Chapter 182: Sniping

Zhang Yi followed Lu Fengda's instructions and packed the necessary supplies into a canvas bag. After gearing up, he carried the bag and walked towards Lu Fengda's residence.

Zhang Yi was extremely cautious, holding a riot shield to prevent potential gunfire from Lu Fengda. Step by step, he approached Villa 302, placed the canvas bag on the steps at the front door, and then walked away from the villa. He went a considerable distance before hiding behind a pine tree. The branches, covered with snow, provided excellent visual cover.

In his hands appeared a sniper rifle wrapped in white cloth. This was no longer the police sniper rifle he had used before but a military model with better adaptability to extreme environments, ensuring optimal performance.

Kneeling and using a branch as a support, he aimed at the canvas bag at the door. From 500 meters away, as soon as Lu Fengda appeared, he could take the shot.

After making all the preparations, Zhang Yi took out his phone and texted Lu Fengda, "The items are at your door."

There was no response. Zhang Yi frowned slightly, holding the gun, waiting quietly for Lu Fengda to appear. However, there was no movement from the house after a long time.

"Hmm?" Zhang Yi found this unusual. Was it possible that the old man hadn't received the message? Instinctively, he wanted to call Lu Fengda, but he stopped himself when he touched his phone.

"No, if I call or send another message, it would imply that I know he hasn’t picked up the items yet. If he's doing this on purpose, he’ll suspect I'm nearby."

Zhang Yi took a slow breath, his eyes still glued to the scope. "Wait a bit longer! He wouldn't risk his life to contact me for supplies if he wasn’t going to come out. Unless he's already dead."

Zhang Yi kept kneeling, never taking his eyes off the canvas bag. Luckily, he wore the best winter gear, or his right leg would have frozen within ten minutes.

Minutes passed slowly. After about fifteen minutes, the door to Villa 302 finally opened slowly. The barrel of a double-barreled shotgun cautiously scanned the surroundings before a short old man emerged from the house.

Lu Fengda's face was easily recognizable to anyone who had been online, confirming his identity immediately. He looked down at the canvas bag, preparing to pick it up.

"Bang!" The deafening sound echoed through the neighborhood as Lu Fengda's head was blown open, his body collapsing and crashing against the door before falling heavily to the ground.

Seeing the successful hit, Zhang Yi quickly packed up his sniper rifle and pulled out an assault rifle, charging towards Villa 302. He first shot Lu Fengda in the head again, then decisively rushed into the house.

Lu Fengda's villa wasn't as large as Wang Siming's shelter, but it was still spacious. Zhang Yi was looking for the computer capable of sending timed messages. He searched every corner, destroying any electronic device he found immediately.

He quickly reached Lu Fengda's room, where he saw a large computer tower and three monitors on a workbench. Raising the butt of his gun, Zhang Yi was about to smash it but hesitated.

Lu Fengda’s computer was likely valuable and contained precious data. "I'll store it in my alternate space; the information inside won't be able to be sent out that way!" Zhang Yi was frugal, never wasting even a grain of rice, so he stored the entire computer in his alternate space.

After doing this, Zhang Yi exhaled deeply. "Now, it’s up to fate!" He had destroyed all physical devices, but Lu Fengda might still use cloud-based technology. Zhang Yi wasn't familiar with high-tech computer systems and was unsure if Lu Fengda could manage this.

Given that Lu Fengda was a top computer expert in the country, this was a strong possibility. "I need to get back and spread disinformation online. Even if my info gets out, I need to create enough confusion to cover my tracks."

Zhang Yi left Lu Fengda's house, leaving his corpse with blood already frozen into crimson ice crystals at the door. He searched the body, finding an expensive Patek Philippe watch worth at least millions, and a high-quality jade Guanyin pendant, worn so much it had developed a patina. He also found a phone in his pocket. Zhang Yi tossed the Patek Philippe watch and phone into his alternate space but left the jade pendant with Lu Fengda as a burial item.

In the apocalypse, luxury items were less valuable than a piece of bread. Zhang Yi then returned to the shelter and began spreading disinformation online. By the time he finished, night had fallen.

Zhang Yi cracked his neck, stretching as he left the control room. Zhou Ke'er approached, concerned. "Zhang Yi, what have you been doing in there for so long? You must be hungry. I made bullwhip stew and chicken soup. Come have some!"

Zhang Yi smiled, "Sure, I am a bit hungry." Having two considerate women at home made life worth protecting at all costs.

Yang Siya was also in the living room. They knew Zhang Yi was handling something crucial, so they waited for him to finish. Zhang Yi sat at the table; one woman handed him chopsticks while the other served him soup.

As Zhang Yi drank the soup, he asked, "Have you received any messages on your phones?"

Zhou Ke'er and Yang Siya both said they had received messages about a theft at a Walmart warehouse. "A bunch of random stuff, several messages. We don't know what it means!" Zhou Ke'er looked puzzled at her phone.

Yang Siya added, "It seems like someone's trying to cover something up."

Zhang Yi took a sip of turtle soup. The soup was indeed delicious. "Exactly, it's a cover-up. Those are the smokescreens I released."

Over the next 48 hours, hundreds of messages would be sent across Tianhai City's social forums and to everyone's phones. Since he couldn't completely prevent Lu Fengda from sending messages, he would bury the truth in a sea of useless information.

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