I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 658: The Weapon Against the Burrower Beneath

"Da da da da da—"

The soldiers of South Korea looked resolute as they manned heavy machine guns, firing their weapons of human slaughter at the burrower beneath in the magma.

Amidst the red glow, countless tracer rounds shot out, hitting the burrower beneath.


The creature, resembling a huge octopus covered in tentacles and tumors, waved its disgusting claws and emitted a sharp, dizzying scream. However, even the bullets from the heavy machine guns were blocked by its tough skin.

Especially when the burrower thrashed its tentacles, splashing magma everywhere, the power of the bullets was greatly reduced.

Soldiers took out grenades from their waists, disregarding the toxic gas issue in the underground caves. They bit off the safety pins with their teeth and threw the grenades after calculating, but most of them exploded in the air without even hitting the magma river. Even with so many grenades exploding at once, the exterior of the burrower remained unharmed, let alone the grenade fragments.

The commander of this unit could see that, overall, the burrower wasn't powerful. Its most terrifying ability was to cause earthquakes. However, the burrower itself was still a fleshy creature, and human weapons could harm it, but it would require heavier firepower.

This led to a despairing fact for humans—the burrower hid underground, and humans' true heavy firepower couldn't be used, so soldiers could only confront it with light firepower, unable to even break through its skin.



"My head is going to explode!"

"My brain, my brain..."

This eerie and disgusting creature screamed again, causing many soldiers to have splitting headaches, clutching their heads, and howling. There was also a strange, chilling sensation in their brains as if their minds were being completely invaded.

The commander thought of the intelligence provided by the United States, which stated that mature burrowers seemed to have the ability to mentally control others. However, this ability was not particularly powerful. As long as one's mind was resilient enough, even humans could resist it.

"Endure it! Don't be defeated by this creature! We are soldiers of South Korea, descendants of the sun. How could we be controlled by this creature!"

The commander shouted loudly, suppressing the pain from his brain. Surprisingly, this batch of soldiers, the elite of South Korea, did not show signs of being controlled after the burrower's scream disappeared. Although their conditions didn't look great, with many looking pale, at least there were no scenes of them being controlled and turning on each other.

The South Korean commander breathed a sigh of relief at this but immediately became tense again. The burrower's ability had proven that this creature was indeed a mature complete form, and only a mature burrower could create an earthquake sufficient to turn Seoul into ruins.

"Use the water guns!"

After finding that conventional firearms were ineffective against the burrower, the commander finally ordered the use of the big guns.

"I hope the intelligence from the United States is correct. If these creatures are not afraid of water, then..."

Thinking of this, the commander felt a chill.

However, when the soldiers quickly assembled a high-pressure water gun and filled it with all the water sources they had brought, the half-body of the burrower in the magma suddenly emitted another sharp scream of fear. Even though most of the grenades did not explode in the magma river, the kinetic energy of so many grenades exploding at once did not harm the exterior of the burrower, let alone the grenade fragments.

"This is good. The creature seems to be afraid of water!"

The commander's face lit up with joy. He was about to order the soldiers to fire the water guns when the burrower cleverly burrowed its entire body into the magma river. It was unknown how deep the river was, but its body, which was up to thirty meters high, could actually burrow into it.

"Aim the nozzles at the surface of the magma river. If that creature appears, spray it immediately!"

The commander quickly ordered, and the soldiers quickly formed up, lifting the nozzles of the high-pressure water guns, looking for any traces of the burrower.

The entire underground cave fell silent, with only the sound of bubbles bursting as the magma river flowed. Every soldier looked tense, and the heat around them exceeded fifty degrees, causing them to sweat profusely. However, despite their dry mouths and tongues, these soldiers did not blink, focusing all their attention on the magma river.

"It's a good thing this creature isn't as strong as imagined. It seems that this creature is more supportive, and its combat power isn't particularly strong. It's just that such a creature can actually cause an earthquake big enough to turn Seoul into ruins. It's unbelievable. I can only say that the supernatural is indeed mysterious."

The commander's mind wandered a bit.

Just then, in this silence, everyone's ears heard a continuous rustling sound, as if something was running quickly.

"What's that sound?"

The rustling sound was irritating, and the commander couldn't help but ask.

"Commander, look up!"

A soldier shouted loudly.

Looking up, they saw that the top of this underground magma river was like a honeycomb, with countless small holes that would probably cause anyone with a fear of clusters to faint. And from these densely packed caves, creatures resembling octopuses crawled out.

These tentacled creatures looked extremely disgusting, with skin surfaces resembling rough rocks. Illuminated by the firelight from the magma river, each one looked terrifying. These tentacled creatures looked very similar to the giant burrower beneath from earlier. They were their juvenile form.

"Damn it! There are so many little bugs!"

The commander was horrified. If all these bugs grew into complete forms, wouldn't they hide underground and almost instantly destroy all the international metropolises of humanity?

Although the burrower's main body was not strong, its bizarre ability, combined with enough numbers, was enough to make human civilization regress and completely lose the homes they had built.

This was the field of the supernatural. Even a seemingly weak race might have the ability to exterminate modern humans. It had to be said that in the face of these true unknowns, humanity was so insignificant.

"Soldiers with water guns, continue aiming at the magma and wait for that big creature. Our goal is to eliminate that creature. The rest of you, protect them. Don't let these little bugs come over!"

The commander made a decisive decision and gave a very correct order. Then, various bullets poured out again. This time, the commander was pleased to find that the bullets were effective against these juvenile burrowers. As long as they hit, they could see the green liquid splashing out from these creatures.

A battle between humans and creatures unfolded here. What relieved the human soldiers' pressure was that the number of juvenile burrowers was much fewer than imagined. They were already elite soldiers with precise marksmanship, so for a moment, they felt no pressure.

However, before these soldiers could relax, the giant mature burrower burrowed out of the magma again, emitting a sharp scream that sounded like it was going to fight to the death.

The commander didn't know how he could hear the meaning of the creature's scream, but he knew that the situation was very dangerous now!

It seemed like the creature was going to sacrifice itself to create a major earthquake!!

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