of helpless humans. The razor-sharp claws swiftly slashed through the air, leaving several bodies with long gashes, their innards spilling out immediately.

The hellish screams were even more terrifying, especially coming from their classmates. Wu Chengyu and his group, though terrified, were prepared. They hid in the back, pushing unlucky students forward as shields. One wasn’t enough; they pushed forward another and another, selecting the strongest students they had roped into their plan. The rest, even if they realized the betrayal, could do nothing but curse in futility.

At that moment, Lu Keran, pushing Yang Xinxin, was the fastest to react. Ironically, having a wheelchair gave them a survival advantage.

Meanwhile, while hiding and waiting, Liang Yue seized the opportunity to strike. A faint blue mist emanated from her body as she gripped her sword sheath with her left hand and the hilt with her right. With a fierce shout, she dashed towards the black monster like lightning.


The white blade gleamed as it sliced through the air, aiming for the monster’s neck. Liang Yue had poured all her strength into this attack, determined to fight to the death. If she won, it would be a hard-fought victory that would ensure their survival. If she lost, she would be the first to die.

The monster, engrossed in toying with the students, was unprepared for the sudden assault. As Liang Yue approached, its black fur bristled like a porcupine's quills, each hair as hard as steel.


The piercing roar threatened to burst eardrums. Cats are known for quick reflexes, but Liang Yue was equally fast. Her blade flashed, severing large clumps of fur that fell to the ground with metallic clinks.


A gash over a meter long opened on the monster’s neck, spraying blood. Enraged, the creature retreated, roaring furiously. Liang Yue, abandoning defense, pressed her attack with a do-or-die resolve.

Like a ghost, the monster retreated ten meters, but Liang Yue stayed close, her blade slashing through the air. Her eyes conveyed a deadly determination, which the monster sensed.


Its screams grew more desperate as it began to defend itself. Liang Yue’s Tang sword was incredibly powerful. She had mastered numerous martial arts, including national techniques, kenjutsu, Krav Maga, and Muay Thai, seeking the strongest combat skills. Her strikes were deadly, focused solely on attack.

As they fought fiercely, snow walls crumbled, covered in terrifying gashes from her blade and the monster's claws. The students inside the gym, hearing the battle outside, were too scared to move.

They watched as cracks appeared on the walls, some from the sword, others from the monster’s claws. Their only hope was to pray silently for Liang Yue’s victory, their last chance for survival.

During this intense battle, Zhang Yi, Uncle You, and Fatty Xu followed the noise and found an exit. Their sudden appearance caught both Liang Yue and the monster’s attention.

Liang Yue, seeing the newcomers, thought, I’ve never seen them before; they must be outsiders!

Hope sparkled in her eyes. Rescuers from the outside? Surely, they were here to save them, considering the school’s prestigious students had powerful and wealthy parents.

"Help me defeat this monster!" she shouted to Zhang Yi and his team.

Fatty Xu raised his hand to attack but was stopped by Zhang Yi. "Brother Zhang?"

Fatty Xu was confused. He thought it was their duty to help fellow humans against the monster. Why was Zhang Yi stopping him?

"Wait!" Zhang Yi commanded, watching Liang Yue intently. Her sword skills were sharp and deadly, far beyond ordinary. She wasn’t just a martial artist; her strength and speed suggested she was a superhuman with exceptional combat abilities.

Zhang Yi couldn’t tell if she was a friend or foe. His mission was to find Yang Xinxin, not to save unrelated people. The black monster was formidable, and engaging it could risk their safety. There was no need to intervene.

"No need to get involved. She seems to be handling it. Let’s go rescue the others," Zhang Yi said, heading towards the gym.

Fatty Xu paused, scratching his head. Zhang Yi’s reasoning made sense. He initially wanted to help because she was young and beautiful, but he realized it was unnecessary. Helping a stranger might lead to awkwardness if misinterpreted, he thought, remembering past embarrassments.

"Better not be the fool here," he decided, following Zhang Yi.

Uncle You, recognizing Liang Yue’s formidable skills, felt cautious. He knew he’d stand no chance against her despite his military training. Deciding it was wiser to follow Zhang Yi and avoid unnecessary danger, he joined them in searching for survivors.

Liang Yue was shocked and frustrated as she saw the three ignore her plea and head into the gym. Unable to spare attention, she focused on the monster, battling fiercely. She could only watch helplessly as Zhang Yi’s group entered the gym.

"What are you doing?" she shouted but had no choice but to continue fighting. Her students’ safety was in her hands, and she couldn’t afford distractions.

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