Chapter 1309 - Founding Festival - Noon ①

<Author’s Notes>

Added an article about the manga’s Volume 7 in the Activity Report.

As one would expect from a festival commemorating the founding of Symphonia Kingdom, the streets of the royal capital were crowded to a degree not normally seen.

With a situation like this, it would take a lot of time to move around, so it was a good decision that I registered the location of our stall in the Teleportation Magic Tool.

It took some time for us to reach a stall selling Symphonia-yaki, but it wasn’t so bad walking leisurely in the bustling atmosphere, so it didn’t feel like we took quite a while.

I also bought several stuff from the stalls I saw along the way while we were walking to the stall selling Symphonia-yaki, and decided to eat them at a place where there weren’t many people.

[……Its shape was different from what I had imagined.]

[Unnn? What kind of shape did you imagine it had, Kaito?]

[I thought it was more like a crepe……]

The Symphonia-yaki is, how should I say this…… It has an omelet-like shape. Well, the egg batter surrounding it was thin, and the fruit was plentiful and very tasty when eaten.

There was no sweet cream like whipped cream, and the natural sweetness could be enjoyed to the fullest, making it quite a tasty dish.

[Kaito, Kaito, ahhhn.]

[Unnn? ……No, we’re having the same one, you know?]


[……Yes, yes.]

[Unnn! Tasty!]

Wryly smiling at Tre-san, who was appealing to me to feed her with her mouth wide open, I just brought my Symphonia-yaki to her mouth.

Tre-san nodded with a very satisfied expression on her face. I guess she might be thinking something like “with this, the event finally progresses”.

[Speaking of which, what are we going to do after this? Since we’re at it, shall we move toward the ceremony in the Central Area?]

[Unnn, I think that would be good. If there are any good stalls along the way, let’s stop by and check them out.]

Cento-san and Cien-san also agreed with that suggestion, so we decided to go to the ceremony venue.

As we got closer to the main ceremony venue, the more crowded it became and the more difficult it became to get around.

[It’s crowded, isn’t it?]

[Hmmm…… I’m a little tired, so let’s buy something and take a break off the road for a while.]

[I guess let’s do that……]

Agreeing with Tre-san’s suggestion, we bought some drinks and moved to the side to take a short break.

I thought that if we moved off the main street, there would be fewer people…… but for some reason, there were still a lot of people around, or rather, some kind of crowd appeared in the place we were going to.

[What’s happening? Rather than people just congesting on this side, it feels more like people are gathering here.]

[Probably an event?]

Cento-san and Cien-san curiously murmured. One of the reasons it from where we are standing, the crowd is in the way and it was difficult to see what exactly was going on.

[……I’m kinda hearing a bit of music? Are they having a performance? Hmmm…… Alright, Cento, Cien! Carry me and Kaito, fly up to the sky and let’s watch from the air.]

[Aren’t we gonna stand out if we do that?]

[Eh, I think we’ll be fine. Everyone’s attention will be over there anyway.]

It was an outlandish suggestion, but I was also curious about what they were doing, so finally nodded my head in agreement with Tre-san’s suggestion.

And then, we flew up to the skies, with Cento-san carrying Tre-san and Cien-san carrying me.

[I’m sorry for the trouble, Cien-san.]

[No, I’m magically protecting you, but please hold on to me just in case.]

Even though their actual abilities are far superior to mine, I couldn’t help but feel apologetic seeing both Cento-san and Cien-san, who are both small-statured, carrying us.

After slightly smiling at my words, Cien-san leaped with me in her arms. The way she’s carrying me is more courteous than Alice’s, and I didn’t feel nearly as much wind pressure or anything like that.

……Well, this situation of being carried by someone is slightly embarrassing, but it seems that Cento-san and Cien-san will make us invisible with Recognition Inhibition Magic.

Looking from the air, it seems that there’s a little open space at the end of the crowd, and there……

[……Are those…… Ariel-san and Tir-san?]

[Ahh, you’re right. It really is Ariel and Tir. Ahh~~ So that’s why there were so many people there.]

In the area surrounded by the crowd were Ariel-san and Tir-san, with Ariel-san dancing to the tune being played in the flute-like instrument held by Tir-san.

Ariel-san’s dance was full of charm, and Tir-san’s music was wonderful, with a joyous tune that matched the atmosphere of the festival.

As Tre-san said, it really is no wonder that the crowd was so large…… Just as I was thinking that, I suddenly felt them glancing in our direction.

[……They’re more powerful than me and Cento…… so well, of course, they’d notice we’re here.]

[……I see.]

What should we do here? Should I greet them…… by wading through that crowd?


Manga Volume 7 here.

Serious-senpai : [T- This is!? A surge of seriousness!!!]

? ? ? : [Well, this certainly might be the most serious part of the series.]

Serious-senpai : […….No, the series does have seriousness in the beginning, but it started getting gradually exterminated.]

? ? ? : [And the reason for that is……]

Serious-senpai : [Because of that d*mned excellent guard that has become a constant presence!!!]

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