Chapter 280: Chapter 122-first confrontation

First, she was ruthlessly beaten up by him and her dignity was pressed to the ground and stepped on.

And now, he was suffering this kind of torture that was worse than death!

He had never hated someone as much as he did now. Xiao ran was definitely the first!

At this moment.

He didn’t even have the strength to open his mouth and speak. The purgatory was filled with his mournful screams.

“If you want to say it, just nod. I will relieve you of your pain.” Xiao ran said.

“In your dreams!” The ninth Prince said with great willpower.

Then, he struggled with all his might and screamed with all his might.

“You still have the strength to talk? Alright! I’ll come back to see you later. ” Xiao ran said.

He locked the cell door and turned to leave.

The Golden Book of Fate flipped to a page at this moment and revealed eight items. It was an unprecedented explosion! But now was not the time to check.

“You ...” The ninth Prince was about to go crazy.

As she watched Xiao ran leave, she roared in her heart. H-how dare he treat her like this?

They arrived at the first cell.

Xiao ran opened the cell door and walked in.

Hearing the screams coming from inside, the eldest Princess smiled and poured a cup of tea. She placed it in front of him and joked,””You’re really bold. You dared to torture him before the matter was settled. I don’t think you’ll be able to find a second one in the entire great Xia. ”

“When I was still a jailer, I dared to ride on you and beat you up. What is this?” Xiao ran rolled his eyes at her.

He drank his tea.

“Hmph!” The eldest Princess snorted.

He added in his heart, you’re not human! No, you’re a block of wood.

Putting down the teacup, Xiao ran said,”in addition to the confession of the left Assistant Minister of the Ministry of Rites, he also sent someone to bribe me last night. When I refused, he wanted to get rid of me.” Now that he’s in my hands, do you think he’s innocent?”

“Are you alright?” The Royal Princess asked hurriedly.

“If I had something on, would I still be sitting here and drinking tea with you?”

“You’re not serious. ” The eldest Princess rolled her eyes.

Her beautiful eyes turned cold, and a cold aura emanated from her body.

“Who gave him the guts to send someone to assassinate you? Do you really think you can hide the truth from us?”

At this point.

“This kind of punishment is still too light. I think we can double it and give him a more brutal one.”

“Are you sure?” Xiao ran blinked.

“Yes.” The eldest Princess nodded.

“Alright! Wait for me here, I’ll be right back. ”

Xiao ran left the cell without locking the door. He went to the ninth Prince’s cell, opened the door, and walked in.

“Are you scared?” “You ...” The ninth Prince spat out this sentence, but it was soon replaced by endless pain.

“No! I think this pain is still too light. ” Xiao ran shook his head.

He immediately doubled the force and injected another twenty of the heavenly slave divine finger’s force into his body.

“Ah ...” With a shrill scream, he fainted from the pain.

This was the first time Xiao ran used forty finger forces to interrogate someone.

He took out a grain of star sand and used the sound of crane, grass and trees are all at war, turning him into a jailer. He had him splash cold water on his face so that he would wake the ninth Prince up as soon as he fainted.

After that, he left again.

“You really did that?” The eldest Princess was surprised.

“Didn’t you tell me to do this?” Xiao ran retorted.

“Hehe ...” The eldest Princess covered her mouth and laughed, her chest trembling.

He only stopped after a while.

“Remember, no matter who wants to deal with you, don’t be soft-hearted!” He instructed with a serious expression.

“Yes.” Xiao ran responded.

“The left Assistant Minister of the Ministry of Rites is one of his men,” the eldest Princess said. “If he insists that he was the one who ordered it, then it must be true. However, he would not be so stupid as to sacrifice himself for a little silver. Or rather, every one of my nephews would do that. Unless someone set up a trap and used the art of transformation to change into his appearance and go to see the left Assistant Minister of the Ministry of Rites, then let him steal the exam questions. This way, the matter can be explained. ”

“What you said does make some sense, but you said before that he’s gentle, doesn’t fight, doesn’t fight, and is a good person. But from the contact just now, it might not be the case. ” Xiao ran said.

“Nonsense! To be beaten up by you for no reason, and even tortured like this, even a dog will bite when forced to a corner. ”

“Did you just call him a dog?”

The eldest Princess suddenly didn’t want to talk anymore. It was too tiring to talk to this guy.

“If he didn’t say anything, what would you have done?”

Xiao ran said,”we only have three days, and we must solve this case within three days.” All the powers in the capital, including the examinees and the scholars of the world, are watching. We can’t delay it. ”

“You’re confident?”

Xiao ran shook his head.”No.”

“Then why are you like this?” The eldest Princess asked again.

“A fly won’t stare at a seamless egg. Even if it really has nothing to do with him, since someone dared to scheme against him and did it so flawlessly, do you think he really doesn’t know anything?”

The elder Princess was silent for a longer time.

“Perhaps you’re right.”

“We’re not the ones who are anxious, he is! If he insisted on not speaking, he would be finished with the evidence before him. He couldn’t even keep his identity as a Prince, and was thrown into the Imperial Clan Court and kept in captivity. ” Xiao ran said.

“Since you’re involved, you must be careful. Xiao ning failed to bribe you last night, so he tried to kill you! The others will definitely do the same, and the people they send will only be stronger. ” The eldest Princess reminded.

“I know what I’m doing!” Xiao ran nodded.

“Have you investigated your matter?”

The eldest Princess shook her head.”I still have no clue.”

“None of you from the royal family are simple people.” Xiao ran sighed.

“Nonsense! I’m very innocent, as pure as snow. ” The eldest Princess retorted.

Xiao ran didn’t speak and stared at her seriously.

The eldest Princess was stunned for a moment, and her face turned red.”What are you looking at?”

“Bloodied snow?” Xiao ran said.

He got up and left, then locked the door.

“What do you mean?” The eldest Princess was puzzled.

Imperial Clan Court.

The eighteenth Prince looked at the unconscious Princess Wei Wei and carried her up, placing her on the bed. His movements were very gentle as he placed her beautiful hair to the side, revealing her entire face.

Just now, he had personally knocked her out.

He sat by the bed and touched her face reluctantly, muttering to himself,””We used to have a good life, we could live under the sun, but it was all destroyed by her (Jiang Fei)! We’ll make Imperial father loathe us and lock us up in the Imperial Clan Court, living the lives of pigs and dogs. ”

As he said this, the gentleness on his face intensified.

“Sister, you are my only family in this world. As an elder brother, I have to protect you. If I can sacrifice me in exchange for you to leave this place and live under the sun, I will have no regrets no matter how big the price is.”

(Xiaobai has really tried her best. 20000 chapters a day is already her limit! It was already three in the afternoon. He really couldn’t hold on any longer. Go to sleep and continue when he got up!

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