I Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at Peace

Chapter 1703: Noontime Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ⑩

Chapter 1703: Noontime Founding Festival with Shallow Vernal ⑩

Having laid out our leisure sheets, we sat down on the mysterious lawn space, or rather, the bento space that Shiro-san had prepared for us on the wharf. Since I have some in my magic box, I didn’t need Shiro-san to create it.

How should I say this…… It’s a relief that there were no people around. The sight of people eating their bento on a leisure sheet on a patch of grass in the middle of a wharf must be quite surreal.

Speaking of which, Shiro-san said she prepared a bento for us, but what kind of bento is it? With how fixated she is on eating on a leisure sheet, it makes me think of that scenario where someone brings a heavy bento box for cherry blossom viewing, but that’s just too much for the two of us. Knowing Shiro-san, there’s also a possibility that she brought a bento that surprised or even exceeded my expectations in some way……

[Well then, here’s the bento I prepared.]

[Thank you.]

What Shiro-san presented to me was an ordinary bento box. It was nothing out of the ordinary, and in terms of size, it was just right for lunch, not a heavy box or anything like that.

When I opened the lid…… I see, so that’s how it is……

In the bento prepared by Shiro-san, there was a large heart drawn using cherry blossoms, making it clear at first glance what her reference was. It was undoubtedly a loving wife’s bento.

When I glanced at Shiro-san, I saw that she had a satisfied look on her face…… one showing a sense of accomplishment. Incidentally, she prepared a bento only for me, with Shiro-san seemingly not having hers.

[No, well, leaving aside the fact that it looks like a loving wife’s lunchbox…… It looks incredibly beautiful, as if it’s straight out of a romance manga, with an appearance that truly embodies what a loving wife’s bento is.]

Did she perhaps create this based on how it was depicted in her reference material? Creating it might feel a bit like cheating, but there’s no doubt it’s a homemade bento.

[Ahh, no, I made it the usual way. It isn’t something I crea…… No, I suppose I did create the materials.]

[Eh? Then, you just created the materials and made something like this…… It’s amazing! You’ve made something so beautiful!!!]

[Seeing Kaito-san being so happy makes me happy too.]

With how perfect it looked, I had thought it was created as is, but it seems like Shiro-san actually only created the ingredients and cooked it herself.

The heart shape and everything else are so beautifully done, and the side dishes are truly professional-level work. The overall balance, including the color distribution, is excellent. It’s a level of perfection that would make one feel emotionally moved.

[It feels like it’s a waste to eat it, but since Shiro-san has expressly made it for me, I’ll eat it gratefully…… Arehh? Where’s the chopsticks?]

[Here they are.]

[Ahh, tha…… Shiro-san?]

When I turned around at Shiro-san’s words, she was holding out her free hand to me with chopsticks at the ready. I have a bad feeling about this.

After all, from Shiro-san’s posture, it was obvious that she wasn’t handing those chopsticks to me. With Shiro-san not having prepared a bento for herself, it doesn’t look like she’s using those chopsticks for her to eat.

What’s more, with her holding out her free hand like that, it feels more like she’s telling me to hand over the bento box. However, it’s hard to believe Shiro-san is just gonna tease me and eat the bento she made herself. In that case……

[I will feed Kaito-san, so please hand over the lunch box.]

[…..I did feel like things would turn out that way but…… Eh? All of that!?]

[Yes. I’m currently in Pampering Kaito-san Mode, so please leave eating all of it to me. Don’t worry, there will be no problem. Even if Kaito-san doesn’t say anything, I can read what you want to eat, in what order you want.]

She’s apparently in some mysterious mode. I- I’m really glad that there are no people around…… No, well, if I were to exclude the embarrassment I’m feeling, I don’t really mind being fed like that by my lover, and I’m actually happy about it.

[Here, Kaito-san. Ahhn.]

[T- Thank you for the food.]

W- Well, since there’s no one looking at us and with Shiro-san in that pampering mode…… I guess it’s alright if I act slightly spoiled, right? In the end, this would also fulfill Shiro-san’s desire for a lovey-dovey moment as well…… so with such thoughts running through my mind, I decided to take advantage of Shiro-san’s kindness, as she looked at me with a gentle expression on her face.


Serious-senpai : [Uuuu, bittersweet moments like this feel like a deep blow right to the gut…… It hurts.]

? ? ? : [It’s alright. Looking at prospective spots for a pause, their lunch, along with stuff after that, will probably take up two more chapters, so they should start full-on flirting after their meal! That’s why, don’t worry!!!]

Serious-senpai : [……And what part am I supposed to not worry about?]


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