Chapter 439: Chapter 149 suppressing the ten clans (3)

“The patriarch is wise and wise. With Xiao ran joining our dream spirit clan, we will be like a tiger that has grown wings.” The dream demon was the first to speak.

The crowd looked at him with disdain.

When he saw that no one had any objections, he put on a serious expression and went straight to the point.”The fire spirit clan has already taken down nine clans. Apart from a portion of people who were killed by them, the rest have chosen to submit. If we don’t react in time, the East will fall into their hands in a few days. ”

At this point.

Patriarch Meng Ling looked at them.

“Tell me your thoughts.”

“Forefather, two clan leaders, what are your thoughts?” the dream demon asked.

Meng Meng spoke,”with the addition of Grand Elder Xiao ran, our strength will be far greater than the illusionary spirit clan ‘s. Even if the fire spirit clan is backed by the demon ox clan, our strength is still equal to theirs. ”

His eyes flickered with a hint of choice.

“Since the Bull Demon King has secretly set up a scheme to muddy the waters in the East, he wants to unify the East. Since that’s the case, if we don’t seize this opportunity, once they succeed, our dream spirit clan will end up like the other clans, either submitting or dying!”

Looking at the group of elders, Meng Meng shouted.

“You all want to submit?”

“Even if I die, I will never submit!” All the elders said firmly.


The dream demon said,”head clan leader, just tell us what to do!”

Meng Meng nodded her head in satisfaction.”You guys didn’t disappoint me. My dream spirit clan is full of courage. Even if we encounter trouble, we won’t back down!”

He paused for a moment and said again.

“If they can do the first thing, we can do the same. Before they take over all the tribes in the East, we will spread out with the dream spirit clan as the center. We will try to take over all 15 tribes within three days, with the Qingping bridge as the limit.”

“This ... Isn’t this a little too crazy?” The elders were dumbfounded.

The dream demon expressed his concern,”head clan leader, even if we have the help of the head elder, we might not be able to take down 15 clans within three days. Furthermore, the forces of these 15 clans are stronger than the clans that the fire spirit clan has taken down. Even if we use the entire clan’s strength, we might not be able to do it.”

Patriarch Meng Ling looked at Xiao ran.”What do you think, my young friend?”

“I’m in charge of ten. Can you guys deal with the remaining five?” Xiao ran put down his teacup.

“What? This is impossible!” The dream demon lost its voice.

When he saw Xiao ran looking over and recalled the scene just now, he was once again terrified. He sat on the chair obediently and explained weakly.

“There’s naturally no problem with the great elder taking action. I, I’m just worried about your safety.”

The crowd looked at him with disdain.

“How many men do you need?” patriarch Meng Ling asked with a smile.

“The dream God alone is enough.” Xiao ran said.

“Just me?” The dream God pointed at her nose.

When she saw Xiao ran nodding, she looked puzzled.”Are you serious?”

“What do you think?” Xiao ran retorted.

“Can you tell me your plan?”

Xiao ran shook his head.”Since I dare to say so, I’m more than 80% confident.”

“Good! I’ll go with you. ” The dream God agreed.

“With little friend here, there’s naturally no problem.” Said patriarch Meng Ling.

He looked at elder dream demon and the others.

“The great elder took down ten races on his own. Can you take down the remaining five?”

The dream demon didn’t try to be brave. After thinking about it seriously for a while, he said,”with the help of the head of the clan, we might be able to.”

Menghuan took over the topic.”Alright! I’ll go with you. ”

They discussed their countermeasures.

Elder Meng Meng and elder Meng mo took the lead and left.

They were the only ones left in the hall.

“Little friend, when are you guys going to leave?” Asked patriarch Meng Ling.

“Warm a pot of wine for me. When it’s done, we will capture all ten clans.” Xiao ran smiled confidently.

“Good courage.” Patriarch Meng Ling gave him a thumbs up.

Xiao ran looked at Zi ‘er and said,”wait for me here.”

“Yes.” Zi ‘er smiled and nodded.

Although she could still protect herself in the forbidden land of the dream spirit clan, Xiao ran was still worried about her.

No matter what the reason was.

After such a long time, he was also a human and had feelings for her. Unknowingly, they had grown very deep.

Even if her identity was exposed and there would be big trouble, he was not afraid.

A man’s life was to face difficulties, how could he retreat because of a little trouble?

If they were afraid of trouble, they could find a safe place to hide and never get into trouble.

“I’ll have Xiao Wu and Yang Ping ‘an accompany you. ” Xiao ran said.

He took Xiao Wu out of his arms.

In a flash, Xiao Wu turned into the size of a house dog, all the special effects on her body already withdrawn.

Yang Ping ‘an took the initiative to fly out from his left wrist, landing on Xiao Wu’s head.

“What is this?” Patriarch Meng Ling was confused.

“I’m raising Two Spirit beasts,” Xiao ran explained simply.

They had already used their transformation techniques and had their own sealing techniques on them. Even an expert like patriarch Meng Ling could not see through them.

“Yes.” Patriarch Meng Ling knew when to retreat and did not ask any further.

“Take good care of her.” Xiao ran ordered.

“Yes.” Yang Ping ‘an nodded heavily.

He stood up from the chair, looked at the dream God, and said,”Lead the way,”

“Alright,” he said. The dream God’s beautiful eyes turned. She wanted to see how Xiao ran would take down 10 tribes in just three days.

They left the main hall.

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