I Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at Peace

Chapter 280 - They were Automatically Translated to a Wrong Direction

Chapter 280 - They were Automatically Translated to a Wrong Direction

Early on the morning of my fifth day in the Hydra Kingdom, I came to where I met the grandpa before again to talk to him.

[I see, you’re leaving this evening huh.]

[Yes…… Ahh. but I’ll come back to visit from time to time.]

[Fuhahaha, you really are quite the honest one, aren’t you? Even though I asked you, I didn’t expect you would come to visit me here everyday, you know?]

[Ah, now, well, I had plenty of time to spare anyway……]

Incidentally, I’ve been coming to this place where I met this grandpa every morning since I met him.

It seems that this grandpa has some work he needs to do, so we weren’t able to talk for that long, and we just had some light conversation.

[Ohh, that’s right! Since this is the last day of your stay here in Hydra Kingdom, how about we go drink some tea?]

[Unnn? Ah, yes.]

[I have an acquaintance who eats unusual sweets, and this one is my favorite.]

[……Is that a rice cracker?]

[Umu, I think that’s what it’s called.]

The grandpa is still advancing the casual talk as usual, and I noticed that the topic of conversation had switched already, but I don’t particularly care about that as I’ve gotten used to it over the past few days.

More importantly, I didn’t expect to see rice crackers in this place…… I wonder if this grandpa’s acquaintance is someone who held the role of Hero back then?

[I can’t get enough of this rice cracker and green tea…… Here, let’s eat together.]

[Thank you.]

With a grin on his wrinkled face, the old man offered me a teacup with green tea and some rice crackers, which I accepted and ate with him.

How should I say this…… We’re currently eating on a coast, but I feel like I’m eating on the veranda…… It somehow reminded me of my grandfather, and I feel a bit nostalgic.

I haven’t seen them much since my parents died and my other relatives took me in…… I wonder if they’re doing well?

[Hmmm. This is good.]

[Yes, and the sea breeze also feels nice.]

[Ohh, you can understand huh!? The wind here is really great!]

It’s good to relax while looking at the sea like this once in a while.

While I was thinking about such things and taking a bite of the rice cracker in my hand, the grandpa suddenly spoke with a calm tone in his voice.

[However, you are quite the good man, aren’t you? You aren’t even showing a hint of displeasure on your face even when this old man is talking about worldly matters.]

[I enjoy talking to grandpa too, and I also learned lots of things from you.]

[Hahaha, I see! You really are a pleasant young man…… I don’t mean to badmouth the youngsters these days, but most of them are always pressed for time. It couldn’t be helped, for our time in this world is limited but…… I don’t like having such thoughts that much.]

As I grew up in Japan, I feel that people in this world are using their time wisely, but from the grandpa’s point of view, they seem to be in quite a hurry.

What the grandpa is saying certainly is right, time is limited for humans…… You can’t reverse the time that has flown past. No, well, I certainly know a few people who might be able to overturn that law but……

[Are you saying that because we have a limited amount of time, it’s better to use that time for your heart’s desires?]

[Ahh, there’s nothing wrong with rushing things or being impatient about things. However, if we live our lives pressed for time, we would be stuck in a vicious circle, wouldn’t we? Sometimes, it’s important to take your mind off things, and look at the grand sceneries of the journey you’re traveling in.]

[That’s really deep.]

[Foufoufou, if that’s what you think about such words, then you’ll be alright.]

I don’t know if it’s because of all the experiences he had accumulated, but his words sound like he had lived much longer than I have. Trying to etch those words in my mind, I thought about making sure that I didn’t forget to keep some leeway in my mind.

Well, I’m fortunate enough to be blessed with people. There are plenty of people who would admonish me or reach out their hands to me when they find out that I’m in a hurry…… And I’m really grateful and happy for that.

[Well, putting those things aside…… I’ll be repeating myself but, young man, you’re a good man.]

[Huh? E- Errr, thank you?]

[Umu, what do you think? How about you become my husband (muko)?]

[Eh? Ummm…… Are you talking about me marrying your grandchild?]

[U- Umu…… O- Oohhh, that’s right!]

(T/N: Muko means two things, it could mean being your husband/groom, which the King here asked Kaito. The other one is son-in-law, which is what Kaito thought, since someone with the face of a grandpa said that.)

It feels like he was caught up in his words in the latter half of our conversation, but I’ll just obediently take that as a compliment.

[……Errr, well, let’s leave that conversation for another time……]

[I was rejected huh~~ No, that might be the secret to being popular……]

[Is that how it is?]

[It is what it is.]



[ [ Ahahahaha. ] ]

I don’t know if it’s somehow because the way he said those words or not, but I feel like the atmosphere around us was amusing, as the grandpa and I looked at each other and laughed.

He’s a really cheerful and energetic grandpa, and it’s as if I was infected by his cheerfulness. As expected, having a conversation with a mood like this wouldn’t be difficult…… No, having such conversations is fun instead.

[……Whoa there, this is no good. It’s already time huh……]

[You need to go to work?]

[Umu, there are some very annoying people back in my place…… they’re really working this old man too hard.]

[I’m sure that shows how much they’re relying on you.]

[Uumu, I’d really like to retire already though…… Well, let’s get going then.]

[Yes. Thank you for the meal today.]

Looking at the grandpa as he lightly scratched his head while standing up, I thanked him for the rice crackers and green tea before standing up as well.

[Umu. Keep yourself healthy…… Come visit and talk with me again.]

[Yes. I’ll come again. Take care of yourself too, grandpa.]

[Yeah…… Well then, till we meet again.]

[Yes. See you then.]

With a bright smile on my face, I see him off as he walked away, carrying his fishing rod, and I took a quick walk along the beach in the early morning sunshine before returning to the inn.

Now then, since I told the grandpa that I’m going back to Symphonia Kingdom, this should be the end of what I need to do in the Hydra Kingdom…… but that’s not the case at all.

In fact, this wasn’t included in my plans, but this was something decided after I went with the flow.

When I went out of the inn at around noon, I found the person I had an appointment with……. Shea-san.

Shea-san asked me before for something she can do as an apology, to which I replied that she could buy me a meal, so she’s going to treat me to lunch today.

Shea-san is still wearing her black robe and sailor uniform, and although I knew that this would be the case, she isn’t making eye contact with me.

[I’m sorry, Shea-san. Thank you for waiting.]

[……I don’t mind. I’m tied up in this dastardly ruse now anyway.]

[N- No, we’re just going out to eat today…… right?]

[!? You’re trying to tell me that’s not enough huh…… How low can you be……]

Stop right there~~! Can someone please remove the negative filters on this person’s mind!? She’s making it sound like I’m the big bad guy here!

[……Let’s get this over with.]

[Yes. By the way, what did you plan for us to eat?]

[Kuhh…… “Can you even find a shop that satisfies me?” is what you’re saying huh…… I’ll let you have your composure for now, for that thought will soon disappear.]


……We’re just going out to eat lunch, right? Why the heck does this conversation sound like we’re going to have a duel?

This woman’s no good. Anything I say is automatically translated to a negative direction. How haughty and arrogant am I in this person’s mind?

Dear Mom, Dad———– As agreed with Shea-san before, I’m going to have dinner with her. It seems that Shea-san’s negative filter is in perfect form today, as for some reason, the words that I tell her———- They were automatically translated to a wrong direction.


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