Chapter 255: Storm (5)

Kang Woojin was slightly nervous from the moment he arrived at the ‘Leech’ reading room. Being the first to arrive, he was the only actor there. Although he had done quite a few script readings before, adapting to unfamiliar environments and people was always challenging.

Especially since it had been a while since he last attended a script reading session.

‘Ugh- shit, it’s so awkward to be here alone. Can someone please come?’

Of course, Woojin, trying to hide his gradually pounding heart, pretended to look at the script with a solemn expression, but there was no way he could focus. Today, his exterior and interior were exceptionally different.

‘Isn’t the size of this reading room a bit too big??’

Director Ahn Ga-bok, one of the best in the Korean movie industry, was there, and all the participating actors were all top actors and veterans.

Moreover. “Woojin-ssi, you came really early? As expected, you came early to review the script?”

“Right. Just looking at that determined expression, anyone could tell. By the way, did you see Woojin-ssi’s acting during the audition?”

“Of course, I saw it. All the staff members were completely overwhelmed that day, weren’t they?”

Because of the acting Kang Woojin showed during the ‘Leech’ audition, the dozens of staff members who were setting up for the script reading had their eyes fixed on him. Additionally, the gazes from key staff, the film company, and the distribution company officials who were entering were similar.

“Kang Woojin-ssi is here? Isn’t it about an hour until the script reading starts?”

“I heard rumors that he’s tough on the outside but surprisingly soft on the inside.”

“That’s unexpected…….. I thought he’d be a bit more arrogant, with all the issues about him exploding and especially after causing such a huge stir during the audition.”

“Ah- I heard Woojin-ssi caused a commotion during the audition while acting as a co-star?”

The gazes were piercing. Should he have toned it down a bit during the audition? No, he did try to hold back, didn’t he? As the tension gradually grew, Woojin felt a subtle ache in his lower abdomen.

‘I need to fart.’

Although a silent release was possible, Woojin, recalling past mistakes, tightened his sphincter quietly.

“Hello, Woojin-ssi.”

Han So-jin appeared. Woojin, who had been alone all this time, was secretly pleased to see her. He wanted to smile and say he was lonely, but his pretense held him back.

‘This woman, I felt it during the audition, but she’s incredibly beautiful.’

However, Han So-jin had a peculiar temperament.

“Yes. That’s why I’ve become even more determined. I want to surpass you, Woojin-ssi, for sure.”

Why does this woman always declare she’s going to surpass me whenever she sees me? Is she a warmonger? Woojin decided to let it slide. As time passed, more actors joined. Many supporting actors, Jin Jae-jun, Oh Hee-ryung, and others, as well as Kang Woojin’s pretense, became even more pronounced. Honestly, it was more comfortable when no one talked to him as the tension grew thick.

Pretending to be tough made people somewhat avoid him, which was comfortable.

Around that time.


A wild man, no, the great actor Sim Han-ho appeared. Radiating a rough aura, he walked straight toward Woojin. Kang Woojin stood up with dignity but was internally startled by the presence of Sim Han-ho right in front of him.

‘Holy crap! Wow- shit, what is this? Sim Han-ho-nim’s aura is insane!!’

The scruffy beard and the overall changed image of Sim Han-ho emitted a strong masculine image. He already had a tiger-like feeling, but with his exterior now like this, he exuded a wild beast-like energy.

Woojin, fascinated by him, lowered his voice.

“Hello, sunbae-nim.”

Sim Han-ho’s response was heavy and brief.

“My acting today might be a bit fierce.”

Kang Woojin was purely amazed. Wow, his line sounds like something from a movie! Such a reaction. Of course, internally. Sim Han-ho’s current words were too fitting, probably due to his intense wild beast scent.

‘So cool. This is the aura of a great actor!’

Oh, this is intense. Getting to witness Sim Han-ho’s aura up close. Moreover, Woojin thought he should learn from him. That weight and atmosphere. Although Sim Han-ho wasn’t pretending like Woojin, remembering his current form seemed useful for future tough-guy acts.

Now it was Kang Woojin’s turn.

Was it because he had just witnessed such a powerful aura? Kang Woojin felt a surge of determination. He wanted to show the best tough-guy act to this wild beast right in front of him. Putting on an extreme bravado face and dropping his voice very deep and low.

As his heart moved, he suddenly gained momentum.

But what should he say? Since Sim Han-ho said his acting might be fierce- ‘Should I say I’ll tame it well?’ No, that was over the top. In the end, Woojin mixed a bit of arrogance with politeness.

“Yes, I’ll take it well.”

He shot out a straight pitch with no pretense. Kang Woojin then recalled his mind control to maintain composure.

‘Oh- damn, don’t waver.’

Avoiding eye contact here would be the move of a novice. Answering in a cold tone, Woojin didn’t avoid the eyes of the great actor Sim Han-ho. After a brief silence.



Kang Woojin and Sim Han-ho exchanged glances without saying a word. Sim Han-ho’s calm and fierce gaze. He was a true beast, while Woojin had his fur bristled for the pretense. However, no one in this reading room noticed this.

Thanks to the steady buildup of misunderstandings so far.

Anyway, the reading room quickly turned chilly in a matter of minutes. A massive tension rippled through. Dozens of staff members glanced at each other, and the actors had bewildered expressions. Meanwhile, Han So-jin, standing across from Woojin and Sim Han-ho, was screaming internally.

‘No! Kang Woojin! Are you really doing this?! Going head on fiercely???!’

Of course, it was a scream directed at the steadfast Woojin. To her eyes, it seemed as if a beast and a monster were growling at each other ominously. But how was that even possible? Sim Han-ho was a legend among legends in the acting world. Even Director Ahn Ga-bok would bow to him.

Yet Kang Woojin showed no signs of backing down.

At this moment.

“Oh my.”

Oh Hee-ryung, sitting to Han So-jin’s right, muttered with a peculiar smile.

“He’s got guts.”

Han So-jin, with wide eyes, asked back with difficulty.


“I mean Woojin-ssi. Isn’t he like a character we’re seeing for the first time?”


“When you see Sim Han-ho sunbae’s presence up close, you’re usually overwhelmed, but he’s just calm~ They say he’s from overseas, and I guess it’s true?”

“Eh? From overseas?”

Just as Han So-jin was stepping into the swamp of misunderstanding, the murmuring of the reporters gathered at the entrance of the reading room grew louder.

“Whoa- what’s happening? Is it a scoop? Should we film it?”

“Are you crazy? You want to get kicked out for capturing that?”

“Um, in any case, we should intervene, right? Why are all of you just standing there?”

At that moment.

“They’re frozen from the unfamiliar situation.”

An old voice penetrated from behind the reporters. It was the veteran Director Ahn Ga-bok who had arrived unnoticed. The reporters almost shouted in unison.

“Ah! Director···”

But they were cut off. Director Ahn Ga-bok put his finger to his lips. He then looked back at Kang Woojin and Sim Han-ho inside the reading room. Around him were half a dozen staff members, including the assistant director, who was nervously trying to step in.

“Director, I’ll mediate. There’s going to be an incident.”

But Director Ahn Ga-bok, with a leisurely smile, shook his head.

“If we step in on those monsters’ nerve battles, we’ll just get hurt.”


“I’m saying just leave them be.”

“But still.”

“The jungle is better than a gentlemanly scene.”

On the other hand, the assistant director and staff were restless. Director Ahn Ga-bok gestured for them to calm down.

“It’s alright, let it be. That will actually ignite the actors. Kang Woojin has set a benchmark for ‘Leech’ acting, and Sim Han-ho has triggered the starting point for ‘Leech’. This nerve war between the two leading roles, where else can you find such a stimulant?”

Soon, Director Ahn Ga-bok pointed his index finger at the two monsters.

“Look, aren’t they the only ones here who are ‘Park Ha-seong’ and ‘Chairman Yoon Jung-bae’?”


While everyone was watching, Kang Woojin and Sim Han-ho, who were exchanging heated glances, the one who broke the tension first was Sim Han-ho, wearing the mask of a beast.

“Well received, huh-”

The scruffy-bearded man suddenly showed a faint smile on his otherwise stiff face. It might have looked mixed with interest.

“You answered without a moment’s thought. There’s much to learn.”

“I mean I’m looking forward to it.”

“Me too.”

“Thank you.”


With this, the chilly nerve war ended. Kang Woojin slightly bowed his head, and Sim Han-ho, who received the greeting, slowly moved to the opposite side of Woojin. Oh Hee-ryung, smiling, spoke to Sim Han-ho who was pulling out his chair.

“Sunbae, aren’t you tightening your belt too much from the start? Look, the kids are all frozen. Ugh- it’s cold.”

Sim Han-ho, letting down his tied long hair, replied in a deep voice.

“I only said what needed to be said.”

Oh Hee-ryung was fine, but most of the actors couldn’t relax. Especially Han So-jin, in the third seat, was nervously rolling her eyes. The one who broke through this overwhelming tension was.

“Is everyone here?”

Director Ahn Ga-bok, who entered with perfect timing. The short white-haired man took the head seat of the U-shaped table while receiving everyone’s greetings. Soon, Director Ahn Ga-bok scanned the entire reading room. The dozens of actors, staff, and film company and distribution company officials for ‘Leech’. After slowly looking at over a hundred people.


He quietly murmured.

“Let’s begin.”

At the same time, the reporters raised their cameras, and the cameras placed throughout the reading room also started operating. The start of the script reading was, of course, introductions.

“Actor Sim Han-ho for the role of ‘Chairman Yoon Jung-bae’.”

Naturally, Director Ahn Ga-bok handled the proceedings.

“Actor Kang Woojin for the role of ‘Park Ha-seong’.”

The atmosphere was generally heavy.

“Actress Oh Hee-ryung for the role of ‘Yoo Hyun-ji’.”

Short introductions and greetings from the actors. This continued for about 30 minutes, and after Director Ahn Ga-bok’s introduction, who was seated at the head.


Director Ahn Ga-bok opened the first page of the ‘Leech’ script. The actors, as well as everyone around the U-shaped table, did the same.

During the reading, Director Ahn Ga-bok took on the narration and the lines of non-participating actors.

“1, Park Ha-seong’s monologue.”

Kang Woojin was the first actor to speak. Naturally, after bringing out ‘Park Ha-seong’.

“I don’t know who I am anymore. Who I exist as. I’ve lost my way······”

It was quite a long monologue. However, no one faltered in their posture. Everyone listened intently to Woojin’s monologue. Because it penetrated the theme of ‘Leech’.

The scene changed afterward.

The cuts shown in the direction were roughly handled by Director Ahn Ga-bok’s commentary. One page, then another. About three pages into the script, Kang Woojin spoke again. As it was a scene delving into ‘Park Ha-seong’s early life. The dialogue exchanged was between Kang Woojin and Director Ahn Ga-bok. After about 15 minutes, other actors started to appear.

Oh Hee-ryung, who had been smiling all along, suddenly changed her energy completely.

She entered as ‘Yoo Hyun-ji’.

Indeed, she was a veteran of great actor status. Her usual self was nowhere to be seen. The air around Oh Hee-ryung was also different. After Director Ahn Ga-bok’s narration, Kang Woojin and Oh Hee-ryung had their first encounter.




There were no lines for the two. From the start, the two actors only communicated through sign language, so it was natural. Although there were no words, their hands were busy. But it wasn’t just the sign language that was visible. The movement of their upper bodies, their gaze, expressions, and changes in their eyes, nose, and mouth.

Kang Woojin and Oh Hee-ryung had to convey the situation solely through emotions, and naturally, there was no awkwardness.

Jin Jae-jun, Han So-jin, and the other actors were shocked.

‘The level is high. Even though they’re only…… using sign language, the situation is understandable. Their expressions and gestures are replacing the lines.’

‘Kang Woojin- This is crazy. Park Ha-seong uses sign language, so I wondered, but to perform at this level while acting too?’

Everyone in the reading room, except Director Ahn Ga-bok, felt the same. Unfamiliar sign language, two actors intensely focused, and the extraordinarily high quality of acting.

And then.

“Hmm? Who are you, young man?”

The scruffy-bearded Sim Han-ho spoke. It was ‘Chairman Yoon Jung-bae’ entering. He looked at Kang Woojin from the opposite side. Despite his current rough appearance, the lines Sim Han-ho delivered lacked any tone of a beast. Instead, they were mixed with wit and were gentle.

The problem was.


His eyes. Though his mouth was smiling, there was a peculiar madness hidden in his eyes. His breathing seemed calm but occasionally went offbeat.

“Take good care of my wife. Don’t flirt with her.”

At first glance, it didn’t seem dangerous, but there was a lurking threat. While maintaining the essence of ‘Chairman Yoon Jung-bae’, but he is holding a knife behind his back. Sim Han-ho’s current acting towards Woojin was just like that.

But it wasn’t obvious.

Kang Woojin, Sim Han-ho, Oh Hee-ryung. The three actors leading the reading were like monsters hiding their true selves, each masking their inner feelings while speaking false words.

The staff were covered in goosebumps.

‘Ugh- What is this, seriously?’

They were clearly just delivering lines from the script, and the background hadn’t changed much, yet the eeriness grew with each performance of the three actors.

Then, the scene changed again.

It was a cut where Chairman Yoon Jung-bae made his first deal with Park Ha-seong.

“The goal is simple. Make my wife rely on you, blindly.”

“······I’ll try.”

At this point, Park Ha-seong hadn’t yet understood his true nature. Thus, he was instinctively frightened.

“Well, I don’t really know how to make her depend on me. Moreover, blindly…… seems even more difficult.”

This was where it started. It was here that Sim Han-ho started acting fiercely.

“Make it easy then.”

Sim Han-ho, looking at Woo-jin, widened his eyes. The area around his mouth, covered in scruffy beard, twitched. His sly tone remained, but the overall shape of his face resembled that of a madman.

Somewhere between madness and fury.

This was clearly different from the Chairman Yoon Jung-bae created by Director Ahn Ga-bok. He preserved the essence, but the behavior that transcended that essence was natural. He seemed like a clown with a lust for control at his core.

“It’s all about the mindset, you see? It changes depending on how you view it. Hmm? Start by changing that defeatist gaze.”


Chairman Yoon Jung-bae attacked Kang Woojin.

“Did you realize? The moment you got into this car, your life is now in my hands?”


“You heard it all, didn’t you? You can’t afford to be passive now. You want to live, right? Then put all your effort into changing your mindset.”

He was direct. However, Kang Woojin didn’t back down at all. No, he remained steadfast from the beginning.

“Mindset······ Do I need to think that I live in the same world as you, Chairman?”

“Don’t get confused. Think of it as rental. Your status is like dirty laundry that keeps getting dirty no matter how much you wash it.”

“But thinking of it as rental is difficult. I’ll think of it as a lease.”

“Haha, as expected- You are the right choice. I like that you’re suitably dark. But don’t cross the line, got it?”

“If you draw it clearly for me…”

“You’ll know the moment you enter my house. You will control my wife, and I will control you.”

At this moment, Han So-jin, with a dazed expression, could only listen blankly.


Because it was a fight between monsters.

Meanwhile, in a studio that looked like an apartment.

A desk in the middle of the living room. Although it could easily seat about five people, there was only one woman typing on a laptop at the desk.

-Tadak, tadadak.

With a slender figure and round glasses, she was Writer Choi Na-na. Usually timid by nature, her current vigor was exceptional. Her eyes shone as she looked at the laptop screen, and her fingers typing were full of confidence.

About an hour later.

Writer Choi Na-na, who had been typing away furiously, suddenly raised her head towards the ceiling.


She let out a long sigh.

“It’s finished.”

She had just completed writing the final episode of ‘Beneficial Evil’.


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