I Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at Peace

Chapter 352 - It Seems Like They’ve Become my Allies

Chapter 352 - It Seems Like They've Become my Allies

Lilia-san, who came running to my side, stood diagonally in front of me and held up her large sword with a smile.

[Hmmm. If I knew this was going to happen, I should have brought Luna or Sieg with me.]

[……My, oh my, I didn’t expect that the “White Rose Valkyrie”, the one apparently known as the strongest human to appear here…… Good gracious, things are getting more troublesome.]

[I- If it’s possible, could you not call me by that embarrassing nickname……]

Sechs-san clapped in admiration at Lilia-san’s appearance, but he still looked pretty composed…… No, well, I can’t really see his expression because he’s a skeleton, but he seems to be somewhat relaxed.

[……Someone useful has arrived huh. It’s great that you’re here…… White Rose Valkyrie.]

[……E- Errr, should I call you…… God of Disasters?]


[It’s nice to meet you. I might turn out to be a hindrance, but I’m here to help.]

[If it was just any random mob, they might turn out to be a hindrance, but if it’s you assisting me, then that’s a different story…… Can you hold down the First Hero?]

It seems like Lilia-san is more famous than I realized, as even Shea-san seems to think highly of her.

Then, Shea-san lined up next to Lilia-san…… and asked if she could fight Neun-san.

[I’ll try my best……. I never expected that I would be fighting the legendary Hero though……]

[Don’t let your guard down…… She may be a gutless creature, but she’s still a monster who once defeated an Earl-level with a human body.]

[Yes, unfortunately…… It seems like I won’t have the liberty of holding back. It’s been a really long time…… since I’ve had a serious fight!]

At that moment, a flash of lightning gushed out from Lilia-san’s body. It’s hard to believe, but she was clad in magic power…… not any form of attack magic, but pure magic power.

Seeing Lilia-san’s state, Neun-san held up her Japanese katana without any hesitation and spoke.

[……I’ve heard rumors about such an ability, but this is the first time I’ve seen it with my own eyes. So this is the…… “High Magic Power Density Constitution” huh.]

[A peculiar constitution with a magical power density tens of times greater than that of normal people. This increase in magic power makes it visible even without the use of magic…… Neun-dono, you shouldn’t underestimate her even though she’s human. She’s already…… something like a “Special Individual of Humanity”.]

[……Well then, First Hero-sama…… I may be young, but please allow me to have this fight.]

Saying this, Lilia-san, her body surging with lightning, held up her large sword. In response to this, Neun-san slightly unsheathed her Japanese katana with her thumb.

At the same time, Shea-san also prepared her scythe and the Demons around Sechs-san held their weapons in hand.

In the midst of this tense atmosphere that seemed to be on the verge of breaking out into an explosive fight…… a familiar voice suddenly rang out.

[Please waiiittt!!!]



The one who jumped out at that tense moment was Raz-san. She was exerting her small body to shout as loud as possible.

Raz-san moved to the center of the place, in the middle of our group and Neun-san’s, and moved her gaze towards me.



[……Big Sister Vier is in a lot of pain. She’s crying.]

As if she was appealing for something, Raz-san stared into my eyes as she spoke.

[Raz is not very smart. However, Raz knows that Big Sister Vier did something bad a long time ago, and that she’s been crying about it for a long time…… That’s why, that’s why……]


……Is she trying to persuade me? No matter what she said though, I’m not going to back down. It would not only be disrespectful to Shea-san and Lilia-san who are willing to help me for this, but most of all, I just can’t accept it.

However, it’s really difficult for me to harshly reject the pure and straightforward Raz-san……

As I waited for Raz-san’s next words, she glanced down at the floor for a second…… before she spoke to me with renewed determination..

[……Are you trying to save Big Sister Vier, Kaitokun-san?]


[Just like how you saved Kuromu-sama…… Big Sister Vier too…… Are you going to give her back her smile?]


It wasn’t persuasion, but a sincere question.

Asking me if I’m going to save her precious family, even without using lots of words…… I can understand the weight of her question.

[……I can’t say that I can definitely save her. That’s something clear to me as an outsider in this matter. However, I know that no matter how long this situation persists, nothing will change.]


[I won’t say something as conceited as I’ll save her…… But I want to see her smile and laugh from the bottom of her heart…… For Dr. Vier’s sake, and for “her” sake……]


[So, I can’t promise anything. However…… I’m going to do my best to achieve that.]

I returned my heartfelt thoughts to Raz-san…… I want “all three of them” to smile……

When Raz-san heard my words, she closed her eyes and thought about something…… before a big smile appeared on her lips.

[……Alright. Then, Raz will support Kaitokun-san!]

[Eh? R- Raz-san?]

Support me…… Telling me such a thing, Raz-san moves over to me, holding a small bow in hand, and floats forward to protect me.

Just as I realized that this means that she’s on my side, two more people moved towards us.

[Well, that’s what happened. We’re sorry, Lord Sechs.]

[Sis Raz, we’ll follow you.]

[Acht-kun! Eva-san!]

The blue-horned ogre…… Acht. The silver-furred black wolf…… Eva. Two of my acquaintances…… No, friends also told me that they would help us and stood by my side with Raz-san.

[Acht…… Eva……]

[Oi, oi, what’s with that face, Kaito? It’s not like it’s anything strange…… I can’t choose between my friends and family. So, I’m going with you, because choosing your side can hopefully make both sides smile.]

[Well, we aren’t that well-read, so we try not to think too much about complicated stuff like risks. I will just take the side that I want to take. Sorry, Lord Sechs.]

[No, no, it’s not like I didn’t expect that this would happen…… Hohoho, Miyama-dono really is quite frightening.]

Sechs-san smiles, seemingly still quite composed even with the recent developments, but I wonder if it was just my imagination? As within that expression of his…… I could somehow see happiness.

Dear Mom, Dad———— As we confronted each other over Dr. Vier’s situation, just as it was about to get explosive…… Raz-san forcibly pushed through such an atmosphere and spoke to me. Not only Raz-san…… but even Acht and Eva———— It seems like my friends have become my allies.


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