Chapter 1398 - A Night Spent with Sieg ①

The nighttime monsters were quite enjoyable as they were different from the daytime monsters. Many of the nocturnal monsters had darker colors, like the NIght Dragons which were mysterious and beautiful.

Although she isn’t nocturnal, I think that Sieg-san’s pet Sela is also a monster that looks good at night. With its black body and wings shining like an aurora, she’s very attractive-looking.

Also, although she isn’t a monster, Nebula also looked like she’d look good at night. Perhaps it’s because of her unique starry sky-like hair that makes me think so.

In any case, when we fully enjoyed the evening interaction event, it was already late. It was now 10:00 pm, and it was time for us to go to our inn.

The nighttime event is supposed to last until 2:00 am, but there were fewer people around compared to the daytime event, so we were able to look around and meet several monsters in 2 hours.

[……Sieg-san, are there any other monsters you are interested in?]

[No, we’ve already seen everything, and it’s getting late, so let’s move on to the inn.]


I was wondering if there were other monsters Sieg-san wanted to directly interact with, but it seems like Sieg-san was also thinking about moving back to the inn already.

After walking for a while, we arrived at a…… very high-class inn.

[Eh? Sieg-san, we’re staying here?]

[Yes. This way.]

[……It’s a rather expensive inn, isn’t it?]

[I heard nobles and the like were staying here.]

[Eh? Then, this place must be quite expensive…… As expected, shouldn’t I take out money for this?]

This city seems to be famous as a tourist destination, so it’s not surprising that there are luxury inns here. However, if this is an inn that was even used by nobles, the price for a night here should be quite expensive.

Thinking this, I suggested compensating her for the fees, but Sieg-san shook her head with a wry smile.

[It’s alright. It’s true that in the past, it would have been financially difficult for me to stay in a place like this……. but I now have a lot of savings, so I was able to get us a good inn. I’m going to be staying here with Kaito-san, so I think it would be nice to have a good place for us.]

[I see…… Well, I’ve decided I’ll be presuming upon your kindness this time, so if that’s what Sieg-san says, I’ll obediently accept it. However, the next time we’re in a situation like this, Sieg-san, then it will be my treat.]

[Fufufu, yes. I’m looking forward to our next outing.]

As we were having such an exchange, we entered the inn and received the key from the receptionist…… a single key…… arehh?

[Ummm, Sieg-san? The receptionist only gave us one key though?]

[That, she did.]

[What about the key to my room?]

[It’s this key.]

[……The key for Sieg-san’s room then?]

[It’s this key. Ahh, it’s alright! I- I reserved a twin room for us, so there are two beds there.]

No, I’m not really talking about that…… but looking at Sieg-san, it seems that she reserved a twin room for us on purpose, not because of a reservation mistake or because there were no rooms available.

And although this is just my hunch, Sieg-san…… feels like she’s trying to force this through.

[W- Well, talking about this at the reception would trouble the others so let’s go to our room.]

[Eh? Ah, yes.]

We could also get a new room for us since we’re here at the reception, but I didn’t opt to do that, as I started to move as urged by Sieg-san.

While Sieg-san walked forward holding my hand in front of me, her face was blushing so red that I could tell from behind…… though it would be uncouth to point that out here.

After lightly exhaling, I decided to follow Sieg-san’s intentions for the time being.

When I arrived at our room and went inside, I found that the room was quite spacious and there was a large table by the window. It looked like a really nice room, with a fairly large bath and several magic tools provided for us.

[This is…… a pretty nice room.]

[It’s spacious, isn’t it? I had heard about this before so I had somewhat expected it, but I was still surprised when I saw it in person.]

[We’ve walked quite a lot, so why don’t we sit down and take some rest?]

[Good idea. By the way, do you want to drink some alcohol? I thought something like this might happen, so I brought the fruit wine I drank with Kaito-san before.]

[That one we drank in Rigforeshia? It was quite delicious, so I’m looking forward to it.

The fruit wine that Sieg-san is referring to is the alcohol that we drank together in that area of her parents’ house that resembled a porch back when I came along to visit Sieg-san’s hometown, Rigforeshia.

It was sweet fruit wine made with ripples, and I remembered how it was quite delicious. Since we’re at it, I decided to serve a variety of snacks as well. I think something simple like nuts would be good to go with the sweet drink.


Serious-senpai : [Hyiiiihhhh…… S- She’s on quite the offensive……]

T/N: Mistranslation on c1397, me thinking that there was still one more chapter before the title change, changed.

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