Chapter 196: Hero or Coward?

Xu Family Town, Xu Dong Village.

The villagers fled back, looking miserable and defeated. Many were so traumatized by the horrors they had witnessed that their eyes were vacant, and they collapsed into the snow. The air was filled with the cries of the wounded and the mourning of those who had lost loved ones.

The women who had stayed behind were horrified by the sight. They had expected to welcome back victorious heroes laden with spoils of war. Instead, the once proud and robust group returned halved in number, broken and bleeding.

"Where's my son? Where is he?"

"Little Zhi, Little Zhi!"

"Wait, where's my husband? Did something happen to him?"

The women frantically searched for their fathers, husbands, and sons, only to be met with grief and despair.

Xu Chunlei stood in the snowy square, feeling profoundly uneasy as he observed the villagers' plight. "I warned them," he sighed and quickly retreated to his home, unwilling to face the grieving villagers.

However, it wasn't long before someone barged into his house. "Xu Chunlei! Why are you hiding here?" His cousin, Xu Yongzhi, grabbed his arm, his voice urgent, "Come quickly, Grandpa is dying! He wants to see you!"

Shocked, Xu Chunlei hurried to Xu Dongsheng's house, dragging his plump body along. When he arrived, he found the entrance crowded with people, their expressions a mix of complexity and accusation. Xu Chunlei felt a chill run down his spine, as he saw no gratitude in their eyes, only blame and resentment.

"Ugh!" An elder spat on the ground. A weeping woman, her eyes red with tears, gritted her teeth and said, "Chunlei, I heard you didn't go with them. Why didn't you go? You're the one with the powers in our family. When trouble comes, you should be the first to face it. But instead, you stayed home like a coward. Do you know how many people died because of you?"

Xu Chunlei, sweating profusely, tried to explain, "I... I told them not to go. I warned them." But no one listened, or if they did, they didn't care. With so many dead, nearly every family had lost someone, and the atmosphere was thick with resentment.

People pointed fingers and hurled accusations at him. "If you had been there, you could have used your powers to prevent the bombings. What were you thinking?" Xu Chunlei felt angry but couldn't bring himself to shout back. Years of reclusive living had made him timid, and he couldn't stand up to his elders.

A scholarly-looking old man with glasses and neatly parted hair stepped out at that moment. "Enough!" he commanded. The villagers fell silent but continued to glare at Xu Chunlei. The old man, Xu Dongtang, Xu Dongsheng's younger brother and a respected figure in the family, gave Xu Chunlei a meaningful look. "Go in. Your grandpa wants to see you."

Xu Chunlei lowered his head and walked into the house. The structure was one he had built using his ice abilities. After the heavy snowfall, he had used his powers to build shelters for everyone. These ice houses were well-insulated and windproof, although they required regular maintenance to prevent melting from indoor fires.

Inside, Xu Dongsheng lay on his ice bed, looking frail. The recent shock had taken its toll on his already old body, causing him severe distress. Seeing Xu Chunlei, Xu Dongsheng's face showed guilt. "Chunlei, you're here."

Xu Chunlei rushed to his side, "Grandpa!" Xu Dongsheng weakly said, "It's my fault for not listening to you. If I had, so many of our family wouldn't have died."

Xu Chunlei felt a lump in his throat. The villagers' accusations had deeply hurt him, but his grandfather's understanding comforted him. Xu Dongsheng continued, "I was foolish, thinking we were unbeatable just because we won fights with the neighboring villages after the snowstorm. Now I see it was because of you. Without you, we're just farmers and fishermen, pretending to be warriors."

As he approached death, Xu Dongsheng realized his mistakes, though it was too late. He looked at the chubby young man by his bed, holding his hand. "I've told the others to blame me, not you. We're just ordinary people; we can't fight those with great powers. They might say harsh things, but don't hold it against them. We're family, and we must support each other to survive."

Xu Chunlei nodded, feeling touched. "I understand, Grandpa. I won't hold it against them."

Xu Dongsheng smiled weakly. "I'm dying, and I'm worried about our family. Chunlei, please protect the Xu family after I'm gone."

Xu Chunlei was taken aback and gripped Xu Dongsheng's hand tightly. "Grandpa, don't say that. You'll be fine!" But Xu Dongsheng's smile was strained. At his age, he knew his body's limits and could sense his approaching death.

"Chunlei, take care of the family," he said, waving his hand weakly. "Now, let me rest."

Xu Chunlei called out several times, "Grandpa!" but Xu Dongsheng only muttered, "I'm tired. Let me sleep."

With that, his head fell to the side, and he passed away. Xu Chunlei called for the others, and the villagers rushed in, finding Xu Dongsheng lifeless. They wept and wailed, mourning their loss. Seeing no one paid him attention, Xu Chunlei slipped away quietly, burdened by grief and guilt.

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