༺ His House ༻

[Vanilla? I like it.]

Hoping that she’d quickly get back on stream, I sent that reply.

[i see. okay!]

Doah replied with a cute emoji at the end.

If it weren’t for the fact that her stream was still on, I woulda asked her why she even asked me that question.

[Alr, I’m going to sleep now.]

Obviously I wouldn’t but this was for the greater good!

She needed to stop texting me and finish her dubbing!

Like, the MC was on the verge of death, but she texted me about vanilla or some shit?

If she had done this after she finished streaming, I would consider chatting with her until the morning, but now? No way.

Her viewers were waiting for her. Including me.

I wrote back a little harshly, having decided that I’d get back to her after the stream.


Luka’s avatar started to move again.

「Okay, I’ve stretched and drank some water, so here we go again!」

A loud sound from the spacebar button came from her stream, followed by a scene transition.

  「…I’ve been thinking about how to hurt you the most.」

The heroine stretched her blood-stained white sleeve forward.

  「Because asking me to love even that horrible past was too cruel for me.」

With the sound of shattering glass, the scene cut to a flashback.

What was this?

With the truth revealed one by one, even the chat couldn’t contain themselves anymore.


[No, wait, does that mean the protagonist is the mastermind?]

[oh… so the silhouette in the beginning was him.]

[wow. goosebumps… *shudders*]

Then, using the dagger in her hand, the heroine stabbed the protagonist in the heart.

  「I’ve always loved you… Ever since the day you first saved me…」

  「So those glorious days have come to an end as well.」

  「Farewell, Cecil.」

The game came to an end as the cello sound from the first scene played over the slowly fading screen.

「Woah… It’s really. A fucking masterpiece.」

Luka’s avatar shuddered.

「Wow. That was one hell of a twist at the end. Right?!」

Doah, seemingly still recovering from what had just happened, continued to talk about the game.

「Raise your hand if you’ve noticed that Cecil was the mastermind from the start.」

Emoji of hands filled the screen.

Luka shook her head.

「You damn liars. Why are there so many hands? Since when have you all become so smart?」

She was right.

Even I sent a hand emoji on the chat, though I had only understood everything towards the end.

「This game was really good at unveiling the secrets. Hats off to the person who recommended it~」

Usually, after she played a game, Luka would give her rating of the game. This time, her chat had quite divided opinions though.

「I personally think 4 is about right.」

The Pink Army immediately argued.

[Wait, Luka-tan, you gave that fucking boring game from last week 4.3, but you’re giving this 4?]

[well honestly, the build up at the start to get here was so boring and slow, so 4 is fine ig.]

[this is def 4.2, no argument.]

As for me, having only followed the game together with Luka from the start, it felt like it would be fine to give it 4.5.

The overall quality of the story, art, music and so on was high.

The final twist at the end was worth a bunch of points.

Well, maybe my standards were just low?

「Hmm~ Was I in a good mood last week? I was really being generous if I gave it 4.3.」

By the way, the game she played last week was really boring.

Like, seriously, normally I’d willingly watch her stream until the end.

But last week? Ugh, let’s just say that it was rough for me to follow along…

「Well, I’m still giving it 4! Bang!Bang!Bang! According to the Luka Law of Luka Nation, I rate this game 4~ Wow~」

Any streamer needed such tenacity.

Luka turned off the game, seemingly uncaring of her chat’s opinions.

「Mmm~ I’m going to take a short break now and play a game I want for about an hour or two!」

With that, Doah played some rhythm games until it was four before ending the stream.

She kept her words.

Though she was tired from all the dubbing, she still continued to stream until the scheduled time came.

I clutched my phone, wondering if I should contact Doah now, but instead I only stared at her name in my dms.

You know what, I should let her sleep. She had been streaming for six whole hours tonight.

I knew class would start at eleven, so she wouldn’t get much of a sleep, but it was better than nothing.

If I were to text her now, chances were she’d text me back, completely neglecting her sleep.

Morning… I’ll text her first thing in the morning…

I slowly closed my eyes.

And so, I boarded the train to dreamland.

* * *

“That concludes our lesson for today.”

…Was it finally over?

After listening to the lecture in a practically zombie-like state, I quickly walked out of the room.

My mood was the worst right now.

Maybe because of last night’s stream, I didn’t even hear my alarm ringing this morning and barely made it to school on time.

Had no time to wash my hair.

Or put on any makeup.

Wishing to finish my business quickly to go home and wash up, I stopped by the store I looked up last night before I went to bed.


I nodded at the clerk’s cheerful voice and looked around for a diffuser I would bring as a gift.

“Do you have something you are looking for?”

“Uh, well, vanilla…”

“Aha, it should be here, it’s our best-selling product.”

Maybe because it was so popular…

The clerk immediately showed me the product I had seen online.

“I’ll take one of these, then.”

“Is it for a gift?”

When I heard the word gift, I paused for a moment before nodding.

“Yep. I’d like it wrapped, please.”

Honestly, I didn’t want to go this far as I didn’t want to make Oppa feel burdened, but well…

This would be my first gift to him, so it should be fine, right?

“Yes! Here!”

“Thank you.”

Now, I should wash up and get ready to go to Oppa’s place… Or not. My feet suddenly stopped at the entrance of the convenience store in front of my house.

I remembered what Hanbit unnie told me the other day.

[Don’t forget your condoms.]

…Should I…?

…Should I really take some with me…?

Both the angel and devil in my head were fighting.

「Kim Doah! Get a grip! You’re only going there to lend him your headset, no? Why would you even think of bringing that?」

「Wait, if you don’t bring any, what would you do if you got him drunk and got him in the mood as well?!」」

「Excuse me. Taemin Oppa would never do that. We texted him first yesterday, but he coolly went to bed.」

「tut-tut. Just wait when the moment actually comes, you’ll regret not bringing some with you.」

Staring at the convenience store, I took a deep breath and pushed the glass door inward.


Where did they put them…?

I had never come here to buy condoms before, so I found myself peeking around the shelves just like when I bought the diffuser earlier.

Ah, there it was.

After spotting the condoms sitting in the corner I usually ignored, I stood in front of the shelf for a while.

Which one should I buy…?

Why were there so many kinds of them?!

It seemed like they were sorted by their materials and sizes, but I didn’t even know where to begin…

Since that was the case, I should just buy the standard-size ones, right…?

I mean… I’d get his size if I—

Suddenly, I snapped out of my stupor and slapped my forehead with my palm.

Kim Doah, you crazy bitch.

What the hell were you thinking?

With heat rushing to my face, I picked up the nearest one before taking it to the cashier.

“Yes, put your card in the front, please.”

Ugh, so embarrassing…

For some reason, the checkout felt slower than usual today…

After shakily swiping my card, I scurried home.

The cold wind stung my cheeks, but it was actually a blessing for me.

It felt like it drove away the lewd demon that had been messing in my head for a while now.

I took a shower and dried my hair. After that, I opened my phone.

[But why the vanilla scent? – Taemin Oppa]

He sent this text a while ago, but I didn’t reply to it because I had been busy…

[i just thought of it randomly hehe. btw oppa, what’s your house number?]

After around ten minutes, my phone rang.

[It’s 304.]

[ill be there right at 5, okay?]

[It’s fine if you come earlier. I don’t have anything to do anyway.]

[oki, be there in a min!]

[See you!]

It was still 3:30 though… Was it okay for me to go there now…?

It wasn’t like I had anything to do either… And if I were to stay at home, I’d just end up having more dirty fantasies about him…

Grabbing the box of condoms from the convenience store, I fumbled with the box and tore open the package.

…One should be enough, right?

Slipping one into my back pocket, I stuffed the wrapped diffuser and VR headset into a paper bag.

Phew, okay let’s go!

His house was literally next door, but why did I feel so tired?

Standing in front of Oppa’s place, I slowly walked up the stairs.

In front of room 304.

After taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door.

I tightened my grip on my bag.

No answer. Should I knock again?

Suddenly, a loud rush of footsteps echoed from within the room, followed by the front door being opened.

“S-Sorry, I didn’t expect you to come this early…”

“Ah, t-that…”

When I saw Oppa’s wet hair and his comfy-looking t-shirt, my heart started pounding like crazy.

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