༺ Kicked Out ༻


I, having run out of Oppa’s house like I was fleeing, could still feel the heat on my face.

Seriously! Kim Doah! What the hell were you doing?!

My heart raced.

Originally, I planned to eat with him before going home, but I was too distracted to even bring up the idea.

I-I mean… Oppa—He was—

Recalling the scene from earlier, my face heated up again.

I knew that he didn’t do it intentionally.

He was wearing the VR headset, so there was no way that he could have done it.

It was a real accident.

Even so, I couldn’t overcome my embarrassment and ran away from his house.

“At least… I can see him again later…”

Since he said that he’d come to my house to return the headset, it meant that I’d get to see his face privately again.

Also, if he had a lot of fun in VR, we could have more fun conversations in the future.

Anyway, I should change into my pajamas before attending the briefing. By briefing, I meant the briefing for the Closer’s first album this evening. I began to take off my… clothes…?

My wallet was there…

So was my phone…


There should be three things inside my pocket…

But, no matter how much I turned them upside down, I couldn’t find the third thing…

I put it in my back pocket and never took it out…

After all, it was something I thought I would never use.

I took it with me just in case, in the 1 in 10,000 chance that it could happen.

No way…

Please tell me it wasn’t the case…

As I contemplated the possibilities of where I might have dropped it, I began to grow increasingly anxious.

The most likely scenario was that it had slipped out while I was lying down or leaning over.

There was only one moment when I did that.

“…I want to die…”

Apparently, I had left more than one gift in Oppa’s room.

* * *

“Ohhh. Is it here?”

Inside the VRWorld.

I was in the karaoke map where Luka usually streamed her singing.

Which room did she usually use again?

Should be around this corner, right?

When I pressed the forward button on the controller, the screen shifted, moving my avatar forward.

There it was.

Entering the room she usually used, I set up my camera and tried to take a selfie.

When the timer popped up above the camera icon, I switched to a smiling face.

In truth, I hardly ever took a selfie of myself, and the idea of taking one inside the VRWorld was dumb, but I actually liked the experience.

Guess that was how simping works.

In this world, there weren’t many cool ways to simp on someone, at least that was what I believed.

Because it was difficult for others to empathize with you when you were being overly immersed with something or someone.

It was already good that someone didn’t make a fool out of you because of it.

After reiterating my own theory of simping, I shook my head.

Anyway, what time was it now?

Doah said that I needed to return the headset by Thursday night, so I planned to go there at around eight or nine…


Yeah, I should get going.

I wanted to explore more worlds, but it was time to return the thing.

I took off the headset, turned it off, and put it back in the box Doah had given me, neatly organized and in the same condition as I received it.

After closing the box and placing it in a paper bag, I stared at a certain item on my desk.

…This… Should I give it back to her…?

The correct thing to do was to return it because this was something that she left behind, but…

I couldn’t count this as a simple lost item…

It was a vanilla-scented condom.

So, why did she even bring it to my house?

The first thing that came to mind was that Doah wanted to do things like that with me, but…

It just didn’t make any sense…

Like, there was no precedent to it…?

She wasn’t my girlfriend, and I didn’t seduce her into coming to my place because there was that kind of spark between us.

I didn’t think I’d ever shown Doah any kind of lustful behavior.

Which meant that this condom might not be for me, but…

Now I felt annoyed.

The moment the idea of her having a boyfriend and carrying condoms for him, I started to feel down.

Honestly, I had always thought that Luka might have a boyfriend.

I mean, it wasn’t a sin for a VTuber to be in a relationship.

Internet personalities had relationships behind the scenes, I was aware of that.

And Luka was a really attractive person.

Even I myself often wished I had a girlfriend like Luka, and I doubted there was no man on the planet who wouldn’t feel the same way.

I squeezed the condom in my hand.

Wait, if she had a boyfriend, why would she come to my house?

Why did she even try to keep in touch with me?

She even asked for my favorite scent and gave me a gift…

This also seemed a little strange in its own way.

Anyway, while I still hadn’t been able to put my thoughts together yet, I still had to return Doah’s headset, so I grabbed my phone and texted her.

[Doah, I’m thinking about going over around 8:30, is that okay?]

Around five minutes after I sent that, my phone vibrated.

[okay, it’s room 201].


In the end, I decided to return the condom.

Just in case she was actually looking for it.

Also, I figured that if I returned it, both of us could put things to an end.

Alright, if she really had a boyfriend already, I’ll tell her to stop contacting me.

I put the condom in my pocket, hoping that would be it, and headed out with my hand in my pocket.

About a ten-second walk.

It was the distance between Doah’s place and mine.

Pushing through the glass door, I took the stairs to the second floor.

  -Knock, knock, knock

Standing in front of room 201, I knocked on the door.


I heard Doah’s voice from inside.

Soon afterwards, the door opened, and Doah peeked out, her feet in her slippers.

She was wearing sweatpants and the same gray hoodie she had worn to the arcade.

“Good evening.”

“Good evening.”

“D-Do you want to come in?”

…Didn’t she have a boyfriend? Why was she trying to invite me in?

Since I felt that it wasn’t right, I was about to say something to her, but…

“Um… The hallway is pretty noisy, so it’ll be better for us to talk inside…”

“Ah, okay….”

As I stepped inside Doah’s house, I was greeted by a fragrant smell.

…Is this what a girl’s house is usually like?

I rubbed the tip of my nose at the scent that could never be found in my own.


I held the paper bag out to her.

“How was it? Did you have fun?”

Doah asked me with a smile.

“Yeah, it was fun.”

“What did you do with it?”

Well, I went to the worlds you used for streaming and took some selfies.

“I just took some pictures for our shootings.”

“Is that so? If there’s a good world that you find, I’ll try to go there later.”

I just nodded in response.

After a moment of silence, I shoved my hand in my pocket.


I called her name in a low voice.


Doah flinched at my call.

“This. I think you left it behind yesterday.”

I hold the condom in my hand out in front of her.

Her face turned white.


Her reaction cemented my suspicion into certainty.

“Doah… Erm… If you have a boyfriend… I don’t think we should contact each other personally…”

She looked like she was having a mental breakdown, but she wasn’t the only one.

I tried to say it in a polite way, but I still struggled to say the words.

Luka-tan. You should use birth control if you want to keep being a VTuber for a long time.

It was an appeal from a teary-eyed pink army.

“Uh… I mean… You understand what I’m saying, right…?”

It was exactly at the moment when I decided to get up after hearing Doah’s answer.



A voice too small to be heard.

“…I said no.”

Her once pale face turned into a deep shade of red.

“I don’t have a boyfriend, Oppa.”

With her head bowed, Doah informed me of the absence of her lover in a dejected voice.

If that was true, then…

“Then why did you bring that into my house?”

I was genuinely confused, I asked that question out of pure curiosity.

Like, why the hell would a girl be carrying condoms around when she didn’t have a boyfriend?

“W-Well… T-That’s…”

She opened her tiny mouth hesitantly before looking up at me. There was a resentful glare in her eyes as she started to yell at me.

“Get out!”


For a moment, I thought I’d misheard her, so I asked back, but the reply that I received was her hands.

She spun my body 180 before pushing my back towards the front door.

“D-Doah, wait!”

Was she really kicking me out like this?

She should at least explain why!

  -Beep beep

Doah unlocked the door and pushed it open.

“…I don’t have a boyfriend, so, keep texting me, okay?!”


The front door slammed shut with a loud bang.

Just like that, I was kicked out of Doah’s house.

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