“If you keep pretending to sleep, I’ll jump on you just like this.”

Threatened like that, I could no longer pretend to sleep and slowly sat up.

“What brings you here in the middle of the night, Senior?”

In response to my question, Senior Fuma gave a suggestive smile and ran her hand over her body.

“As you can see, I came to sleep with you.”

“Wasn’t that discussion already concluded last time? I intend to find a way myself, so there’s no need for you to sacrifice your virginity.”

“That’s true. We certainly talked about that. But hasn’t the situation changed now?”

Senior Fuma said this and took one more step closer.

As a result, her clothing became disheveled, revealing revealingly delicate areas.

“If you embrace me, you won’t need to go to extremes. Kim Yu-seong. So, don’t act recklessly, and just hold me. I don’t want to see a dear junior die.”

Senior Fuma said this, knelt down, and pressed her body against me.

She seemed to think that, as a young high school student full of vigor, I would succumb to a physical onslaught.

And her thought was almost correct.

My body, overflowing with yang energy, was already in a state of readiness just by seeing her skin.

However, I couldn’t accept overlapping bodies in such a manner.

With my eyes tightly closed, I pushed Senior Fuma’s shoulders back.

“Senior Fuma.”


I wanted to say something, but my mind went blank for a moment.

It was because Senior Fuma’s shoulders were trembling.

She appeared calm on the outside, but in reality, she was scared.

After much thought, I opened my mouth.

“I am not someone who can take responsibility for another. I am truly sorry to say this, but I can’t embrace you, Senior Fuma. You are not a tool.”

Then Senior Fuma asked in a melancholic tone,

“Kim Yu-seong, do I lack charm as a woman?”

“What? No, that… Senior Fuma, you are exceedingly beautiful and attractive to me.”

“Then why don’t you want to embrace me? Unlike other female ninjas, I grew up as a clan leader and never learned how to seduce men. But I know that men find my body attractive.”

Senior Fuma said this while caressing her body.

As a result, her voluptuous body, seemingly beyond her years, was being kneaded within her small hands.

For a man, it was truly a scene poisonous to the eyes.

When I couldn’t take my eyes off her body, Senior Fuma slightly smiled, as if she finally felt at ease.

“Certainly, your words may say no, but your body is honest.”

Realizing her gaze was directed towards my lower half, I hastily covered myself with the blanket.

“That’s sexual harassment.”

“Now you say that?”

Senior Fuma said this jokingly and then slowly got up from her place.

“Anyway, I won’t force myself on you if you dislike it that much. So, I’ll take my leave now.”

Senior Fuma said this and bent down to pick up the belt that had fallen to the floor.

This caused her ample chest to spill downward, creating a precarious scene.

If I were the protagonist of a love comedy, I would have had a nosebleed at this moment.

Hastily redressing in her yukata, she turned to glance back before opening the sliding door to leave the room and asked,

“Kim Yu-seong, if I had embraced you without any conditions, would you have held me?”


I couldn’t immediately respond to that question.

But to Senior Fuma, my hesitation seemed to be an answer in itself.

“No need to say more. Sleep well.”

Senior Fuma said this with a faint smile, then quietly closed the door and left the room.

The next morning.

After breakfast, I was called to the room I had visited the day before.

There, Senior Fuma’s grandfather and Senior Fuma were already waiting.

I bowed my head slightly and knelt down, as I had done yesterday.

Senior Fuma’s grandfather said,

“Was your sleep comfortable last night?”

Upon hearing that, the image of ’s naked body flashed in my mind, but I tried hard not to show it and answered,

“Yes, thanks to you, I slept comfortably.”

“Well, that’s good to hear. It’s rewarding to know that our guest from Tokyo was well taken care of.”

Senior Fuma’s grandfather said this while putting an unlit pipe in his mouth,

“Yesterday, you said you’d capture the Snow Woman. Has your mind changed now? It’s alright to change your words once. I don’t intend to push a young man to extremes.”

Hearing that offer, I shook my head.

“I have no intention of changing my words. If I fail, I’ll leave the village without any regrets.”

Hearing this, Senior Fuma’s grandfather laughed heartily.

“Good, very good. A man should indeed have such courage. I’ll have my granddaughter show you the way to the western-style house where the Snow Woman lives. I’ll be expecting good news.”

Senior Fuma’s grandfather said this and glanced at Senior Fuma beside him.

Then, Senior Fuma picked up the wakizashi and raikirimaru, which were placed in front of her knees, and responded,

“As the acting head of the Fuma Clan, Fuma Yukika, I will obey your command.”

Senior Fuma and I then walked out of the village along that path.

Senior Fuma said it was her first time going to the Snow Woman’s western-style house too, but she explained that she could find it easily as the surrounding area was like her playground; she only needed to know the rough location.

So, just like yesterday, I followed Senior Fuma’s lead through the endless mountain trails.

Up and down the rugged, untouched mountain paths, Senior Fuma moved as if on flat ground, giving a different impression from what I had seen at school.

Moreover, seeing her ninja outfit for the first time in daylight, which included fishnet stockings, was quite suggestive.

I wondered why the thigh area exposed her skin.

With these thoughts in my mind, I silently followed behind her.


Startled by the sound at my feet, I looked down.

“This is…”

Despite it being midsummer, the grass on the ground was frozen white.

Sensing something odd, Senior Fuma drew the raikirimaru from her back and said,

“Kim Yu-seong, look around.”

Hearing her words, I raised my eyes forward.

“What the…?”

Despite it being midsummer, everything beyond a certain boundary line was frozen solid.

Perhaps because I was wearing a light short-sleeve shirt, I could feel a creeping chill.

“This must be the boundary of the Snow Woman’s territory. I vaguely expected it, but this is indeed an immense spiritual power.”

Senior Fuma said this, clicked her tongue, then quickly moved her hands, using some strange technique.

“What did you just do?”

“It’s a technique of Fuma. It prevents external spiritual energy from infiltrating the body.”

Hearing that, I looked at Senior Fuma with envy and then belatedly remembered the yang energy within my body.


I clenched my mouth and concentrated, awakening the dormant yang energy.

As the warmth spread through my body like a fireball, I felt the coldness dissipate.

“Ah, that’s better now.”

Senior Fuma, watching this, said,

“Then let’s get moving again.”

I nodded and followed her small figure.

As we ventured deeper into the mountains, the scenery around us transformed into winter.

When Senior Fuma explained about the great monster yesterday, it didn’t quite sink in, but seeing it with my own eyes now, I truly realized its enormity.

It was changing the seasons with its sheer power.

Even though I was ignorant of the power balance in the underworld, my experience reading shonen manga told me that this type of enemy was incredibly powerful.

Crunch! Crunch!

No longer on frozen ground, we stepped on nearly withered grass and finally found a two-story western-style house deep in the mountain.

“Is this the place?”

“Probably. I can feel a massive presence inside.”

After Senior Fuma’s confirmation, we slowly approached the western-style house where the Snow Woman supposedly lived.

Now, the surroundings looked like a scene from a movie.

Trees laden with frost and icicles, and an upward frozen waterfall.

Seeing this, the word ‘Lerico Lerico’ naturally came to mind.

Surely, the Snow Woman wouldn’t look like that.

Compared to what Senior Fuma’s grandfather had worried about, approaching the house was surprisingly easy.

I wasn’t sure if it was due to a lack of vigilance or sheer confidence, but there seemed to be no gatekeeper, at least not one with a mid-boss vibe.

“…It’s completely frozen solid.”


We stood in front of an unopened iron gate, exchanging these observations.

While I was pondering whether we had to climb the fence like thieves, Senior Fuma proposed a solution.

“How about melting it with your power?”

“Me? With my power?”

“I think the yang energy you possess should be sufficient to melt it.”

Skeptically, I grabbed the frozen front door, half-doubting Senior Fuma’s words.

And when I focused the circulating tang energy in my palms…


The ice on the frozen door melted away, making a sound like a boiling kettle.


Although it was rusted, it still moved properly.

Cautiously opening the door and entering the yard, we looked up at the imposing two-story western-style house before us.

It resembled a witch’s house from a fairy tale.

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