
When Kalcion saw Selina's dress crumpled after being grabbed by the collar, he frowned.

“…What did that guy do?”

“I was going to escape by myself before that!”

“That’s great. Still, this isn’t what he was supposed to do.”

“So, I cut him with a knife.”

"As expected."

Hearing her words, his face softens a bit. While praising Selina’s achievements, Kalcion did not lower the sword he was holding.

Seeing that it wasn't the terrifying sword that was familiar to him, it seemed that he had stolen it from the guards. She glanced around and saw the guards rolling on the floor. If there were no more additional personnel that came running, there would be no force to stop the two.

It was something that he could have done alone. She was grateful for the moment, but Selina's escape and Kalcion's attack were of different importance.

How should she handle this situation now? It was dark ahead.

“You, you bastaaarrrds…!”

When Kalcion appeared, the Crown Prince became even more evil.

“How dare you be here now?!”

In the Crown Prince’s hand, who came running screaming, he also had a knife hidden somewhere.

However, the wound on his shoulder was quite deep and his body tilted. Perhaps he was afraid to cross swords with Kalcion with his injured body. The Crown Prince stopped a few steps away, pointed his sword, and screamed.

“Are you holding a sword in front of me? If you don't put down that sword right away, it's treason! Duke, she hurt me. If you don't lay down your sword and hand her over, you're doing treason, too!”

The word she was trying to avoid, treason… the words eventually exploded.

Selina blacked out and closed her eyes. However, Kalcion's voice, which she heard soon after, was so light that it was very clear.

“Yes, treason.”



Selina and the Crown Prince simultaneously raised their heads. The only one that was relaxed was Kalcion.

He had the villain's grin stolen from the Crown Prince's face, with one arm around Selina and the other aiming a sword at the Crown Prince. After receiving the gazes of the two dumbfounded people, Kalcion put the words into her ears.

“I can’t take it anymore because it’s dirty. Since you seem to want my treason, I will rebel as you wish.”

He even spoke casually.

"Wh-what, what…?”

“Next time I come, I will aim for the neck properly, so look forward to it.”

Kalcion, who finished his words one-sidedly, took Selina's hand and turned around, and started running.

“What, what is it? You must be crazy. Crazy…!”

Selina let out her screams as they ran along. The hairs all over her body stood up and seemed to escape from her pores.

“I think I’ve been crazy for a while, but haven’t you gotten used to it yet?”

Seeing that he even jokes in the midst of this, it was clear that he was totally lost it.

“If you want to go crazy, can’t you go crazy with a little consistency? What kind of lunatic asks to deal with the lunatic…?!”

“This one beside you.”

“Aagh! If there’s a real war like this!”

“Be careful in front.”

As he lifted her waist and lifted her over the fallen soldier's body, Kalcion then put her back down and ran. Selina didn't fall to the beat and jumped right up. In the meantime, additional troops were running from the end of the hallway, noticing the anomalies in the villa.

"F*ck! Catch them! Catch those f*ck*rs!”

The sound of the Crown Prince's roar from behind echoed through the hallway. The footsteps of the guards rushing at the sound quickened.

Selina kept her mouth shut for the first time in her life and focused on running.

Fallen soldiers lined up in the running hallway. Did he do it alone without anyone?

Once again, she became suspicious of his species. As she accelerated, her shoes felt uncomfortable. she ran, kicking off her shoes and tightening her legs. The sound of the guards following behind her was loud, and her heart tightened.

No matter how fast the heavily armed soldiers ran, they couldn't beat the barefoot Selina.

When she came in, it was a twisting hallway that she couldn't quite memorize. However, when she got out, it was easy since she only had to run towards the soldiers lying on the floor. Unlike when she entered, she left the building in an instant.

The place they came out was behind the Crown Prince's palace.

The moment she stepped out of the building, she saw Dion riding a horse. The cavalrymen followed behind him. As soon as she came out of the building, arrows flew.

Dion threw a rein to Kalcion, who slashed the arrow with his sword, and handed it to Selina.

"Get on!"

Selina got on and spurred the horse on.

The horse jumped frantically as if it knew of the urgency.

Kalcion, riding the horse after her, protected her from behind, and Dion was in front as if to guide her. It was painful to keep her eyes open when the cavalrymen were running in front of her approach. It was like facing death.

Still, death was taken away by the hands of the two before it even approached. The bodies of fallen soldiers strewn about everywhere they passed.

The castle gate was already in a devastated state.


Except for Dion, the rest of the guards knocked down all the soldiers at the gate. However, the soldiers who heard the warning bell were coming back again and again.

As soon as Kalcion and Selina passed through the gate, the guards surrounded them and started running. It was a new feeling to ride a horse on a road that she had always ridden in a carriage. After leaving the palace, she had time to look around. However, that leeway did not last long.

Soon, the cavalrymen followed.

“Take care of them!”

At Kalcion's command, the surrounding escorts changed their formation and slowed down. In the meantime, Selina, Kalcion, and Dion accelerated through the city.

Because it was downtown, no matter how fast they tried, they would get stuck in the middle because of carriages and people blocking their way. Though it was the same for the cavalrymen. In the meantime, as they fought against the escorts, the distance widened.

“How far are they going!”

The Duke's residence was right in front of them. Regardless, as long as they came with a chase behind them, it wouldn’t end just by closing the door.

“To the boundary!”

Oh, there was no time to let out a scream.

It was a real life-and-death chase. It was not about acting as if one's life depended on it. Even when she was acting, in the chase scene, she filmed with the feeling of being chased. But, in the end, it was still a feeling.

It felt like lava was gushing out of her heart. It felt like fire was spewing out of her nose and mouth instead of air. At the same time, the muscles all over her body were roaring, and only the bones were left creaking.

Still, she couldn't stop.

Selina couldn't even remember how she got out of the city. As she ran frantically, at some point, the building in front of her disappeared, and an open field appeared. She was about to sigh that she had barely escaped the busy city, but Kalcion's fierce whipping did not give her time to rest.

“The chase will still go on while the field of view is open. Don’t slow down!”

"Yes, yes…!"

Now, it seemed that her body had gone and only the soul remained, running with the horse though she had to take her soul with me.

As Kalcion said, as soon as they reached the field, the formation of the escort changed again. A sharp metal sound hit the back as if they were engaging in a close battle with the pursuers. The horse, startled by the sound, sped up.

Fortunately, no other pursuers joined.

Even inside the Palace, they were in a hurry and couldn't make it on time. The escorts who had slain the pursuers surrounded them again. It ran for several hours in that condition.

The horse's mobility was obviously faster than the carriage. Compared to running with a carriage, the time was reduced by half.

The boundary where they had some guards left in the distance began to appear. Even the soldiers who were already on guard had signs of a fight as if they knew the situation beforehand. Of course, it was Kalcion's soldiers who won.

The horse maintained its speed until the moment it passed the boundary, then stopped abruptly. The waiting soldiers came over and took the horses by the reins to calm them down.

“Whoa, whoa!”

The stamina of a horse that ran for a long time was also at its limit. However, they couldn't handle the excitement, and even after stopping, they didn't stand still and went on a rampage.

Selina clamped her feet together with her legs, trying to keep herself from falling. However, her body was already at the limit as well.

“Ha, haa!”

The taste of blood rose from her throat, and she lost power.

Her light body flew away from the rampaging horse. She barely survived until here and ran away, but she was going to die by falling off a horse? She smiled dejectedly as she flew through the air, but Kalcion's arms embraced her as if he had waited.

His reflexes were amazing. Selina let out a laugh even as she seemed to die.

“How many times have you saved me today?”

“I don’t know.”

Kalcion’s body was also shaking with lightly rough breathing as if it was an unprecedentedly violent escape. The unusual smell of sweat rose from his body.

“Please, let me down. It's fine now.”

Still, Kalcion did not untie his arm.

"I still have the strength to play around," said Selina, gazing up at him as she met his shiny, deep sunken eyes.

It was wild eyes.

“I saved you.”


“As long as you are in my arms, you are mine. Right?"

She didn't know what he was possessive of, but it was clear that at least she did not belong to the Crown Prince or anyone else. Nevertheless, as long as she existed in this world, the person who would protect her and save her again and again was Kalcion…

He was the only one.


Trust and affection for only him…

Kalcion, who read it in Selina's eyes, did not wait any longer. It wasn't enough just to have her.

He took her lips as if to swallow her soul.


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