I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 660: The Fall of the City

"Daddy, I'm scared..."

"Don't be afraid, sweetheart, we're safe at home."

In a residential area in Seoul, South Korea, a family of three was hiding inside their house, looking out the window at the city engulfed in flames.

The entire neighborhood was pitch black, as some power facilities seemed to have been destroyed. There were fires and smoke in the distance, illuminating the sky, while many households in the neighborhood used flashlights or cell phones to provide dim light.

Fortunately, the riots in Seoul mainly occurred in the city's nightlife and commercial areas, where crowds were dense, making them perfect hunting grounds for monsters. On the other hand, some residential areas remained relatively quiet and were not disturbed by these monsters.

The monsters were still too few. Compared to the size of Seoul, their forces could not penetrate the entire city. However, just hearing the cries of the monsters and seeing the fires and explosions in the city was enough to send shivers down one's spine.

A young girl in the arms of her father, holding a teddy bear, let out a frightened cry.

Her father held her tightly, trembling himself but mustering courage for his daughter.

Downstairs, some daring neighborhood residents were breaking the windows of a supermarket and looting food and water. No one knew how long the riot would last, and without food and water, many would not survive the coming days.


"Woof woof woof..."

The people downstairs were cursing each other, fighting over a bottle of water. A dog ran among the crowd, barking loudly, perhaps venting its anger or entertaining itself.

The father wanted to go down and get some food. Their food supply at home was not much, but as a law-abiding citizen, his moral conscience struggled with his impulses. However, in such a life-and-death situation, no one would be polite. After a fight and a lot of cursing, several tall and strong men obtained the most supplies, while the rest were divided among others.

It was impossible to share anything with the other residents of the neighborhood. In this crisis, everyone only cared about themselves and their families.

"Oh God, please help us through this ordeal and keep our family safe. I will offer you more devotion and wealth."

A woman was praying devoutly in front of a statue, several candles burning on either side of it. Outside, there were sounds of smashing and cursing, distant explosions and strange monster cries, while inside the house, there were eerie prayers, all these factors combined were enough to make one's hair stand on end.

The man turned his head to look at his wife kneeling on the ground and couldn't help but say, "Can you please stop praying? It's scaring our child!"

The statue the woman was praying to was not a deity from the world's mainstream religions, but rather a god worshiped by some obscure local sect in South Korea.

There were many believers in South Korea, but the vast majority of them believed in religions and gods fabricated by con artists, which in other countries would be considered cults that deceive people for money and sex. However, because many high-ranking officials and even the president believed in these strange religions, these sects had never been banned.

Holding his daughter in his arms, the man had a feeling that these various sinister cults actually caused this incident in Seoul. However, he couldn't find any evidence, but at this moment, he felt that his wife's prayers were too frightening.

The woman, who was praying, turned back and glared at her husband, scolding, "I am praying for our child's safety. Don't speak ill of God, or he will punish you!"

Since the emergence of superpowers in this world, the proliferation of cults in South Korea has become even more serious. Various scams such as the national unfreezing of assets and the resurrection of Qin Shi Huang could be used to deceive people. This was clear evidence of humanity's ignorance and stupidity. Combined with the multilevel marketing systems of many religions, it was easy to brainwash people.

The woman seemed to be one of the victims as well.

After scolding her husband, the woman bowed her head devoutly again, praying for God's forgiveness for her husband's nonsense.

Seeing this scene, the man, as the husband, had nothing to say. After all, his wife was praying for the safety of their daughter. She hadn't gone so far as to donate all their possessions to the cult, so he could only remain silent.

Holding his daughter tightly, the man looked anxiously at the events outside and muttered to himself, "Why haven't our descendants of the sun resolved this chaos yet? When will this riot end? And what are those monsters? Could it be that we will end up like Japan two years ago?"

Just as the man talked to himself, the building suddenly began to sway gently.

"Hmm? Is it an earthquake?"

The man's tone was somewhat panicked. Although the tremor was small, South Koreans were not as accustomed to earthquakes as the Japanese. This level of shaking was enough to scare people.

The hanging lamp above began to swing more and more, making a creaking sound.


A bottle on the table fell to the ground and shattered in the shaking. Things on the coffee table were jumping around, making clattering noises. Even the walls of the house were making eerie cracking sounds.

"Dad... Dad... What's happening? Is God punishing us?"

The little girl in his arms was crying loudly, frightened by the shaking.

At this moment, the man finally came to his senses. Thinking of what he had learned about what to do during an earthquake, he quickly picked up his daughter and brought her to a square table, stuffing her underneath it. Then, he grabbed his wife and urgently said, "Quick, hide, don't stay here!"

The shaking underfoot grew stronger, making it difficult to stand.

The woman who had been praying seemed to be stunned, but she quickly stood up in response to her husband's reminder. The family of three quickly hid under the table. Fortunately, the table was large enough to shield them.

The little girl continued to cry, but her parents could no longer comfort her. Even her husband closed his eyes and began to pray to the gods.

"It's an earthquake. Everyone, don't just stand here! Find an open space!"

"But there are monsters outside. It might be even more dangerous!"

"Who cares at this point? The magnitude is so great, it seems to be a major earthquake!"

"Why didn't our seismological bureau predict such a big earthquake?"

"Earthquakes can't be predicted!"



“Crack… Plop plop…”

The earthquake grew more and more intense. After reaching a limit, a tall building finally couldn't hold on and tilted, collapsing. A fissure opened up in the earth, and many people screamed in terror.


"Save me, save me, my leg is trapped!"

"Run, run quickly!!!"

"Oh God, is this punishment for South Korea?!!"



Chunks of rock and debris fell from buildings, and steel and concrete flew out. The once flat ground seemed to be shifted by some mysterious force, creating undulating terrain and a deep ravine!

The entire city of Seoul was shaking. It had completely collapsed!

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