Chapter 210: The Survivors

[A Few Days Ago]

At the original site of Tianqing Academy, the entire campus was buried under white snow, with only a few bell towers and the tips of tall buildings protruding above the surface. This once bustling elite school, spanning 2,000 acres, had completely vanished under the snow. It was hard to believe anyone could still be alive beneath this icy cover.

The students' survival was due to the sturdy construction of the Tianqing Academy buildings and the immense funds invested in their construction. After all, the children studying here were the offspring of high-ranking officials and wealthy businessmen. The quality of their school was a hundred times better than that of public schools.

A group of students had taken refuge in one of the school’s gyms. Beneath the snow, the air was thin, and the terrifying events they faced left everyone physically and mentally exhausted. Small groups huddled together, faces pale and filled with fear and anxiety. Their teacher had just gone to the warehouse for food, leaving them to rest.

In a corner of the gym, a long-haired girl in a wheelchair stared blankly at the basketball court floor. Her skin was sickly pale, even whiter than the snow outside. Her frail frame seemed like a breeze could blow it away. But beneath her black hair was an exquisitely beautiful, small and delicate face, with features resembling Yang Siya but a different demeanor.

Yang Siya’s face always bore a look of determination and strength, while this girl’s delicate and pitiable appearance could stir any man’s protective instincts. In short, she was an absolutely pitiful beauty, as fragile as a flower that might wither at any moment. She was Yang Siya’s cousin, Yang Xinxin.

Despite being a genius hacker, Yang Xinxin looked lonely. Only one long-time friend stayed by her side; the other students kept their distance, looking at her disdainfully. It wasn’t that Yang Xinxin had done anything wrong—she was simply a burden due to her disability and the fact that she was still alive.

Everyone feared the unknown terror lurking in the shadows in these dire times. Having a cripple around meant more trouble. Their teacher, a person of strong moral integrity, insisted on taking her along whenever danger approached. Initially, everyone sympathized with and took care of Yang Xinxin. However, their attitudes changed as their numbers dwindled from over a hundred to just a few dozen. Yang Xinxin, despite doing nothing wrong, became a scapegoat, with some blaming her for the deaths of their friends.

"Why are you still alive when others are dead?"

"Is it your fault everyone’s dying?"

In the face of death, some humans reveal rare kindness, while others unleash hidden malice. The latter is easier, as hatred is easier learned than forgiveness. This malice twisted their hearts. Under the pressure of death, they needed an outlet for their negative emotions. Bullying the weak provided a perverse satisfaction.

With oxygen running low, the students had little energy left. They leaned against the walls or sat on gym mats, starting to converse.

"Do you think we can survive?" a girl asked slowly.

The nearby girls, their faces weary, showed fear and resignation. Another girl hugged her knees, trembling, "We will survive. We must."

"But so many have died!"

"Li Huimin, Yuan Sisi, Zhao Huan, Tong Siya..."

Each name sent a chill through their hearts. These were their classmates, people they had watched die.

At this moment, a girl with wavy hair glanced at Yang Xinxin in her wheelchair. A surge of loathing rose within her.

"Why is this cripple still alive when so many are dead?"

Once started, this topic was hard to stop. The students found an outlet for their anger, glaring at Yang Xinxin.

"We always have to bring her when we run. It’s so annoying! If only we could feed her to the monsters!"

"Yeah, what’s the point of her living? She might just die from her illness anyway."

"I think she’s a jinx. Instead of dying, she drags us down!"

Their expressions grew twisted with perverse delight. Criticizing Yang Xinxin gave them a twisted sense of pleasure in their despair. They convinced themselves that her death would save them all.

Similar discussions about the necessity of protecting Yang Xinxin arose on the boys' side.

"We’ve protected her long enough. Isn’t that enough?"

A boy with a buzz cut frowned. "Maybe we should stop bringing her."

Leaning against the wall, a boy with styled hair spoke wearily, "Does it matter? Teacher Liang never leaves anyone behind. But people keep dying."

He was the class monitor, Wu Chengyu.

Then, a girl with a ponytail stood up among the first to criticize Yang Xinxin. With a strange smile, she approached Yang Xinxin.

Yang Xinxin looked up, fearful, "Zhang... Zhang Mengning..."

Zhang Mengning stood over her, her gaze growing venomous. She bent down and whispered, "Yang Xinxin, why don’t you just die?"

"You’re a total burden, so disgusting!"

The harsh words hung in the cold air, and the resentment of the group seemed to crystallize in their hearts, directed squarely at the frail girl in the wheelchair.

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