Chapter 203: You Really Are a Genius

With this haul, Zhang Yi secured several years' worth of fuel. Climbing out of the snow pit, he saw Fatty Xu and nodded, “Yes, it’s done.”

This statement acknowledged the successful fuel collection and praised Fatty Xu. Without his help, this task wouldn’t have been completed so easily.

Fatty Xu was thrilled, clapping his hands, “That’s great! Brother Zhang, you’re amazing!”

His genuine admiration made Zhang Yi feel a bit embarrassed. In reality, all Zhang Yi did was use his spatial ability to collect the fuel tanks. Fatty Xu did the heavy lifting.

“Didn’t you guys ever think about digging for resources before?” Zhang Yi asked.

Fatty Xu sighed, “Of course we did. But we couldn’t venture far from the village with the bitter cold. Even with sled dogs, our breeds aren’t suited for prolonged activity in such harsh conditions. So, we just excavated nearby supermarkets and granaries, which were enough for us. There was no need to go further.”

Zhang Yi smiled warmly at Fatty Xu, liking him more and more. He was a top-tier helper. “That’s not a problem for me. Just stick with me, and you won’t be shortchanged!” Zhang Yi said slyly, “I’ll even give you a can of the diesel and gasoline we collected!”

Fatty Xu was initially pleased, but then his face fell. “Brother Zhang, I appreciate the thought, but I cannot transport a gasoline can back home.”

Zhang Yi raised an eyebrow, “Oh, that’s a shame. I’m not the kind of guy who shortchanges his brothers. I guess I’ll have to compensate you another way.”

He pulled out a backpack from his spatial storage—the one he had given Xu Hao. It was packed full of food. Handing it to Fatty Xu, he said, “Here’s some food as a reward for your help.”

Fatty Xu’s eyes lit up as he eagerly took the backpack. It was so heavy that he almost dropped it. Opening the zipper, he saw it was filled with high-quality food—chocolate, chicken legs, cream bread—all from well-known brands, unlike the small, inferior products from his village’s supermarket.

“Brother Zhang…” Fatty Xu’s eyes filled with tears. No one had treated him this kindly since his parents passed.

“Aren’t these too much?” Fatty Xu asked, feeling a bit shy. He felt he hadn’t done much—just clearing some snow while Zhang Yi did the main work.

“I always treat my people well. If you stick with me, you’ll eat and drink well!” Zhang Yi assured him, patting Fatty Xu on the shoulder with a smile.

Determination filled Fatty Xu’s eyes. He saw Zhang Yi as a mentor who recognized his worth. “Yes, Brother Zhang! I’ll follow you and work hard!”

Zhang Yi thought that otaku was so easy to please.

With the needed supplies secured, Zhang Yi drove Fatty Xu back. On the way, he asked about how Fatty Xu awakened his abilities. Fatty Xu’s face turned beet red, clearly uncomfortable. Zhang Yi, sensing something was odd, pressed him for answers.

Unable to evade, Fatty Xu hesitantly explained, “After my mom died, I didn’t want to live either. But I couldn’t bring myself to commit suicide, so I just lay in bed, hoping to starve to death. It seemed easy enough, since we were out of food.”

Zhang Yi asked, “So you awakened your ability when starving?”

“No, not exactly,” Fatty Xu scratched his chubby face awkwardly. I was warm under the covers, and since I hadn’t starved yet, I decided to enjoy myself one last time. My parents always warned me that too much self-gratification was bad for your health and lifespan, but I didn’t care about that anymore.”

“So, I overindulged a bit,” Fatty Xu admitted.

Zhang Yi’s eyelid twitched, understanding how Fatty Xu awakened his ability. “How many times?”

Fatty Xu’s face almost buried itself in his pants. “I lost count. Maybe twenty times? Until I couldn’t feel anything anymore.”

“Then, after I passed out, I felt a strange and wonderful change in my body,” Fatty Xu added.

Zhang Yi was speechless. Awakening an ability from excessive self-gratification was unheard of! He could only think that everyone has their unique path.

Zhang Yi dropped Fatty Xu off by the river. Fatty Xu looked at the several-hundred-meter-wide Lujang River and timidly asked, “Brother Zhang, can’t you take me across?”

Given his physique, running several hundred meters was challenging. Zhang Yi smiled, “My car slides easily on ice.”

After the car broke down on the river last time, Zhang Yi had been extra cautious. This was Fatty Xu’s territory; Zhang Yi needed to stay alert.

Fatty Xu asked, “Isn’t your car a snowmobile?”

“Yes, but it’s not an icebreaker. It can only drive on snow, not ice,” Zhang Yi explained.

Fatty Xu thought the explanation made sense, though he remembered Zhang Yi driving across the river skillfully the night before. However, he didn’t question it and unbuckled his seatbelt to get out.

Before he left, Zhang Yi warned, “Chunlei, be careful.”

Fatty Xu felt a surge of warmth hearing his name. “Brother Zhang, what is it?”

Zhang Yi seriously replied, “The apocalypse is dangerous. Your Xu Jia Town is famous for its grain and vegetable production. People might come to steal your food. Be cautious!”

Fatty Xu gulped nervously. “Yes, Brother Zhang, I’ll remember!”

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