Ice Age Apocalypse: I Hoard Billions of Supplies

Chapter 172: Generous Gift of Car and House

Chapter 172: Generous Gift of Car and House

When Uncle You heard that Zhang Yi was sending a wife to him, he got so excited that he jumped out of bed.

Zhang Yi looked at the door, "She's right outside!"

Uncle You, upon hearing this, felt a bit embarrassed. "Zhang Yi, did you explain our situation to her?"

Zhang Yi felt a bit speechless inside.

It's no wonder he's been single for over ten years; even at a time like this, he feels embarrassed. If not him, who else should be single?

"Don't worry, she knows everything. She's willing to live with you!" Zhang Yi rolled his eyes at him.

Uncle You was still slightly bashful, but Zhang Yi dragged him outside.

They went to the living room where Zhou Ke'er was happily chatting with Zhou Haimei.

Upon hearing the noise, Zhou Haimei turned her head to look.

She and Uncle You locked eyes.

Uncle You, seeing Zhou Haimei's appearance, was momentarily confused, but soon realized who she was and opened his mouth in surprise.

"You... you are Zhou Haimei?"

Zhou Haimei, seeing the honest, dark-skinned man in front of her, sighed inwardly.

From an aesthetic standpoint, the man in front of her was not her type.

But at this moment, she had no other choice.

Zhou Haimei stood up gracefully, walked over, and said with a smile, "Hello. You must be Mr. You?"

Uncle You nodded quickly, like a pile-driving machine.

Zhang Yi said, "You two are acquainted now. From now on, take care of each other and solve each other's problems together."

"In urgent times, I'll skip the pleasantries."

"This house will be your marital home. Live here steadily. Zhou Ke'er and I will move out for now and won't disturb your life together."

Zhang Yi didn't want to go through the typical matchmaking routine, saving time.

Moreover, from Uncle You's excited eyes, Zhang Yi could tell that he was looking forward to spending time alone with Zhou Haimei.

Hearing that Zhang Yi was leaving the house for him, Uncle You felt a bit uneasy.

"This... how can I accept this? This house is your hard work!"

Zhang Yi said, "I've found a new place. It would be a waste for this place to sit empty. You staying here will be like watching the house for me, and I'll feel reassured!"

His memories of the Yuelu neighborhood were mostly bloody.

Although most of the people he killed deserved it, there were still some collateral damages.

Leaving here and living in a different environment was necessary for his mental health.

Zhang Yi moved close to Uncle You and smirked, "Also, with everyone living together now, isn't it inconvenient for some things?"

Uncle You licked his dry lips and nodded repeatedly, agreeing with Zhang Yi.

Zhou Haimei also nodded happily.

The house was very comfortable to live in, equipped with a fireplace and a perfect insulation system.

Living here was much better than her mansion at Cloud Manor!

Zhang Yi said to Zhou Ke'er, "Go pack your things. I'll take you to the new house later!"

Zhou Ke'er nodded happily and went to pack her things.

Zhang Yi called Uncle You aside to explain other matters.

"Before I go, there are some things I need to tell you."

"First, about your abilities. You need to train and explore them yourself; they have great potential and room for improvement. The stronger your abilities, the better you can protect yourself."

"Second, personal safety. Don't have any mercy on the neighbors in this community. You've seen the complexity of human nature this past month. So don't easily trust them, and don't pity them."

At this point, Zhang Yi pointed towards Zhou Haimei.

"Especially don't let a woman influence your thinking. A capable man will never lack women; you need to know who is the head of the household!"

Uncle You nodded repeatedly, but whether he really took it to heart, Zhang Yi would have to see.

Soon, Zhou Ke'er had packed her things.

They were mostly personal items.

She didn't have many belongings, but Zhang Yi had given her many stockings and underwear, which filled up a suitcase.

Zhang Yi put the items into his interdimensional space.

Before leaving, he stocked the kitchen with enough food to last Uncle You and Zhou Haimei for two months.

As for food after that, Uncle You would have to manage himself.

After all, he was now a person with abilities and couldn't rely on Zhang Yi forever.

Leaving the house, Zhang Yi took one last look at his home.

This safe house cost 8 million Huabi and had helped Zhang Yi survive many crises.

Now, it seemed small and simple. But the memories of this past month were unforgettable.

Zhang Yi touched the heavy metal door and smiled contentedly.

Uncle You and Zhou Haimei escorted them downstairs.

As they were leaving, Zhang Yi glanced at the snowmobile.

He smiled and said to Uncle You, "You can't go out looking for food without a vehicle. This snowmobile is yours!"

"Feel free to visit me anytime."

If Zhang Yi ever needed help from Uncle You, this vehicle would allow him to get there immediately.

Uncle You was moved to tears by Zhang Yi's generosity and repeatedly refused.

"No, I can't accept this! You've already given me so much, Zhang Yi. I can't take more!"

Zhang Yi said seriously, "You need to think about the future."

"But if you give this to me, what about you?"

Uncle You looked worried.

Zhang Yi shrugged, "I'll manage with something else."

He walked to the door, and a white light flashed from his right eye, revealing a snow car in the snow.

It was a snow car, not a snowmobile.

With a sleek silver-grey body, it looked like a supercar. It had red sleds on both sides at the front and a combination of wheels and tracks underneath.

The interior was spacious, with plenty of room for passengers.

If not for the base, it was essentially a supercar!

Its appearance made the difference between it and the snowmobile stark.

It was like comparing a Ferrari to a Suzuki motorcycle!

Uncle You, Zhou Haimei, and Zhou Ke'er were stunned.

Goodness, you call this "something else"?

Zhang Yi sighed and said to Uncle You, "I'm reluctantly giving you my beloved snowmobile. I'll just have to manage with this!"

"I don't really like it; it consumes too much fuel. But what can I do? We're good friends!"

Uncle You: Ah, alright, alright…

Is this the advantage of having spatial abilities? It's freaking enviable!

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