Chapter 701: Chapter 193 poison of the ten vicious

“I swear to stand together with cui clan!” The Clansman said with a burning passion.

“Mm, go!” Cui Lao waved his hand.

Only the three of them were left in the study.

Looking at the two elders, cui Lao said,”you must protect Xiuqing well. No matter what happens, she can’t be harmed. Especially the day after the wedding. ”

“Don’t worry, master. We know the importance of this matter. ” The two elders replied solemnly.


The divine sword guards.

Xiao ran and the other three were in the room, sitting around the table.

Taoist master Xuan Yang poured a cup of snow ginseng tea for everyone, and the strong fragrance of the tea filled the room.

“Daoist priest’s skills are getting better.” Xiao ran praised.

“I don’t have much to do, and I have plenty of time. Other than cultivation, I’ll spend the rest of my time studying the Way of Tea.” Taoist master Xuan Yang smiled.

He took a sip of tea.

Xiao ran asked,”what’s the situation in Beijing now?”

“The situation is terrible.” Shen Yiming’s expression was grave.

“The rat plague has already spread through the capital, and almost a third of the people have been poisoned. As time passes, the number will only increase.”

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He pointed in the direction of the palace.

“He also knows about it. Send out some Imperial physicians to lead the team, and also select a few physicians from the common people to take charge of this matter.”

He asked in return.

“What do you think of this?”

Xiao ran didn’t hide anything and told her his guess.”The ninth Prince and them are all suspects.”

“Not Princess Wei Wei?”

“I don’t think it’s her.” Xiao ran nodded.

“I’ve never come into contact with her, but from what she did, she has her own bottom line. If she wanted to hurt the innocent, she would have done it when she was with the nether rats.”

“I’ve sent someone to investigate Princess Weiwei. ” Shen Yiming said.

“Before Jiang Fei’s incident, Princess Wei Wei was very kind. When she saw any small animals injured, she would let the imperial physician treat them. She never beat or scolded the servants, nor did she bully them.”

He took the teapot and poured a cup for Xiao ran and the other two.

He took a sip of tea and continued.

“My guess is the same as yours. This matter is indeed not her doing. I just don’t know which of the princes it is, or if it’s the ninth Prince himself. ”

“No matter what, the capital can not fall into chaos. No matter how much they fight, we must ensure the safety of these people. ” Xiao ran’s expression was serious.

“Do you have any good ideas?”

“Go get some clean water, the more the better. The buckets must be big.” Xiao ran ordered.


“Yes.” “Yes,” Xiao Zhou replied and left in a hurry.

Xiao ran smiled at the puzzled looks of the two and did not explain much.

After a while.

Xiao Zhou quickly returned.”Brother Xiao is ready.”

Xiao ran said,”it’s good that we know about this. Don’t tell anyone.”

“Yes.” Shen Yiming and the rest remembered it.

He left the room.

There were dozens of buckets of clean water in the courtyard. Each bucket was very large, and it was a super large bath bucket that was specially designed for three people to bathe together.

They all looked very exaggerated, and when put together, the visual impact was even stronger.

Xiao ran took out the seven-star antidotes, walked over, and soaked them in the wooden buckets.

The number of pills didn’t decrease, but the water in the wooden bucket was filled with medicinal power.

After being soaked in the seven Star antidotes, the water in the bucket turned white and emitted a faint medicinal fragrance.


Xiao ran kept the seven Star antidote.

Facing Shen Yiming and Daoist priest Xuan Yang’s confused gazes, he explained simply,”this is a Seven Star antidotal pill. It can cure the rat plague.”

Shen Yiming took two steps forward excitedly and looked at the wooden buckets in the courtyard. The expression in his heart was written all over his face.

“With this water that has been soaked in the seven Star antidotes, wouldn’t we be able to cure the poisoned people of the rat plague?”

“A small sip from each person is enough to solve the problem.” Xiao ran said.

Taoist master Xuan Yang added in a very serious tone,”but have you thought about it? If that’s the case, we’ll be at the edge of the wind and become the target of everyone. What if someone from above forces us to hand over the seven Star antidotes?”

Shen Yiming looked at Xiao ran and smiled happily.”Are you afraid?”

“You’re afraid?” Xiao ran retorted.

They looked at each other and laughed happily.

Xiao ran said,”don’t get involved in this matter with Xiao Zhou. Your Foundation is shallow. It’s not good for you to get involved.”

“Brother Xiao ...”

Xiao Zhou wanted to speak, but Shen Yiming waved his hand to stop him.

“Your brother Xiao is right,” ye mo said.”You and Daoist priest’s Foundation is too shallow, and your strength is also very weak. The first batch of cultivation resources has just arrived. You and Daoist priest shouldn’t go anywhere. Just stay at home and cultivate seriously, so that you can improve your cultivation as soon as possible.”

“You think I’m afraid of trouble? Or do you think I’m afraid of death?” Daoist priest Xuan Yang didn’t agree.

“No one says you’re afraid of trouble, and no one says you’re afraid of death.” Shen Yiming patted his shoulder.

His words were sincere and earnest.

“But this matter involves too many people. Although your cultivation is strong, you have no foundation in the capital. If you get involved, you won’t be able to withstand it no matter which side takes action.”

Daoist priest Xuan Yang wanted to retort.

Xiao ran took over the topic.”Let’s not do this and that. It’s decided!” Take advantage of the time you have now to cultivate. Once you’ve used up all the gains from last time, your strength will reach a new level. At that time, if you want to help us again, you won’t be stopped. ”

Xiao Zhou was unconvinced and forced out another sentence.”Brother Xiao has the eldest princess’s protection. Who’s protecting you?”

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