Chapter 210: New Year (1)

Director Ahn Ga-bok slightly furrowed his wrinkled brow. The words from Joseph Felton on the other end of the phone were unexpected.

You want to see my filming set?

Soon, he sat down in the prime spot of the five-person sofa in the living room, passing by the shoe cabinet, and deepened his thoughts. He had been curious when he first heard from the film company CEO that Joseph Felton had requested contact. But now, Director Ahn Ga-bok was even more perplexed.

As he took off his grey jacket, he questioned back into the phone, in English, of course.

You want to see my filming site? Are you aware of the movie I am preparing?

Josephs response from the other side of the phone was quick.

Of course, Director Ahn. I understand its titled Leech, unless I am mistaken?

No. Ha ha, you really are well-informed. To think you know the title of the movie Im preparing in LA.

Your name is well-known in Hollywood too. I also know this upcoming movie is your 100th and that youre targeting Cannes again.

Yes, thats right.

Hollywood directors and Cannes officials are also very interested in your movie. The 100th movie is not an achievement one reaches easily.

Director Ahn Ga-bok stroked his chin at the excessive lip service.

Why do you want to see the filming site of my movie?

Again, Joseph Feltons reply was not slow.

Theres a Korean actor I am interested in.

A Korean actor?


You mean to say youll come to Korea personally just to see this actor?

Acting needs to be seen with ones own eyes to truly feel itthe tension and energy of the actor, that is. The end result, the video, goes through many peoples hands, so its uncertain. Id prefer to see and be certain for myself.

Certainty. Certainty, indeed. A faint smile appeared on the wrinkled lips of the seasoned Director Ahn Ga-bok.

Certain of what?

Potential. For now, potential is the appropriate answer.


The veterans mind started turning quickly upon hearing the answer. His gears, though well-worn, werent sluggish.

Joseph Felton is a well recognized producer in Hollywood. Why would such a person be interested in a random Korean actor?

Is he currently preparing a project? Or does he merely want to save the actor to his cast list?

As a producer in Hollywood where making a name for oneself is critical, preparedness is not just mandatoryits paramount. No matter the project or the moment, when film companies, distributors, or directors need something, a producer had to be ready right away.

The actor was just one of many components.

The biggest reason Joseph Felton is considered competent in Hollywood is his readiness. Director Ahn Ga-bok knew this well.

Hes made a name for himself as a producer across the vast landscape of Hollywood But which actor is he talking about? Sim Han-ho? Kang Woojin?

It was clear that what Joseph, who was in Hollywood, had investigated was probably the current situation of Leech, and there were only two confirmed lead actors. The big-name actors Sim Han-ho and Kang Woojin. In other words, the actor Joseph Felton was talking about was one of the two.

Directly asking for clarification wouldnt yield a straightforward answer.

Globally, Hollywood was formidable, but it was also a place full of countless secrets. However, guessing was not too difficult for the veteran Director Ahn Ga-bok.

Its Shim Han-ho after all, isnt it? No, its almost certain.

Simple math made the answer clear. Kang Woojin had not yet been featured in Hollywood through any works, whereas Sim Han-ho had numerous credits, including Hollywood films.

Hollywood was notoriously rigorous in vetting actors.

Director Ahn Ga-bok knew all too well the immense hurdles. Even a Korean actor would need to go through numerous auditions and tests to land a role in a Hollywood production. Given such criteria, it indeed pointed to Sim Han-ho. At least, that was the calculation according to Director Ahn Ga-bok.

But Sim Han-ho has already been verified, hasnt he? Perhaps, he wants to check his recent form considering his hiatus?

At that moment, Josephs voice continued from the other side of the phone.

I will be visiting Korea soon.

Is that so?

Yes, there are some things to sort out with a distributor there regarding a movies release.

Hmm. So, you plan to coincide that with a visit to my filming site?

If that seems feasible schedule-wise. Of course, thats on the premise that you allow it, Director.

Given the distance, that would be preferable, but my films crank-in date isnt certain yet.

After a brief silence, Joseph spoke again a few seconds later.

Youre aiming for Cannes this time, right? Cannes is set to open around the end of September this time. Then, you would have to start shooting by at least February, or March at the latest, wouldnt you?

Right. His answer aligned perfectly with Director Ahn Ga-boks calculations. They would need to start filming in February and shout crank up before the end of June. The rest would be dedicated to editing until September, and then submission.

At this, Director Ahn Ga-bok chuckled.

He really knows everything.

Joseph spoke up once more from the other side of the phone.

Of course, your permission is paramount, Director Ahn. I also promise that my visit will not disrupt your set in any way.

A famous producer who holds sway over the Hollywood scene coming to the set. Director Ahn Ga-bok slowly nodded.

Its almost certain its that guy, Sim Han-ho. But whatever it is, isnt it good news? It might give both Sim Han-ho and Woojin a chance if things line up well.

He responded to Joseph with a broad smile.

Youre welcome, just let me know in advance.

A few days later, late in the morning.

The year 2020 had passed, and 2021 had begun. From the 1st, the weekend had passed, and now it was Monday, the 4th.

At this moment, Kang Woojin was in a strangely eerie village.

His bulletproof helmet was covered with dark stains, his military jacket was ripped and torn, his military pants were smeared with dust and blood, and his boots were scuffed all over.

Huuh- Hoo-

The gun barrel resting on his shoulder trembled slightly. Woojins body also vibrated faintly, a tremor that spread to the butt of his gun.


From afar, the pleasant sound of waves could be heard. Following that, a gentle breeze grazed Woojins cheeks. It was merely caressing, but for some reason, it made his skin crawl. The sound of his heart thumped loudly in his ears.

The village was dead quiet.

Not a single sign of life. However, Kang Woojin.

With his trembling gun barrel, continued to keep a vigilant watch ahead. His breathing through his nose was erratic. Though he struggled to maintain his breath, his breathing was filled with anxiety and tension.

His heart constricted. He was afraid. Terrified. He wanted to run away.

Yes, at this moment, Kang Woojin was Corporal Jin Sun-cheol.

Looking at his fear-stricken pupils drifting aimlessly, he seemed to embody the timid one of two personas. Corporal Jin Sun-cheol was on Island of the Missing, and now he was standing in a village devoid of any sound of life.

But why? Why was there no one else around?

Panic and fear were etched on the face of Corporal Jin Sun-cheol as about a dozen soldiers were positioned around him. The blood and stains on their uniforms were each unique. Their gazes varied, but, they all had their gun barrels pointed forward, heightened vigilance, and were all gaunt as if consuming calories with each breath.

Tense and on edge.

The air among the patrolling soldiers was fraught with panic, like a rubber band stretched to its limit. If someone yelled out harshly, it seemed they might fire their weapons at any moment. Then, one of the soldiers murmured softly.

Fuck- this fucking island.

Just then, a clinking sound came from behind him. Specifically, it was the noise of dog tags jingling inside someones pocket. Ryu Jung-min, or rather, First Lieutenant Choi Yu-tae, the leader of this troop, made a move with a serious face next to the soldier who had just murmured.

First Lieutenant Choi Yu-tae quietly observed the village, lined with houses and various buildings, before he spoke.

Its too quiet here.

It had been three days since they descended to the village to escape the monstrous creature. Clearly, it felt safer than that cursed mountain, but it was strange. Why was it so silent?

Its like the calm before the storm.

It felt as though the gaze of someoneor somethingwas wrapping around First Lieutenant Choi Yu-tae and his soldiers, but it was uncertain. Nevertheless, as the leader, First Lieutenant Choi Yu-tae had to make a decision.

Whether to stay here or return to the mountain.

Damn it.

The answer was clear. Going back to the mountain to meet that monstrous creature again was madness. They had already lost several soldiers. First Lieutenant Choi Yu-taes military jacket pocket was heavy with many dog tags.

They could not afford to lose more soldiers.

Then, Kim Yi-won, or Staff Sergeant Jo Bong-seok, with his rifle pointed forward and eyes bloodshot, quietly asked his commander.

Company Commander, what should we do?

First Lieutenant Choi Yu-tae, continuing to scan the houses, answered.

Well establish a base here.

Understood. Should we stop the search?

First Lieutenant Choi Yu-tae did not reply immediately. He adjusted his helmet slightly lower. The decision was difficult. What should he do? This village seemed quite large and yet, there was no sign of life. Moreover, they hadnt encountered a single villager from the mountain to here.


Whats with this lived-in feel?

The entire village bore the scent of people. True, there were many abandoned houses that werent maintained, but more than half of the homes and buildings had clearly been touched by human hands. Any building would decay if not maintained by people, but this village was definitely continuing life.

First Lieutenant Choi Yu-tae, exhaling softly, was certain.

There were others here, just not visible.

The possibility that they were hiding couldnt be dismissed. His soldiers had been firing guns throughout the mountains after all.

But are those present here actually human?

What? Company Commander, what did you say?

Sergeant Jo Bong-seok, his face full of anxiety, asked back, prompting First Lieutenant Choi Yu-tae to shake his head.

No, its nothing. Well stop the search here.

Is that okay? We havent even covered half of the village yet.

Its not okay, but we cant push the soldiers any harder. Fatigue has built up to the extreme, and its not wise to take any more risks. Were also low on ammunition.


Hearing the answer, First Lieutenant Choi Yu-tae again adjusted his helmet and turned around. Behind him, he pointed with his index finger at a building that looked like a school they had observed upon first entering the village.

I think well have to make that our base.

Jeon Woo-chang, or rather, Lance Corporal Nam Tae-oh, who was the largest in size, subtly glanced over and chimed in.

When we first checked, it definitely seemed like a school. Theres no playground, but there are classrooms. Theres also a fence. When we circled the whole place, there were no people.

There might be now. Lets all move together and check again. Yes, understood.

First Lieutenant Choi Yu-tae, with his rifle shouldered, commanded his soldiers who were on guard around him.

Slowly, retreat towards that school. Keep guarding. Dont reply, just move if you understand.


The soldiers swallowed hard and slowly began to step backward. The legs of Kang Woojin, who was visibly trembling, did the same. Watching him, the muscular Lance Corporal Nam Tae-oh sighed deeply.

Hey, Jin Sun-cheol. Come next to me. I cant just leave you be when youre this nervous.

Corporal Jin Sun-cheol turned his head back, his lips quivering severely. He stammered badly.

Its, its fine.

Stop the bullshit. Stay close.

Ah, alright.

Corporal Jin Sun-cheol stuck close to Lance Corporal Nam Tae-oh, a mix of excessive anxiety and relief visible in his eyes. His twitching facial muscles slightly relaxed. Oddly, he was more flexible than before.

Around this time, another voice inside Corporal Jin Sun-cheol murmured.

Fucking hell, this is so damn boring.

It was a crude remark. However, it didnt come out of Corporal Jin Sun-cheols mouth. His expression just briefly changed. He expressed it solely through his emotions. It was peculiar. He was appealing to everyone with a momentary annoyance.

This too was an improvement over before.

It was likely due to Kang Woojins sign language and singing ability that had lifted Jin Sun-cheol. Everything he had learned was being utilized in his acting. Meanwhile, all that filled First Lieutenant Choi Yu-taes mind was survival.

Drinking Water- what about water?

The response came from Corporal Jung Hye-jin, who was actually Ha Yu-ra.

Theres no way tap water would be running. To get water, we need to go back to the mountain. I saw a stream there.

Are you sure?


So we have to go back to the mountain again. For food as well. We saw some wild boars, didnt we?

Corporal Jung Hye-jin nodded. First Lieutenant Choi Yu-tae sighed deeply. His worries were profound.

This is not some extreme survival challenge.

With that, the troops finally neared the fence of the school.

It was right then.

Hey, Jin Sun-cheol. Stop shaking, damn it. Were almost there.

Ah, understood, Lance Corporal.


An enigmatic sound of the wind spread. The sound of the wind? More precisely, it seemed like something slicing through space.



A sharp noise erupted suddenly, and Lance Corporal Nam Tae-oh, standing to the right of Jin Sun-cheol, suddenly groaned.

Urgh!! Uugh!

Something long had embedded itself below his abdomen. The following severe pain.


It was an arrow.

An uncommon sight in modern times, an arrow was deeply embedded in Lance Corporal Nam Tae-ohs stomach, not just slightly but almost halfway. Despite being the biggest in size, Lance Corporal Nam Tae-oh collapsed immediately upon realizing the arrow stuck in his abdomen.


Dropping his rifle and everything else, he sprawled on the ground, screaming in pain. Soon, the startled Corporal Jin Sun-cheol clung to him.

Lance Corporal!! What, what the hell??? Company Commander! An, an arrow!

At this moment, the previously calm formation erupted into chaos. Safety pins were pulled out from officer to enlisted.

An arrow??! Thats an arrow??!!!

Fucking hell!!! What the?!! Where did it come from!!!

Where is it!! You bastards, where are you!!

Hey! Dont swing the guns around!! Dont shoot!! Youll hit our own men!!

Who is it!!! Come out!! Show your face!!

An arrow? From where? Who? Why? Clearly, someone had shot it, but there was no way to know who. First Lieutenant Choi Yu-taes eyes widened as he stood in front of Lance Corporal Nam Tae-oh and shouted.

Get a grip!!! Dont panic and run to the inside of the fence!! Jin Sun-cheol!! While covering, drag Lance Corporal inside!!

A thought flashed through his mind as he shouted orders. A target. Yes, Lance Corporal Nam Tae-oh was the easiest to hit because of his size. He had become the target.

Jin Sun-cheol!! What are you doing you idiot!!! Stop dazing and move Lance Corporal!!!

Hehehe! Yes, yes yes!

At this moment.


A familiar voice reached the ears of the agitated soldiers.


It was the soothing sign from Director Kwon Ki-taek. Soon, dozens of staff members rushed towards the actors. It was a long take. The staff attached to the actors adjusted their makeup or handed them water.

Meanwhile, a little away from the filming zone in front of the monitor, Director Kwon Ki-taek, wearing a short padded jacket, was nodding slowly.

This cut is quite good.

It was already the third re-take. What was unusual was that there were more staff members positioned around him than usual, especially those in suits.

The reason was simple.

The officials of Island of the Missing, who had attended as the filming entered the latter half, included investors, distribution company staff, and executives from the film company, among others. Although this visit had been scheduled since the initial planning meeting, there were other motives involved in their presence.

Kang Woojins declaration at the film festival was to be scrutinized for its validity. Of course, everyone knew that Kang Woojins acting prowess was unquestionable here. However, Kang Woojin had made a bold declaration in front of numerous top actors.

For the stakeholders of Island of the Missing, this was not a matter to simply overlook.

And Kang Woojins filming would wrap up by mid-January.

The officials needed to see Kang Woojins performance in Island of the Missing before then.

At that moment.

Thats it, Director~nim!!

The assistant director shouted loudly among the crowded actors, signaling that preparations for the next scene were complete. The setup was similar to the long-take scene: half-mad soldiers, Jeon Woo-chang lying with an arrow in his abdomen, Kang Woojin supporting him from beside, and Ryu Jung-min blocking their front.

Soon, the actors appeared on the monitor Director Kwon Ki-taek was watching.


Director Kwon Ki-taek raised his megaphone.


The shooting resumed immediately.

It started with the soldiers horror-filled screams, followed by Jeon Woo-chang taking over. He still groaned strangely, gazing at the arrow sticking halfway out of his stomach.

Huhuhuhuk. Eek

Above him, the camera closed in. Jeon Woo-chang was dying. Though still alive, he was no different from deadthere was no medical team on this Island of the Missing.

Blood soaked through Jeon Woo-changs military uniform around his abdomen. It seemed like death was slowly spreading through the uniform.

Fuck. What the hell is this. Urgh, what is it.

Tears streamed down from Jeon Woo-changs eyes as he trembled his hands. Saliva sprayed endlessly from his mouth, as did his snot. Including the blood, all moisture in his body continued to be depleted.

The looming specter of death before his eyes.

Jeon Woo-chang felt his body getting colder. Save me, please save me. Why is there such a ridiculous arrow in my stomach? He sobbed while desperately clutching at the uniform on Corporal Jin Sun-cheols, that is, Kang Woojins forearm.

Hurp! Heysob, shit what is this? Sun-cheol. Save me. Huhuksave me. Urk!

Jeon Woo-chang, spitting blood from his mouth, raises his eyes upwards. Similarly, the camera angle went from low to high. Jeon Woo-chang looked up at Kang Woojins face gazing down at him.


Suddenly, Jeon Woo-changs pupils dilated. He swallowed back the blood that had been refluxing in his mouth. Chills ran down his spine even as his body cooled.

Kang Woojin was looking down with a feeble smile.

His eyes, previously filled with timidity, now sparkled with delight. Such was his face. Why were his lips curved up like a bow? It felt to Jeon Woo-chang as if the arrow in his stomach had been shot from Woojins mouth.

He was a devil.

The devil was slowly savoring the cessation of a humans breath.

Such was the side profile of Corporal Jin Sun-cheol. The devil.


First Lieutenant Choi Yu-tae also noticed.


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