Ice Age Apocalypse: I Hoard Billions of Supplies

Chapter 111: Zhou Ke'er's Massage Techniques

Chapter 111: Zhou Ke'er's Massage Techniques

None of the other building leaders anticipated Zhang Yi would handle the situation this way.

Given that Zhang Yi had to go out every day to find supplies, they naturally assumed he needed to venture out to survive. However, now Zhang Yi stood with his hands in his pockets, revealing his true stance.

"So, you want to fight me? Fine, I’ll just hide inside my impenetrable fortress and see what you do!"

As everyone hesitated, Li Jian broke the deadlock.

"I think negotiation is the best solution. It’s better than a mutually destructive fight," Li Jian said.

"If it comes to negotiating, I’m willing to step forward."

Zhang Yi smiled and said, "Mr. Li, I’ve always admired your sensible approach. Back when we worked together, I thought you were the most reasonable person."

"Come over and talk. I trust you more than those who prefer sneak attacks."

By calling Li Jian "Mr. Li," Zhang Yi signaled familiarity, subtly undermining Huang Tianfang and Wang Qiang.

Internal discord was key to such temporary alliances. Though these 29 buildings had formed a united front against Zhang Yi, there were inherent conflicts among them. They’d been rivals before, only uniting due to the common threat Zhang Yi posed.

Indeed, Zhang Yi's words had an effect.

Wang Qiang sneered, "Li Jian, do you think you can represent all of us?"

Huang Tianfang added coldly, "We can’t let you go alone to talk!"

Chen Lingyu chimed in, "If that’s the case, I should go too!"

Each leader feared the others might make a secret deal with Zhang Yi. This disruption caused chaos, with everyone demanding to negotiate.

Zhang Yi’s eyes gleamed with a hint of malice.

"I’m not afraid of you coming; I’m afraid you won’t come!"

"Fine, tomorrow at 2:30 PM, I’ll be waiting in Building 25. If you’re late, I won’t wait!"

He left no room for bargaining and promptly exited the chat.

If successful, he could eliminate these 29 leaders tomorrow. Although it might incite collective resentment from their followers, leaderless chaos would prevent swift reorganization, giving Zhang Yi time to dismantle them one by one.

Confident in his superior firepower and impenetrable fortress, Zhang Yi feared no opponent!

The footbath had cooled. Zhang Yi lowered his head and said to Zhou Ke'er, "Alright, dry my feet."

Zhou Ke'er nodded and used a cloth to dry his feet before emptying the water and returning to massage him.

As Zhang Yi watched the beautiful doctor, he reached out his hand.

"Don’t use your phone for the next few days. Give it to me for safekeeping."

With a potential battle looming, Zhang Yi needed to eliminate all security risks.

Zhou Ke'er hesitated briefly before handing over her phone. "Is there going to be a fight?"

She asked softly.

Zhang Yi replied calmly, "Maybe. I need to prepare for war. This time, the number of enemies is unprecedented."

"Oh, I understand," Zhou Ke'er nodded and continued massaging without further questions.

Knowing Zhang Yi well after living together for so long, she knew not to ask too many questions when he was serious.

Seeing his stern expression and occasionally sharp eyes, Zhou Ke'er understood he was deeply contemplating his strategy. She focused on fulfilling her role.

After a moment’s thought, Zhou Ke'er moved behind Zhang Yi, placing her soft, white hands on his shoulders and massaging with perfect pressure. Recently, she learned new massage techniques and began applying them to Zhang Yi’s head.

"What’s this…" Zhang Yi’s eyes glazed over.

Zhou Ke'er's expert fingers pressed into his scalp, sending a wave of delight through his nerves.

"Feels good," Zhang Yi murmured.

Zhou Ke'er blushed with joy. "I’m glad you like it. I just learned this recently."

Leaning back on the sofa, Zhang Yi felt utterly relaxed, his mind clearing.

He closed his eyes, thinking about tomorrow’s meeting with the 29 building leaders. If they all showed up, he would kill them without hesitation. Their followers would be thrown into disarray, giving him a chance to eliminate them one by one.

However, not all of them were fools. Some might not show up, maintaining a wait-and-see stance.

What should he do if that happened?

Zhang Yi’s mind drifted into the massage-induced tranquility. After pondering for a while, he made up his mind. If fewer than half showed up or none at all, he’d temporarily agree to their terms, lulling them into a false sense of security.

Then, through a series of maneuvers, he’d incite internal strife among them, weakening their combat strength before finding the right opportunity to kill them all.

Time was on Zhang Yi’s side. Unless he actively attacked other buildings, he could crush any of them with ease.

"Patience is key. Rushing leads to mistakes, and one mistake could put me in danger."

"I’ll be a patient hunter, setting traps and waiting for the prey to walk into them."

With his thoughts organized, Zhang Yi attributed his clarity to Zhou Ke'er's new massage technique.

Preparing for tomorrow's negotiations, he needed capable people to manage the situation. Naturally, he thought of Uncle You first.

He messaged Uncle You, explaining the plan for tomorrow. Uncle You replied immediately, "Just tell me what to do. I’m at your service!"

Zhang Yi’s continuous small gestures of kindness and his impressive marksmanship had thoroughly won Uncle You over. He was now unwaveringly loyal, ready to follow Zhang Yi’s orders without hesitation.

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