Chapter 1169 - Tea Party ④

After enjoying chatting with Jutia-san, Ariel-san, and Tir-san, I decided to get up from my seat and check out other tables.

However, it seemed that the earlier incident with Jutia-san had caught their attention, as many people often wanted to talk to me and invited me for tea, making it difficult for me to move around.

I softly declined their invitation and looked around to see if there was some place I could relax…… but there was some kind of unnatural gathering of people, or rather, a different group of people gathered.

Moving towards that place with some questions in mind, I immediately understood the cause of the problem. The people there were Isis-san, Iris-san, and Polaris-san, who I saw at the White God Festival…… There’s also one other person with them, which I think was probably Sirius.

Isis-san had happily talked about how her subordinates increased, so I know them to some extent.

However, Isis…… Isis-san’s magic power of death makes it impossible for anyone without a certain amount of power to get close to her……

As I was thinking this, Isis-san noticed me and her expression became bright and she gave me a small wave…… Just as usual, she has the cuteness of an angel.

[Hello, Isis-san.]

[……Kaito…… Hello…… I’m glad…… to meet you.]

Seeing Isis-san with a bright smile on her face, telling me that she’s really happy to meet me, the others too…… or rather, Iris-san greeted me.

The other two were people I had never met before, so rather than greetings, we would have to be introduced to each other first.

[Iris-san too, hello.]

[Umu. I was going to look for you later, but it’s fortuitous that we met so early. I’m sure you’ve heard of them, but I was thinking of introducing you to Isis-sama’s newest subordinates.]

[Ahh, that’s right. I’ve heard about them, but this is the first time we’ve met like this.]

The timing is perfect for me as well because I was just thinking about introducing myself.

Just as I was thinking that, Isis-san pointed to the seat next to her and spoke.

[……Kaito…… Here…… I left this seat…… open for you.]

[Really? Thank you. Well then, if you’ll excuse me.]

I was thinking how there was some kind of an unnaturally empty seat next to Isis-san, but it seems she had prepared it for my arrival.

While thanking her as I sat in that seat, just as I looked towards Polaris-san and Sirius-san, Iris spoke.

[First, this is Polaris, who had become a subordinate after me.]

[Nice to meet you, I’m Miyama Kaito. I’m in your care.]

[My name is Polaris. I’m also in your care.]

When I called out to her, Polaris-san gently smiled and bowed lightly. Her gesture is elegant and calm…… but for some reason, my Sympathy was conveying a tremendous amount of nervousness and impatience from her.

Her expression and her emotions were so different that I couldn’t help but tilt my head. However, since I could also sense positive emotions from her, I think she didn’t have a bad impression of me…… Arehh? It feels like her favorable emotions were greater than I imagined…… If I were to compare how great it was when it was just our first meeting, it’s around the same level as the fanatical group, Ten Demons…… Is it just my imagination?

[And this is Sirius.]

[My name is Sirius. I have often heard about you from Isis-sama and Iris-dono. It’s my pleasure to make your acquaintance.]

[Ah, yes. I’m Miyama Kaito. I’m in your care.]

……The emotions conveyed from Sirius-san are quite normal, and not really that great. Compared to her, I feel that the emotions conveyed from Polaris-san are much greater.

[……Also…… She didn’t come today…… but I recently got…… one new subordinate…… a girl named Rasal.]

[Is that so? That’s amazing. Then, you already have four subordinates. It seems that your castle is becoming more lively, Isis-san.]

[……Unnn…… I’m…… really happy.]

As for the person named Rasal, I had never heard of her before. With Isis-san’s character, if she was already her subordinate when we met, she would definitely have told me about her…… so I guess she must have become her subordinate really recently huh. That would be within a few days or so.

As I was thinking about this, responding to her words, I suddenly heard a familiar voice.

[……Rasal? Isis-sama, please forgive my rudeness for interrupting you in the middle of your pleasant chat.]

[……Ahh…… Sechs…… It’s been a while.]

[It has been a while. Long time no see to you too, Miyama-dono.]

[Hello, Sechs-san.]

Appearing was a lich, dressed in a luxurious costume, Sechs-san, one of Kuro’s family members and a Count-rank Demon known as the Great Sage of the Dead.

……I wonder if Sechs-san can drink tea? Ahh, but didn’t he eat and drink normally back at the barbecue? What in the world is going on with his torso?

While I was thinking about this, Sechs-san bowed to Isis-san again before speaking.

[……Is the Rasal Isis-sama mentioned earlier the necromancer named Rasal Malfik?]

[……Unnn…… That’s right…… Do you know her, Sechs?]

[……Yes, I’m acquainted with her……. but I was surprised. I didn’t expect her to be someone’s subordinate…… No, I guess that’s why, at that time……]

It seems that the person named Rasal, who newly became Isis-san’s subordinate, was an acquaintance of Sechs-san, and looking quite surprised, Sechs-san muttered something that I didn’t quite hear.

Serious-senpai : [……Well, of course you would be surprised if someone you know who has been a recluse for thousands of years suddenly became someone’s subordinate.]

? ? ? : [……He would be even more surprised if he hears she kneels down in a dogeza right from the start.]

Serious-senpai : [Let’s not mention that……]

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