I Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at Peace

Chapter 324 - Valentine’s Day Extra Chapter ~~ Razelia & Kaito ~~

Chapter 324 - Valentine's Day Extra Chapter ~~ Razelia & Kaito ~~

The 14th Day of the Tree month. Feeling the soft morning sunshine, I finished brushing Bell and was thinking about what to do today, when a familiar little fairy arrived.


[Raz-san? Welcome, is something the matter?]

[……Here, chocolate.]


Raz-san takes out a box of chocolate, bigger than her body, from her magic box and hands it to me.

It looks like a fairly expensive “commercial chocolate”…… Is this Valentine’s Day chocolate? I’m happy for the chocolate but…… why does Raz-san look unhappy?

[Errr, thank you very much. I’m really happy for it.]


[Eh? Wait, Raz-san? Why are you crying……]

[Uuuuuaaaaaahhhhh…… I’m sorrryyyyyyyy!]

[R- Raz-san!? Please calm down, can you tell what’s the matter?]

[Raz is, Raz issss……. a bad giiiiiirrrrllll!? Aaaaahhhhh, I’m sorrrrryyyyy!]

[R- Raz-san isn’t a bad girl, okay? A- Anyway, please calm down……]

[Uwaaaahhhhnnnn! Kaitokun-saaaaaaannnnn!?]

Unknowingly saying words of comfort, I took out a handkerchief and wiped Raz-san’s tears.

However, since Raz-san’s body is too small, I just hooked the handkerchief on my little finger and gently rubbed her face.

[……Ugghh, higghhh…… P- Please don’t hate Raz……]

[I won’t hate you! I will definitely not hate you…… Okay? Raz-san, please tell me what happened.]

[Uuuuu…… R- Raz, Raz…… for my favorite Kaitokun-san, Raz worked really hard two make chocolate…… Raz even asked Ein-san’s help, and even t- Ihough Raz made a tasty-looking chocolate……]

[I- I see…… A- And then?]

Raz-san said she made some chocolates by hand, but the chocolate I currently received seems to be commercially produced. Well, Ein-san may be able to wrap it so that it looks like a commercial product, but there’s no point in doing that.

In that case, I’m sure that it must be related to why Raz-san is crying, so I continued to encourage her as gently as possible.

[……It looked so tasty…… when it’s completed…… Higghhhh…… Because it looked so tasty…… Raz…… Raz……]


Ahhh, I think I have a pretty good idea of what happened.

[I was only going to taste-test it but…… I ended up eating the whole thing! I’m sorrrryyyyyyy!]

Apparently, Raz-san did her best to make some chocolate for me, but it looked really tasty…… she ate it all by herself, and because she wouldn’t be able to make another chocolate in time, she bought a commercial-sold chocolate.

I- I see, that’s why she’s crying…… Unnn. Errr, Raz-san is crying because of feelings of guilt but…… what a cute little creature she is!

[……Raz-san, it’s alright. I’m not angry.]

[R- Really?]

[Of course. Rather than angry, the thought that you did your best for me…… makes me feel really happy.]


I’m so happy that Raz-san has worked so hard to make chocolate for me even with her small body, and it warms my heart.

Making Raz-san sit in my left hand, I gently stroked her head with only my index finger.

[So, please don’t cry anymore. Seeing Raz-san cry makes me sad instead……. Okay?]


[Once again, thank you for the chocolate.]

[Ehehe…… Kaitokun-san really is kind. Raz really loves the kind Kaitokun-san~~]

It seems like she has calmed down, as Raz-san lets out a cute smile.

Patting her head one more time, I thought that since we had the opportunity, I put down Raz-san, thinking of opening the chocolate I received but……

[……99% cacao chocolate……]

[It looks like there’s a lot of cacao in it! Raz doesn’t really know how it tastes like, but I bet it tastes better with more cacao in it!]

[A- Ahaha…… Errr……]

[Try it~~]

What should I do…… This is definitely a very bitter one. I’ve already tried tasting a 50% cacao chocolate before, but this is the first time I would taste a 99% cacao chocolate.

At the urging of Raz-san, who was looking at me expectantly, I boldly brought the chocolate to my mouth but…… it’s too bitter!

[Guhhh…… Uuuuuu……]

[Kaitokun-san!? W- What’s the matter? Did it not taste good?]

[N- No, errr…… it’s bitter……]

[Chocolates are sweet, you know?]


It seemed like Raz-san really didn’t know and seemed to be wondering about it, so I snapped a small piece of chocolate and gave it to her.

Thereupon, Raz-san alternately looked at the chocolate and my face, before eating it…… and her face distorted so much that she looked pitiful.

[Uuuuuu…… I- It’s so bitter……. Why, even though it’s supposed to be chocolate……]

[This 99% cacao chocolate is a bitter one.]

[I- I didn’t know that…… Raz…… made a blunder again……]

[Ah, no, it’s alright! When you eat this with something sweet, it accentuates the flavor instead!]


[I- Is that so…… something sweet, something sweet…… Ah, that’s right! I thought of a good idea!]

[U- Unnn?]


Raz, who was looking for something sweet, seemed to have some idea and then cast magic at herself.

A shimmering magical light envelops Raz-san…… If I remember correctly, that should be magic that cleanse the body, right?

[With this, I’m completely clean…… Kaitokun-san! Stick your tongue out!]

[Eh? Y- Yes.]

I had no idea what Raz-san’s intentions were, but I did as I was told and stuck my tongue out in front of me anyway.

Thereupon, Raz-san moved closer to my tongue and……


[!? ]

She kissed the tip of my tongue…… No, she pressed her face to my tongue.

Startled by her sudden action, I reflexively retracted my tongue but…… it somehow made me lick Raz-san’s face, and a sweet taste spread in my mouth…… Unnn? Sweet taste?

[……Raz-san, what in the world are you doing?]

[Raz is a “Flower Fairy” after all, so Raz’s body is very sweet! So, if you eat the chocolate while “licking Raz’s body”, it will definitely be delicious!]


Ahh, I see…… So that’s what Raz-san is trying to say. Raz-san’s body tastes like flower nectar, so I can eat the chocolate while licking her…… No, there’s no way I can do that, you know!? Even if Raz-san herself is okay with it, that’s definitely an out, you know!?

[N- No, Raz-san…… As expected, that is…..]

[I- Is Raz’s body…… not tasty?]

Wait a moment there, Raz-san!? That statement of yours is dangerous!

[T- That’s not what I meant…… R- Raz-san wouldn’t want me to lick you, right?]

[I don’t really mind though?]


[Raz really, reaaaaaaallllyyy loves Kaitokun-san! That’s why, if it’s Kaitokun-san, “I will be happy no matter what you do with me”!]

Raz-san isn’t hiding her fondness for me, and began saying that she doesn’t care what I do with her…… It somehow feels like I’m about to awaken to a strange fetish, and it’s really dangerous.

[N- No, errr…… A- Aaahhh! That’s right! Raz-san, I actually have some really sweet jam cookies! If it’s those, then these chocolates will definitely match with them…… If Raz-san is fine with it, how about eating them with me!!!?]

[Jam cookies!? Can Raz have some?]

[O- Of course! Eat to your heart’s content!]

[Yaayyy! Kaitokun-san, thank you~~!]

It was a forceful switch in conversation, but I was talking with the innocent Raz-san. She didn’t have any doubts about my forceful switch of conversation, but was rather happy and excited about the jam cookies instead.

Somehow managing to take steps before I woke up to an extreme fetish for fairies, I headed inside the mansion with Raz-san, patting myself on the back, feeling relieved.

[……Even so, it was quite hard to make the chocolate for me with Raz-san’s body, right?]

[That’s not really the case~~ I used “Humanization Magic” and made it in that form~~]

[……Humanization Magic? That’s what Acht used before, right?]

[Is that right? When Acht-kun uses it, he becomes smaller, but when Raz uses it, Raz becomes bigger…… Still, Raz is still smaller in that form than Kaitokun-san……]

[R- Really?]

[Yes! I even heard that fairies often use Humanization Magic on “marriage night” with a human. I wonder why that is?]

[I- I dunno, I completely don’t have any idea……]

[Is that so…… Raz also doesn’t know, so we’re matching!]

Let me correct that. Apparently…… The dangerous flag had already been erected.


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