Ice Age Apocalypse: I Hoard Billions of Supplies

Chapter 120: The Strategy of Wearing Down the Enemy

Chapter 120: The Strategy of Wearing Down the Enemy

Zhang Yi spoke to Uncle You, "What I’m using isn’t a scheme, it’s an open strategy."

"Not everyone among that group is an idiot. People like Li Jian and Chen Lingyu are very cunning, always thinking ahead."

"They must have guessed my intention is to weaken their strength."

"But what can they do about it? I’ve already demonstrated my formidable strength and used substantial benefits to attract the fools among them."

"In a crowd of unruly people, the proportion of fools is much higher than that of smart ones. Li Jian and Chen Lingyu don't hold much sway and don’t have enough power to convince everyone."

"Those who only see immediate benefits and cripple themselves are always the majority."

Zhang Yi couldn’t help but sigh, "Even ancient emperors did such stupid things, let alone people in this little community of Tianhai."

Uncle You listened in awe. His level of education wasn’t enough to fully grasp Zhang Yi’s words, so he just looked at Zhang Yi with wise eyes. Scratching his head, he said, "What you’re saying makes a lot of sense! Hehe... hehe."

He could only use a smile to cover his embarrassment. Then he changed the topic and asked, "But why do you want them to farm? In this cold weather, it’s impossible to grow crops, right?"

Zhang Yi looked out the door. This time, Uncle You had learned his lesson and proactively checked the surroundings. "There’s no one outside; you can speak freely," he said.

Zhang Yi smiled. "Some things are actually simple; don’t overthink them."

"I’m having them farm just to intensify their conflicts and wear them down."

He spread his hands. "Right now, the only thing they can offer is their labor."

Uncle You pondered for a long time before saying, "So, this is a strategy to wear them down?"

"Precisely," Zhang Yi said, narrowing his eyes slightly. "Since I didn’t kill all their leaders today, the next time we fight, there will be even more to kill. I need to weaken their combat power as much as possible."

Zhang Yi leaned closer to Uncle You, a serious look in his eyes. "None of these people can be trusted. The conflict between us is irreconcilable and will inevitably lead to a fight. So, we must not let our guard down."

"Also, keep everything I say to yourself!"

Uncle You, deeply impressed by Zhang Yi’s wisdom, nodded slowly and firmly. "I understand! Zhang Yi, our whole family’s hope for survival is pinned on you. I’ll do whatever you say!"

Zhang Yi nodded with satisfaction. "Good. Let’s stick to the plan and see how far they can go."

Zhang Yi had only shared part of the truth with Uncle You. In reality, he had more tricks up his sleeve that he didn’t disclose. He already knew there were traitors in Building 25 colluding with people from other buildings. These traitors had previously tried to harm him and would certainly try again in the future, such as the ambush by the Wolf Gang in the snow.

Zhang Yi returned to his residence and checked on Zhou Ke'er through the surveillance camera. He had become stricter with her, locking her in her room whenever he went out, as he couldn’t afford to risk his life, especially with the impending battle.

Despite the tight control, Zhou Ke'er adapted well. She was smart and knew what to do and what not to do. At least, she didn’t challenge Zhang Yi’s authority and obediently did whatever he asked, acknowledging that she was a maid and Zhang Yi was her master. The master’s orders were absolute.

At that moment, Zhou Ke'er was practicing yoga in her room. She wore a pink tank top that highlighted her full figure and brown yoga pants that accentuated her perfect legs. Her graceful movements were both elegant and mesmerizing.

Zhang Yi walked to her door, took out the key, and unlocked it. Zhou Ke'er looked up, her forehead glistening with sweat, a lock of hair sticking to it, giving her a slightly alluring look.

"You’re back!" Zhou Ke'er greeted him with genuine joy, bending her legs to stand up. Her eyes sparkled with a sincere smile. She knew Zhang Yi had been out for something important today, and seeing his relaxed expression, she assumed the negotiations had gone well.

She walked up to him, wrapped her hands around his neck, and eagerly asked, "How did the negotiations go?"

Her close proximity naturally pressed her ample chest against Zhang Yi, giving him a sensation described by a single phrase: "Any closer and he would explode."

Instead of feeling overwhelmed, Zhang Yi felt more invigorated. He hugged Zhou Ke'er tightly, kissed her passionately, and then led her to the couch.

"Here’s what happened in the negotiations..." Zhang Yi told her everything. Maybe it didn’t mean much, but sometimes, a man just wants to share his experiences with a woman.

"The next few days might be chaotic. Stay home and don’t go anywhere," Zhang Yi warned, his tone becoming cold. "Soon, all the trouble will disappear."

Zhou Ke'er, nestled against Zhang Yi’s chest, listened intently, not fully understanding as Zhang Yi only gave a brief overview without touching on the critical details. Nonetheless, she smiled happily, feeling cherished that Zhang Yi didn’t want her to take any risks.

"Zhang Yi, you must be carrying a heavy burden, and I can’t help much. Sometimes I feel quite useless," Zhou Ke'er said, a hint of guilt in her voice.

Zhang Yi looked at her, thinking, "I didn’t buy insurance to get my money’s worth but to have a safety net in case something goes wrong. I’d rather never need you, my primary doctor."

Blushing, Zhou Ke'er held Zhang Yi tightly. "But there are things I can do, like helping you relieve stress."

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