I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 627 - Hollywood-Style Supernatural Events

In Brooklyn, New York, several police cars were parked in a small alley. The grungy region had been cordoned off with tape, with passers-by filming the area with cameras.

"Damn it, another grotesque corpse."

Two police officers had just finished covering the body with a white sheet. Glancing at each other, they saw that their feelings of disgust and nausea mirrored on their partner.

Besides the New York police officers, some forensic experts were taking photos for evidence, and a few civilian journalists had gathered by the forensic tape.

"Officer, have more dead bodies been found inside? Is the cause of death still unknown? This is the fifth murder case in the past few days, and the residents around here are getting scared. Is this a deliberate serial murder, or some supernatural event?"

A reporter from some media outlet bombarded them with questions, irritating the officers on duty.

"Someone get these reporters out of here! The situation is bad enough as is. If they continue to sensationalize things, we’ll look incompetent!"

"Not much we can do about that, pal. Freedom of the press and all that."

One officer complained while the other shrugged. They both felt helpless in the current situation.

They had checked all the nearby security cameras but found no suspicious individuals.

"Even if this is the poorest district in New York, you still have to provide an explanation to the residents. You owe us all this!"

The reporter continued to stir up the crowd, earning unanimous support from the onlookers.

Brooklyn, despite being a poor neighborhood, was far from the slums people might imagine. It was a melting pot of immigrants, and among the millions of people in this district were residents from all over the world. While the increase in population brought some prosperity, it also highlighted conflicts between different races, religions, and more. Compared to the relative safety of Manhattan, Brooklyn was much more chaotic.

Just as the two FBI agents and the Brooklyn police officer were about to continue to view the body, two more individuals approached the police cordon. These two striking figures were tall, dressed in flashy suits with ties, and even their hair was styled with gel, giving them a handsome appearance. They were also wearing sunglasses.

This flamboyant attire and model-like physique immediately drew the attention of some teenage girls in the vicinity.

The two FBI agents exchanged glances, both expressing curiosity. While such outfits were common for FBI agents in movies, it was unrealistic in real life. It was as if they were intentionally announcing, ‘We are the FBI.’ Moreover, this case wasn't assigned to them by their superiors, so why were these individuals here?

Just as the two agents were puzzled, the two men with model-like figures walked up and presented their credentials, saying, "We are from the Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division. According to Regulation 233 of the American Strategic Defense Act, we have the highest authority to take over any case related to supernatural events!"

The two FBI agents and the Brooklyn police officer were all stunned. Wasn't this the legendary 'S.H.I.E.L.D.'? While initially a fictional organization in movies, it was formally established in real life after the appearance of extraordinary powers on Earth. It operated directly under the responsibility of the President and Speaker of the House, possessing enormous power.

When this department was formed, it recruited the best talents from the military, FBI, CIA, and special forces. Many individuals from these agencies at the time were eager to join.

This was an organization that dealt with supernatural events, and held significant privileges!

After verifying the authenticity of their credentials, the two FBI agents and the police officer stood at attention and said, "Yes, sir!"

Since S.H.I.E.L.D. had arrived, the FBI had no choice but to hand over the case. The two FBI agents and the police officer couldn't help but feel excited. This case was unexpectedly related to the supernatural. Otherwise, why would S.H.I.E.L.D. be involved?

Outside the police cordon, the journalists were excitedly snapping photos. Although they couldn't hear the conversation between S.H.I.E.L.D. and the FBI agents, the sudden appearance of these mysterious figures at a murder scene was like the opening scene of a Hollywood blockbuster. The journalist's mind was already buzzing with countless headlines, ready to make tonight's news a sensation.

"Take the two of us to see the body. Please provide us with the original reports on this body and the previous similar cases. No copies are allowed. Also, you need to sign a confidentiality agreement. Since you all are involved parties, you will also participate in the investigation of this case."

The S.H.I.E.L.D. agent stated these routine procedures.

The two FBI agents and the police officer exchanged glances, all feeling a sense of excitement. Investigating supernatural events, and interacting with the mysterious organization S.H.I.E.L.D. – felt like a plot from a movie. Perhaps, this time, they could establish a connection with S.H.I.E.L.D. and even join the organization.

Even the police officer, who initially found the case troublesome, was now excited about the investigation’s prospects.

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