Chapter 185: Waiting

After setting up the traps, the three of them returned to the room.

Yang Siya and Zhou Ke'er were participating in this kind of dangerous activity for the first time. Moreover, someone might die because of the traps they set up. This feeling made them extremely nervous, but also inexplicably excited. After all, they had never experienced anything like this before. Yang Siya's eyes sparkled with a complex light, even showing some eagerness.

"Zhang Yi, when will the enemy come?" Yang Siya asked, her eyes filled with anticipation.

Zhang Yi couldn't help but laugh at her hopeful expression. "I wish I had wasted my efforts, but you seem to be hoping they will attack us."

"However, it probably won't be soon," he added, pointing to his head. "Anyone with a bit of sense wouldn't easily attack at a time like this. Anyone who has survived until now isn't simple."

Yang Siya propped her chin on her hand, looking out the window. "Is that so?" She wasn't sure if she wanted someone to step on her traps or if she preferred to stay in a peaceful yet boring safe environment.

As she was lost in thought, she suddenly heard a piercing noise. Turning her head, she saw Zhang Yi installing door bolts with a welding machine in the corridor.

"What are you doing? Aren't these two thick metal doors secure enough?" she asked.

Zhang Yi thought of the late Lu Fengda. Continuing to install the door bolts on both sides of the corridor, he replied, "Most areas of this villa are automated. Someone who hacks into our control center could easily open these two doors. Sometimes, technological advancements bring great flaws, but the basic principles of physics don't lie!"

He installed three door bolts in the corridor, each inserted with ten-centimeter thick construction steel bars. Even if someone got to the corridor, breaking all three steel bars in a short time would be impossible.

"Better safe than sorry!" Zhang Yi said, taking a deep breath with a serious expression.

Seeing how cautious Zhang Yi was, Yang Siya felt somewhat speechless, while Zhou Ke'er, already used to it, looked at Zhang Yi with admiration in her eyes. Thinking carefully, Yang Siya realized that Zhang Yi's actions made sense. A very cautious and death-fearing man might live longer than the average person.

Looking at the layout inside and outside the shelter, Zhang Yi felt much more at ease. The only thing that still worried him was network security.

"It would be great to have a network expert here!" Zhang Yi couldn't help but mutter.

Hearing this, a hint of sadness appeared on Yang Siya's face. "Xinxin is pretty good with networks. Unfortunately..."

Zhang Yi looked over at her. "What happened?"

Zhou Ke'er suddenly remembered something and asked Yang Siya, "Isn't Xinxin studying in Tianhai City? Do you know how she's doing? Is she... still alive?" Zhou Ke'er's voice grew weaker as she spoke.

Under the blizzard, how many people could survive? If not for meeting Zhang Yi, she might have become a frozen corpse by now, or worse, someone's food.

Seeing Zhang Yi's questioning gaze, Zhou Ke'er explained. Yang Siya had a cousin, Yang Xinxin, who studied in Tianhai City. Yang's family was well-educated; everyone was a genius except for Yang Siya, who entered the entertainment industry due to poor academic performance. Zhou Ke'er, for instance, had already earned a PhD from a top medical school at 26 and was a chief physician in a top-tier hospital.

Yang Xinxin, 18, attended Tianqing Academy, a prestigious school in Tianhai City. Despite her physical disability due to polio, she was exceptionally smart with a talent for computers, winning numerous international awards by 16. According to Zhou Ke'er, she was also a top hacker, responsible for hacking the White House's website two years ago and placing the Chinese flag on it.

Hearing Zhou Ke'er's story, Zhang Yi couldn't help but marvel at the disparity between people.

"So, where is she now? Can you find her?" Zhang Yi urgently needed a computer expert to secure his network.

Yang Siya, closing her eyes in pain, slowly shook her head. "She's been out of contact for a long time. After the snowstorm hit, I tried to reach her, but there's been no word. She would have found a way to contact me if she were alive. The fact that she hasn't..."

Yang Siya's voice choked, her eyes tearing up as she turned away. Zhou Ke'er, too, looked sad. Although she didn't often contact Yang Xinxin, they were still cousins.

Zhang Yi thought for a moment, then said to Yang Siya, "Maybe she just doesn't want to deal with you?"

"Huh?" Yang Siya expected comfort but was surprised by his nonsensical question.

Angrily stomping her foot, she shouted, "Why are you saying that?"

Zhang Yi replied calmly, "Think about it: everyone in your family is a genius, but you're just a fool in their eyes. If they were in trouble, who would seek your help?"

"You... you're so mean!" Yang Siya couldn't help but punch Zhang Yi lightly in the chest. It felt good.

Keep going!

The previously heavy atmosphere lightened up. Zhang Yi still felt some regret. If Yang Xinxin were still alive, having her join the team would be beneficial. Being paralyzed, she wouldn't threaten him much, and given Yang Siya and Zhou Ke'er's beauty, she probably wasn't bad-looking either. Genes don't lie!

"Such a pity!" Zhang Yi sighed. But since he couldn't get what he wanted, there was no point in dwelling on it. The shelter already had a strong firewall. Without a top network expert, it wouldn't be easily breached.

"From now on, we have only one task—wait!" Zhang Yi said, squinting his eyes deeply.

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