Ice Age Apocalypse: I Hoard Billions of Supplies

Chapter 213: The Tang Sword and the Female Warrior

Chapter 213: The Tang Sword and the Female Warrior

The three students stopped by the monster glared furiously at Li Yong and Zhou Keqi. "Bastards!!!"

Knowing they wouldn't survive, Li Yong and Zhou Keqi laughed despite the blood streaming from their mouths. "No one lives! If we die, you all die with us!"

The monster now had seven new playthings, and its excitement grew. It raised its massive black tail, claws scraping the ground. Taking advantage of the distraction, Wu Chengyu and two others darted out of the gym, faces alight with relief.

Wu Chengyu grinned triumphantly. "Sorry, but better you die than us!" His companions praised him. "Chengyu, you’re so smart! You used them to distract the monster so we could escape."

As they fled, Wu Chengyu explained, "I figured it was a mutated cat. Cats love to play with their prey before eating. Unless they’re starving, they’re not interested in dead mice."

The monster noticed a few had escaped inside the gym but wasn’t concerned. The rest of the students were still there. The gym was like its personal pantry, full of food. Other students huddled in corners, envious of those who escaped. Some attempted to imitate them, sneaking away.

But the monster was now alert and wouldn’t let them succeed. "Smack! Smack!" Louder than before, the monster ended its play, crushing the students beneath its claws. The remaining students screamed in horror, nearly breaking down.

At that moment, a shout echoed, "Damn monster, don’t hurt my students!"

Despair turned to hope as the students saw their teacher return. "Teacher Liang is back!"

A tall woman with a high ponytail stood at the door, wielding a traditional Tang sword. She charged at the monster, the blade glinting with a faint blue light. The monster, recognizing the danger, shrieked and dodged.

Seeing the bodies on the ground, Teacher Liang Yue's eyes filled with sorrow, but she saw the surviving students and decided not to engage the monster inside. She slowly moved deeper into the gym, clearing a path to the door. Understanding her intent, the monster smirked and grabbed a student’s body before slinking out.

Holding her sword tightly, Liang Yue cautiously followed. Outside, she found only the monster’s burrowed snow tunnels. She sighed in relief but also felt an overwhelming exhaustion. How long could she protect her students in this deadly game of cat and mouse?

For over a month, most of her students had died, not from the cold, but at the hands of this monster. If not for her exceptional combat skills and awakened superhuman abilities, she too would have become its meal. But constantly defending against the monster while protecting her students was wearing her down.

Liang Yue sheathed her Tang sword. Class representative Shen Miaoke approached timidly, "Teacher Liang!"

Liang Yue nodded and gestured to the sack at her feet. "Distribute the food to everyone." She found a corner, sat down with her sword, and closed her eyes to rest. She was utterly exhausted.

Since the apocalypse began, the school had become a graveyard. The monster had killed most people, not the cold. Only Liang Yue’s strength and abilities had kept her alive. But protecting so many students and constantly defending against the monster was draining her completely.

Shen Miaoke and a few girls handed out the food to the survivors. Soon, Wu Chengyu and his companions returned, nonchalantly grabbing some food. They acted as if nothing had happened, ignoring their earlier betrayal.

Just then, Zhang Mengning, who had previously scolded Yang Xinxin, snapped. The death of her best friend, Zheng Yuncong, had pushed her over the edge. She rushed at Yang Xinxin, screaming, "Why are you still alive when everyone else is dead? You should be the one dead, you useless cripple!"

"Why won’t you just die?"

Yang Xinxin remained silent. What could she say? She understood too well that blame needed no justification. Lu Keran defended her friend, "Zhang Mengning, be reasonable! How is this Xinxin’s fault?"

Zhang Mengning, tears streaming, stomped and cursed, "I hate her, so what?"

Shen Miaoke tried to calm her, "Zhang Mengning, please stop." She handed some food to Yang Xinxin. "Xinxin, eat something."

Zhang Mengning slapped the food to the ground. "Stop wasting food on her! The school’s supplies are limited. She’ll die eventually. Better save it for those who can use it!"

Liang Yue, eyes closed, opened them briefly at the commotion. Seeing the students fighting again, she closed her eyes. She was too tired. These conflicts happened daily. Someone would snap, argue, or even fight. She had no energy left for these issues, needing all her strength to combat the monster.

Zhang Mengning’s shouting filled the gym. In a corner, a girl sat on a gym mat, clutching her head, eyes filled with despair. "It’s useless. All this arguing is pointless. We’re all going to die, eaten by that monster!"

"Don’t you see? We’re all just food for it, kept alive because it likes fresh meat!"

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