Chapter 187: The West Hill Base

The widespread rumors caught the attention of some keen individuals. They sensed that these rumors were deliberately concealing something. However, with hundreds of messages, they couldn't verify each one, leaving most people helpless. Yet, some managed to extract useful information through analysis.

Fifty-two kilometers west of Cloud Manor lies the West Hill area, named after the mountain range. Since the 1960s, Tianhai City officials had built shelters across various locations. Initially, the goal was air defense and protection against nuclear attacks. According to data, Tianhai City now has 356 shelters. However, most of these shelters are simple air raid shelters and underground emergency facilities, lacking substantial food supplies and being quite basic in construction. These are for ordinary city residents.

In contrast, special shelters for military and high-ranking officials were far superior in security and resource supply. One such shelter lay 200 meters underground in West Hill. Although the entire West Hill was now covered in snow, many people still lived underground. This vast underground facility could accommodate over ten thousand people and resembles a grand subterranean city. Constructed from the sturdiest alloy, it was like an underground fortress.

Inside the West Hill organization's leader's office, a middle-aged man in a gray Zhongshan suit with slicked-back hair was reading a document behind a mahogany desk. A cup of hot tea was beside him, and the room's temperature was pleasant, making it impossible to feel the cold outside. The room's decor was antique, with even the centuries-old bookshelves. This man was Chen Xinian, a former high-ranking official of Tianhai City and now the leader of the West Hill organization.

Chen Xinian glanced occasionally at the computer screen on his desk while reviewing the document in his hand.

"Is the base's energy problem still unresolved?" he muttered.

"The power supply can be supplemented by the people in the Fourth Life Pod generating electricity, but without access to large amounts of fossil fuel, the troops can only travel by foot or dog sled."

"And relying solely on manpower to generate electricity won't cover the future energy shortfall of the base," he mused. Quickly, he devised a solution. He picked up his Hero pen and wrote his directive on the document.

"Increase the working hours in the Fourth Life Pod to 12 hours daily to earn nutrient solutions. Additionally, cut off their power supply for six hours each night to reduce unnecessary energy consumption."

After signing the document, Chen Xinian placed it on a pile of papers on his desk. Just then, his secretary, Ge Rou, knocked and entered, placing a report in front of him.

"Leader, we have results regarding the previously received information."

"Most of the messages originated from Villa 101, Cloud Manor, in Lijiang District. However, one message came from the phone of Lu Fengda, Chairman of Zhiyun Technology, located at Villa 302 in Cloud Manor."

Chen Xinian nonchalantly accepted the report. "Tell me about Zhang Yi mentioned in this message."

He was too lazy to read the detailed report, so he focused when he heard Lu Fengda's name. Ge Rou recited Zhang Yi's information meticulously. When Chen Xinian learned that Zhang Yi was merely a small manager at a Walmart warehouse in Tianhai City, his interest waned.

"A mere warehouse supervisor couldn't be behind this. Even if he gained something, it wouldn't be significant."

"He probably embezzled supplies during his tenure and has been living off those stolen goods," Ge Rou added, nodding in agreement.

Chen Xinian smiled knowingly. "This is all a plot by the Americans. They must have sensed something was wrong before the gamma rays arrived and hoarded supplies. But trying to create supernatural events is just self-deception!"

Ge Rou flattered him, "How could they know their foolish actions had long been seen through by you, Leader?"

"Should we investigate Zhang Yi?" Ge Rou asked.

Chen Xinian tapped his desk thoughtfully. "Send a few people to check out Lijiang District. We haven't searched that area yet. We might find some supplies."

Ge Rou nodded, "I'll arrange for a team to investigate immediately!"

This matter wasn't of great concern to Chen Xinian, and Ge Rou went to make the necessary arrangements.

Xu Family Town, Xu Dong Village. The villagers received those hundreds of messages, too. The messages were no different from spam for these long-isolated villagers, and they didn't pay much attention. Instead, the constant notifications irritated them.

Only one person took it seriously—Xu Chunlei, the top fighter of Xu Dong Village and an ice-elemental ability user. After his last fight with Zhang Yi, he had warned the villagers about Zhang Yi's formidable strength. Despite their resentment over their kinsmen's deaths, the villagers, led by Xu Dongsheng, decided to lay low temporarily due to their fear of Zhang Yi.

Life in Xu Dong Village returned to normal. It was sustained by stockpiled vegetables and grains and fishing on the ice, which ensured they didn't worry about food.

However, the otaku Xu Chunlei was deeply troubled. "Wasn't I supposed to be the chosen one, with top-tier abilities and countless beauties at my command? Why do I have to run when facing him?"

His frustration was compounded by the villagers' disappointment in him, which stung his sensitive nature. So, upon receiving a lot of information and noticing the mention of Cloud Manor, he suspected a connection to the mysterious figure who had scared him off.

"What if I analyze this information and find something useful?"

Xu Chunlei, being a computer-savvy otaku, decided to dig into the data, having little else to occupy his time. He was a disciplined person, limiting himself to only five or six “self-rewards” a day. With plenty of free time, he began analyzing the messages.

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