Chapter 1030 - White God Festival, Night ②

Leaving the lawny hill we were in, illuminated only by the fireworks in the sky, I’m currently walking barefoot down a wooden corridor illuminated by a gentle light.

It seems that they were setting off a lot of fireworks at the White God Festival, as although a good amount of time had already passed, I can still hear them going off.

Well, putting those fireworks aside…… As I took off my clothes and wrapped a towel around my waist, I wonder why I’m in this situation.

[We have finished negotiations about this.]

[……That we did.]

That’s right, we certainly have talked about this before. When we went to the exhibition booth, the flow of the conversation somehow ended up with me promising to take a bath in the onsen together with Shiro-san.

She was wearing a bathing suit as I had requested, so I couldn’t really say that I spoke wrongly.

Well, watching fireworks while bathing in an onsen is actually a luxury that is hard to come by, and to be honest, it sounds like it would be kinda fun.

As for nervousness…… I indeed am nervous. Even though she was wearing a bathing suit, the extent of exposure was so much greater than her usual clothes or the yukata that she had just worn, so I didn’t know where to look.

[……That aside, doesn’t the onsen feel like it got quite an improvement?]

[I’m adding improvements everyday. The onsen is also natural hot spring water flowing directly from its source.]

[Where the heck would that water even come from……]

The three Supreme Gods, Shiro-san and I had taken a bath in this onsen when I came to the God Realm in the past, but it seems to have really improved compared to when I visited after a long time.

The onsen, which were unnecessarily large back then, have been made a little more compact, and the scenery is better than before, with more trees and flowers, as if she put more effort into the scenery.

[……The water seems to have changed as well.]

[It changes every day.]

[Eh? It changes every day!?]

[Yes. The water changes within a month’s rotation. All of them were natural hot spring water flowing directly from its source.]

[……Seriously, where the heck do you even……]

She kept on pushing on that natural hot spring idea on this onsen, so she probably built some kind of sub-space exclusively for this purpose. That being said, if it was just as Shiro-san said, that would mean she has 30 different kinds of hot spring water in this onsen…… Eh? The heck, that’s interesting.

[You can come here every day to take a bath, you know?]

[……To be honest, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t interested in the other types of hot spring water, so ummm, if there’s an opportunity……]

I’m rather fond of onsens…… Today’s hot spring water looks clear, but has a slight bluish tinge to it, and even though it was a color of water I don’t see very often, it’s very beautiful in its own way.

There’s also that slightly refreshing scent…… After lightly washing my body, I went in and felt good, the water being somewhat cool and refreshing.

[……By the way, the trees and flowers that grow here also change daily.]

[Even the scenery changes every day!?]

[You can come here everyday to take a bath, you know?]


An onsen with 30 different types of scenery and hot spring water? W- What a fascinating onsen this is. I almost reflexively replied that I would come here every day.

Well, putting aside coming to take a bath everyday, my desire to come take a bath here again had certainly become extremely great. To be honest though, I feel like I’m running at the palms of Shiro-san’s hands……

[Well, putting that aside…… We can see the fireworks so beautifully.]

[Isn’t it nice to watch the fireworks while bathing in the onsen?]

[I feel like I’m having a very extravagant time. I’m glad Shiro-san suggested this.]

[I’m also glad that you were pleased with my suggestion. By the way, Kaito-san…… If it’s now, your lover could pour you some sake, you know?]

[That’s a very attractive offer.]

The corners of her lips raising a bit, Shiro-san brings forth a tray of hot sake on top of the onsen, hands me the sake cup and pours me some sake.

Thinking that this really is extravagant, I drank my sake……

[It’s really delicious. To be honest, I’ve never really liked sake that much, but this is really easy to drink.]

Lots of sake taste a little bitter, and I’ve never really liked it, but this hot sake is really easy to drink.

I think its alcohol content is quite high, but it’s not nearly as bitter, and tastes sweet instead. The fruity aroma spreads in the mouth, and the aftertaste is very nice.

[I created it based on Kaito-san’s taste, so if you liked it, I’m glad.]

[……Thank you. Since we’re at it, can you create another sake cup? Let’s drink together, Shiro-san.]

[I suppose so. Well then, let’s drink.]

This time, I poured some sake into the cup that Shiro-san held in her hand, and after a quick toast, we drank sake together. The sky is filled with beautiful fireworks, and the onsen gently warms my body.

I have my beloved lover next to me, and we enjoy pouring sake to each other’s cup…… This really is a wonderful and extravagant moment that’s difficult for me to describe in words.


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